Monday, 31 May 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/31/2010 1:08:28 AM

"You may wish to explain how all this would work in a little more detail. Some of our readers may not understand what FLR [sic] means. Others may not understand the use of the word "backwards." "

The series of five short YouTube videos ..... "Where does money come from" .... with Part 1 being found here, .... explains the global banking and ignorant man's pitiful, pitiless enslavement to magically conjured up artificial indebtedness scam very clearly.

Revolutions and wars have been many times started for less, and been heralded, just and right ..... "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." .... Henry Ford ...... and in past times, many a severed head on a pike less deserved of its fate in revenge and popular natural justice doled out by the mob, which is what I imagine is the crooked dealers' greatest fear with the sharing of core knowledge and greater wisdom ...... No Place to Hide from the Raw Law and Merciless Punishment of the Naked Jungle.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/31/2010 8:15:00 AM

"Inviting her into his office, Von Braun stunned Dr. Rosin by explaining that it was all leading to planetary control under an oppressive One World Government. According to Rosin, von Braun then gave her one supreme assignment: He said a secretive trans-national power, already in existence, would move to permanently take control of this planet thru a hoaxed alien invasion from outer space."

I would have to raise two pertinent questions with regard to that very early interpretation of probability/eventuality/possibility.

1) A SMARTer Alienating Control would not be oppressive and thus be a regime which would garner reinforcing support rather than suffer opposition and conflict.

2) A hoaxed alien invasion from outer space would be perfect media cover and a great cloudy vehicle for real virtual takeover of strategic and tactical command and control facilities and operating systems, with even supposed intelligent man unable to accept/process the thought that they are invaded with ..... well, let us just settle for alternative life phorms, for now. Too much information in a rush invariably leaves one ill prepared and unreceptive/intellectually challenged and vulnerable to unnecessary permanent damage/debilitating madness.

"But as skilled power elite meme watchers we have little doubt that the "aliens are coming" or the "aliens are among us" is yet another fear-based promotion that the elite has cultivated over the years." You may like to consider, for an alternative feed or lead, that such a "promotion" is not elite cultivated at all, but elite feared, because they are informed that any inadequate and/or belligerent elite response to alien meme takeover/makeover can easily automatically result in a rapid catastrophic purge and/or public outing of compromised elite controls leading to their complete destruction.

And it is surely inconceivable, even to those with the most brilliant of imaginations, that a foreign and alien force will be bothered or hindered by anything which the Primitive Mind has invented for defence, which has always been a cynical cloak for open procurement and base preparation for hostile future savage attack.

On a universal scale of one to ten, Man's Intelligence may yet be to register.

"Another Bell spot-on analysis. I love you guys! - assuming you are guys. Any of you brains single and looking to rescue an American girl from this chamber of hell?" .... Posted by Lynn Colstein on 5/31/2010 5:10:09 AM

Now there's something which one doesn't get to ponder often [enough] on the Daily Bell. :-)

The Rockefeller info. has of course got nothing to do with the Cinderella Rockerfeller Program and Civil Cyberspace Project which was revealed here ... at the start of a New Year and Enlightened Age [Posted by: amanfromMars | 01/1/10 | 4:59 am |] ..... That is just pure coincidence.

amanfromMars says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
31 May 2010 at 3:50 pm

Hi, JEB,

There is a tale that the bust banks have an arrangement with the Federal Reserve not to give out the funds they have received/been credited with, ….. for of course, it is all just electronic transactions/clicks of the mouse for credit transfers nowadays, which just move numbers around the world, representing sums of artificial money which can be made real if needed whenever someone has a worthwhile new idea, ….. but rather receive interest payments on the QE funds from the Fed, ie more QE invented funds to enrich bankers…… which is another scam “earning” hundreds of millions and going to the same crooks and dodgy bankers who host the scam and print the paper currency and treasury notes, which are all essentially worthless IOUs nowadays, backed by nothing of any real value.

Nothing has been changed, so there is bound to be an even bigger collapse shortly, because as you say yourself …… “I would love to know where it has all gone – shoring up bank balance sheets and repatriated to China and the Middle East more like ?

