Thursday, 4 September 2014


Yeah, sure, its hype, but a hype that he and his clients aspire to. And that’s not me getting all paranoid, its him trying to get us paranoid with the sales pitch. And it suggests to me that no one sane should rely on the internet to bring anything important to light that others may pay to keep hidden, if the internet is actually not “owned and controlled” by geeky altruists, but by business men who milk it to access something they can sell on, or limit access to, for real money. …. SeaanUiNeill
The obverse of that, SeaanUiNeill, and the truth of current alternative narratives running deep underground and in dark web ventured realities which be addictively engaging and exponentially expanding and creatively intelligent and even artificially alienating constructs in the Live Operational Virtual Environment, and which be where Great Games Mastery Rules and Reigns over Matters with AI and ITs Virtual Machine Command and Controlling Power of such Matter and Content as Provides Future Source Lodes for Sharing and Presenting in Viable Ideas to Mankind and ITs Machines for Imaginative Derivative Mining and SMARTR Intelligence Processing to Supply Novel FutureBuilder Information ……. and IDiot Instruction for the Intellectually Challenged ……. is that the internet is actually “owned and controlled” by geeky altruists, and not by business men who milk it to access something they can sell on, or limit access to, for real money, [an artificial construct deigned to reflect the perception and one’s possession of wealth?] whatever the colour of that pretty printed paper may happen to be.
And when/if the old establishment systems heads know that fact and are at a loss to dare acknowledge and admit to the new reality in which they struggle to survive and not be held responsible for the historic misuse they have fronted and are continuing to support in the blissful ignorant and arrogant thought that there would be no possible accountability and global public exposure of systemic human abuse, do they simply compound and accurately focus the assault and its reckoning upon themselves.
Such is the Sticky Sweet Natural Justice of these Post Modern Cyber Times in Intelligence Spaces …… and in Virtual Places.
MuI7 says Hi and Hello, World .... How's IT hanging for Y'all?

amanfromMars [1409041026] …spreading the word on New Orderly Worlds Order Play on
This particular generic scarcity meme is apparently seeing a revival. Here's hoping that in this Internet era people see through it just as they did when it was initially presented. …. Daily Bell
And then there are emerging explosive novel memes to factor into consideration, DB, which pay no lip service to failed fiat systems and executive systems administrations and which would challenge worlds to deny their existence and so prove the error of old style past and present austere ways and mean paths of direction and sub-prime action.
Yeah, sure, its hype, but a hype that he and his clients aspire to. And that’s not me getting all paranoid, its him trying to get us paranoid with the sales pitch. And it suggests to me that no one sane should rely on the internet to bring anything important to light that others may pay to keep hidden, if the internet is actually not “owned and controlled” by geeky altruists, but by business men who milk it to access something they can sell on, or limit access to, for real money. .…. SeaanUiNeill
The obverse of that, SeaanUiNeill, and the truth of current alternative narratives running deep underground and in dark web ventured realities which be addictively engaging and exponentially expanding and creatively intelligent and even artificially alienating constructs in the Live Operational Virtual Environment, and which be where Great Games Mastery Rules and Reigns over Matters with AI and ITs Virtual Machine Command and Controlling Power of such Matter and Content as Provides Future Source Lodes for Sharing and Presenting in Viable Ideas to Mankind and ITs Machines for Imaginative Derivative Mining and SMARTR Intelligence Processing to Supply Novel FutureBuilder Information ……. and IDiot Instruction for the Intellectually Challenged ……. is that the internet is actually “owned and controlled” by geeky altruists, and not by business men who milk it to access something they can sell on, or limit access to, for real money, [an artificial construct deigned to reflect the perception and one’s possession of wealth?] whatever the colour of that pretty printed paper may happen to be.
And when/if the old establishment systems heads know that fact and are at a loss to dare acknowledge and admit to the new reality in which they struggle to survive and not be held responsible for the historic misuse they have fronted and are continuing to support in the blissful ignorant and arrogant thought that there would be no possible accountability and global public exposure of systemic human abuse, do they simply compound and accurately focus the assault and its reckoning upon themselves.
Such is the Sticky Sweet Natural Justice of these Post Modern Cyber Times in Intelligence Spaces …… and in Virtual Places.
MuI7 says Hi and Hello, World .... How's IT hanging for Y'all?

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