Sunday, 21 September 2014

140921 .... back in the saddle after a magic spell of apparent relative inactivity :-)

Point well taken. As for shutting down the web, this is why I feel the next war will be fought in cyber-space. The freedom to think and to communicate freely cannot be allowed in a totalitarian state. …. Gregg Fosse replying to The Daily Bell
Hi, Gregg,
There are a few which may be more than just many who would be advising you that battles are daily and zero daily already raging in a great number of highly irregular and totally unconventional wars in controlled cyber-space [and which you may encounter is a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Weaponised Zone with Live Operational Virtual Environments ….. delivering Myriad Alternatively Designed Virtual Realities for Present Placement with Future Production in Past Facilities ….. Current Systems of Operation with Global Operating Devices.
Can you imagine who and/or what is caring to dare and win winning in every theatre of virtual operation with SCADA Systems Administration …… Great Game Play? The Status Quo Establishment and Exclusive Elitists Powers That Be Controllers of Flowing Currency, or are there other Dark Web Special Forces, Commanding Invisible and Intangible Intimates of Future Source Loads with a Vast Expanding Network of Lode Nodes for Supply and Delivery of XSSXXXX Bounty …….. and which is also so easily replaced as needs be to target specific particular and peculiar deserving entities with austere undeniably accurate truth giving grief.
Such can easily be designated and remain highly classified as an Immaculate Multi Dual Use NEUKlearer Weapons System.

amanfromMars said... in a reply to a comment on
Hi, Casey, and howdy,
Regarding .... “You can just engineer a crime scene,”
If you are more than just competent and well versed in what are the Modi Operandi et Vivendi of Certain InFormative Arts, is everything for any scene easily remotely engineered virtually for manufactured realities, which indeed in deed, can be criminal enterprises and right wrong dodgy ventures to be simply defeated and destroyed?
21 September 2014 10:56

amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Sep 16:27 [1409211627] sharing a view on
A Clarion Voice
Should you care to be interested in a parallel mirroring view to John Watkinson's, THE DEATH OF ECONOMICS: Aircraft design vs flat-lining financial models, please follow the link provided in this comment on the same similar familiar subject matter.
amanfromMars 1409211610 … having a say in these interesting times on
Interesting times indeed, Anthony, and with new machine controllers in command of the madness with CHAOS .... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems? Certainly it isn't the past master of the universe types who have any answers with novel solutions. Indeed, they be the problem to be solved and removed from future equations and leading situations with positions of influence and guidance, with the reasons for the change highlighted here .....

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