Monday, 15 September 2014


amanfromMars  [1409142105] sharing revolutionary news on
Is this the true picture in Scotland which is not being provided as honest news of views by the incumbent self-serving establishment, the BBC and mainstream media south of the border …….
I hope Scotland votes for independence but doubt they will. Every establishment banking and financial institution and elite media talking head from statist, bottom-feeder Paul Krugman on up, as well as all the EU and global political scum have come out against independence. All are threatening every kind of negative economic results including the plagues of ancient Egypt should the people vote for self-determination.
Here be a short video interview with a Scot who recognises the desperate shenanigans of such global political scum as infest media scenes and earthly places, RH/DB ……
And there is a lively intelligent opposition and competition to current failing establishment and failing establishment currency command and control in the minds and heart of Scotland too, with this being just one voice sharing the common view from there …..
Certainly what the present rapidly failing establishment order of and/or in an ignorant and/or arrogant Western Elite team of string pulling puppet players does not need, is an elusive stealthy anonymous underground movement of titanic enigmatic proportion leading a counter revolutionary zeal to new heights and fabulous conquests, although, having just said that, is it exactly what they need ….. and their simple command and control lever is to seed and feed it with their failing flash cash currency stash.
Follow the money in that secure private portfolio of proprietary global investments, to try to see who is pulling levers and drivering trains and launching space ships on and into those Strange Novel and Noble Future Missions in Virtual Team Terrain and the Live Operational Virtual Environment of Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Computers and Communications, and you will be spotted coming long before you even know it exists, and you will be protected from all harm to server the Greater IntelAIgent Game and ITs Supply Provision of the Greater Good/Sweet Sticky Bounty/Immaculate Source Presentation.

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