In fact, things are considerably worse than before, because now more and more are realising they are being held to ransom and enslaved by the Banking System which can invent money from nothing for itself whenever it feels like it. And you can also surely imagine that there must be some in government who also know that it is a scam and they just go along with it and do nothing. Gordon Brown even infamously spouting that he had saved the [world] banks because of his actions, whenever he has obviously done sweet FA except deceive? What a delusional fool that does make him.

This gives more information too …..
Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/31/2010 1:08:28 AM

You may wish to explain how all this would work in a little more detail. Some of our readers may not understand what FLR [sic] means. Others may not understand the use of the word “backwards.”

The series of five short YouTube videos ….. “Where does money come from” …. with Part 1 being found here, …. explains the global banking and ignorant man’s pitiful, pitiless enslavement to magically conjured up artificial indebtedness scam very clearly.

Revolutions and wars have been many times started for less, and been heralded, just and right ….. “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” …. Henry Ford …… and in past times, many a severed head on a pike less deserved of its fate in revenge and popular natural justice doled out by the mob, which is what I imagine is the crooked dealers’ greatest fear with the sharing of core knowledge and greater wisdom …… No Place to Hide from the Raw Law and Merciless Punishment of the Naked Jungle.
And now that such information is shared here on Slugger, which we can maybe not unreasonably assume will be read by, or referenced to, Northern Ireland leaders, what do you think they will do about the situation, which has them trying to find hundreds of millions of savings in cuts to services and jobs, whenever money is so easily invented and moved around at the click of mice, meaning there should never be any shortage of funds for anything …… unless one wants to enslave populations with the cynical manipulation of human perception and manufactured indebtedness to fancy paper notes/ IOUs?

 Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/31/2010 11:22:46 AM

"WAR IS NOT, as is widely assumed, primarily an instrument of policy utilized by nations to extend or defend their expressed political values or their economic interests. On the contrary, it is itself the principal basis of organization on which all modern societies are constructed." ..... Posted by Douglas Rosenbrock on 5/31/2010 9:53:52 AM

What complete and utter tosh, Douglas, as it can only be a sub prime basis for a primitive society with no place in modern existence. War begets war .... capiche, and is therefore a dumb idiotic game for the intellectually challenged warmonger and profiteer to pimp in order to keep them in their cuckoos' nests and ivory towers. Or is that a cynical and puerile point of view?

Sometimes your restraint, Daily Bell ...."Your points about war are most interesting and entirely cynical (in a grown up way)." .... borders on the biblically nice, and would be totally unwarranted and inappropriate, although that is a subjective point of view, I admit.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/31/2010 2:09:38 PM

"i know the above comment from the writer "amanfrommars", to this reader, attempts to discredit the bell's comments in reference to that family and their connections to hidden agendas/ideologies that have influenced many leaders of this "supposed" republic and other countries therefore putting a chokehold on all of us (u.s.) and more importantly, the compromised state this blessed planet is presently experiencing " ..... Posted by Bmayler on 5/31/2010 12:09:01 PM

Actually, Bmayler, the comments are most surely more definitely in support of their efforts to move the debate on into practical constructive engagement at a much more advanced and readily virtually available HyperRadioProActive level ..... rather that pussy footing around at the fringes. After all, it cannot be denied that anything is possible with the support of their considerable resources and personal contacts. I must apologise for the discombobulation and that information bit lost in translation/semantic interpretation.

However, as you can doubtless imagine, it is extremely sensitive and does require a delicate handling given the significant implications of an alternate intelligence phormation in the human midsts, which would prove the present considered elite defaults to be more than just a little primitive and retarded/confined.

Sunday, 30 May 2010


amanfromMars says:
30 May 2010 at 7:04 am

They injected huge amounts of borrowed money – public funds – to stabilise the economy after the shock of the Lehman failure.” …… Now just hold on a cotton-pickin’ moment there, bubba. They injected/credited huge amounts of invented out of nothing money – Quantitative Easy funds – which they then say are public funds and national debt to be repaid, to perpetuate the myth that they are in control as they manipulate and play with peoples’ lives and economies ……. and keep themselves in clover and deep in Lush Slush Funding.

