Tuesday 9 September 2014


amanfromMars said …. replying on http://amanfrommars.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/140908.html
Right... I should "chill out" when I receive gems like the following in my email:
honey, ii was not goiing to blackmaiil you, iim just miissiing you so much, now iim watchiing the tapes and iimagiiniing that you are here, please forgiive me and come to me
http://j.mp/1pGNLBo .... Casey Evans said 9 September 2014 00:16
Right, CE, the machines can also play crazy and mess with human consciousness too, you know. It is something to ignore if you don't wish to waste time playing their puerile head games. Such are merely simply complex distractions to divert one from paths which one might be taking to somewhere altogether more exciting and disruptive and creatively destructive in extreme cases and revolutionary evolutionary circumstances.
There are some things which established status quo command and control systems cannot handle and process to their own inequitable self-serving advantage and their desperation shows in such cases as present all manner of sweet temptations and sticky threats to uncover some perceived lever of remote third party control and sort of alien power play.
9 September 2014 08:11

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