Sunday, 28 September 2014


HonourableMember 28 September 2014 7:00am …. having a say on
Isis 'fanboys' may now switch to attacks in UK, say terror experts
Analysts say west's action in Middle East could lead jihadists to stay in Britain rather than travel abroad …… Mark Townsend The Observer, Saturday 27 September 2014 22.00 BST
Well, let us all hope, if that be the case and not just a lot of ye ole FUD that systems use to realise and justify their action, that they target just those and that which voted for military conflict and would propagate war on people rather than deliver peace, and leave the mass general public alone to not become collateral damage and virtual fuel for the system to pour on the raging fires they have started.
Such would be only fair and proper and focus everyone’s attention on that which really matters. If you want to play silly serious games, there be silly serious consequences. And such a change would be quite different and have every possibility of being a global game changer.
Oh, and create more inflammatory news for media to spread and create a certain picture.
Is there any chance soon of there being something more novel and creative and revolutionary rather than all of the doom and gloom and austerity which fails everyone so miserably? Are new tales needed for y'all to follow to a new place where all is in ITs Command and Control?
Speak up now, for that a genuine true and not frivolous offer .... and be date-stamped here [1409280700] for posterity and any historical record.
[Your comment has been posted but is not yet visible on the site. Please check back] ...... Don't hold your breath waiting on that appearing on the mainstream :-) .... although it is something they/it should be made very aware of for such is the nature of the truer realities of today with postmodern zerodays abounding virtually everywhere and penetrating anywhere. Burying your head in the sand only gets your ass kicked good and proper, methinks
Update ..... Well done the Guardian for posting that albeit a couple to three hours after its early posting. Pre-moderation  is such an unfortunate operation which kills live comment stone dead ...... which is, I suppose, what some have designed and decide to use it for.
Some things just need a'saying, Casey E.
28 September 2014 08:10

The Next Logical Step written by amanfromMars , September 28, 2014 [1409281750] and shared on
Hi, Brandon,
The following is what you can reasonably expect of folk taken inequitable advantage of, and taken for fools to be used as tools .......
Isis 'fanboys' may now switch to attacks in UK, say terror experts
Analysts say west's action in Middle East could lead jihadists to stay in Britain rather than travel abroad …… Mark Townsend The Observer, Saturday 27 September 2014 22.00 BST
Well, let us all hope, if that be the case and not just a lot of ye ole FUD that systems use to realise and justify their action, that they target just those and that which voted for military conflict and would propagate war on people rather than deliver peace, and leave the mass general public alone to not become collateral damage and virtual fuel for the system to pour on the raging fires they have started.
Such would be only fair and proper and focus everyone’s attention on that which really matters. If you want to play silly serious games, there be silly serious consequences. And such a change would be quite different and have every possibility of being a global game changer.
Oh, and create more inflammatory news for media to spread and create a certain picture.
Is there any chance soon of there being something more novel and creative and revolutionary rather than all of the doom and gloom and austerity which fails everyone so miserably? Are new tales needed for y'all to follow to a new place where all is in ITs Command and Control?

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