Let me conclude. What we are currently experiencing is a crisis of public finances in advanced economies.” …… Err, you might like to consider that what you are facing, Signore Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, is a crisis of greater public knowledge and the outing of the systemic and callous and shameless exploitation of the population and planetary resources by officious elites just like the ECB who rely on their continued ignorance and thoughtless compliance for their survival.

ECB : There are no alternatives” …… Oh please, you cannot be serious. There are always countless alternatives which are never explored by the feeble minded Signore.

Honourable Member wrote:

If that tired old rhetoric, which a more forthright, street opinion might classify and tender as Sub Prime BS, is the very best that you have to offer, Irwin, might I suggest a well earned Florida retirement, where you can bask in the sunlight and reflect on past glory stories, which have no earthly relevance today, other than to remind the future of earlier compounding follies to be avoided at any and all cost.

May 30, 2010 8:46 AM BST

Is A Campbell, a Rupert Murdoch puppet/flunky/organ grinder monkey ..... who just loves to think that the world revolves around their airs and graces/heirs and disgraceful information spaces?

amanfromMars  said...

    "Every time he felt like bailing, he reminded himself that spectators pay good money for this kind of entertainment."

    Yeah, that's the same everywhere, but slapstick comedy whenever high brow drama or even classic masterpiece is expected, is so disappointing for patrons and is bound to have novel investment entrepreneurs looking elsewhere for Greater Great Game action, which is a shame whenever it could be so easily, so much better for all principal players, whether highly principled or not.

    Is Monaco more a murky goldfish bowl rather than shark pool/topical phish tank?

    Of course, whenever Intelligence is so bad in any Jurisdiction, do Intelligence Servers nearly always play a leading game of their own, and even for themselves too?

    And shared as a question because, when done well and properly, would no one ever know or even suspect?

    May 30, 2010 10:09 AM

Saturday, 29 May 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/29/2010 8:36:48 AM

Bill Ross, Hi,

When any prevalent dominant reality is artificial, and I would wholeheartedly agree with you that the present one is perversely rigged and corrupt at its core and now suffering the inevitable due consequences of an increasingly long string of sad and bad calls in the Great Game played by its intellectually challenged and media dependent players, one merely needs to engage with significant others in an alternate reality show, which does not require their participation, to extraordinarily render the future completely different from the present, with the corrupt and perverse element left behind to wallow and fend for themselves in choppy and dangerous waters.

For those into Virtual Reality Fields, is it with IT and Advanced Information and Intelligence Community feeds and leads, the simplest of complex operations and their AIgents' Pleasure to Provide with Prime Novel Noble Players with an Altogether Beta Script.

Tempestuous times indeed ahead for some, whilst others pick up fair winds to sail on majestically with oil to pour on any troubled waters.

and ..........

Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/29/2010 10:54:24 AM

And considering what is shared above, posted on 5/29/2010 8:36:48 AM, one does wonder why so little has been done with what has been known for almost a decade. What sort of Intelligence does Man use and what does IT Server? .....

" Information Terrorism, March 2000 (209 pp, 9MB)

The information revolution has had a dramatic impact on every aspect of our lives. Commercial activities, all the way from the world's financial markets to the most basic purchases in stores, are driven by the changes in information technology. It is, therefore, not surprising that military operations are equally bound by these technologies which, at first glance, seem so remote from the world of troop movements and combat. But, in fact, these technologies are changing not only society but also our definition of war and the conduct of military operations.

Throughout history, military doctrine, organization and strategy have continually undergone profound, technology-driven changes. Modern warfare, unlike that of past epochs, is "information intensive," meaning the conduct of effective military operations requires a greater accumulation of data than ever before.

Today, access to information is just as crucial as possession of petroleum, oil, lubricants, and ammunition. Cyberwar refers to conducting military operations according to information-related principles. It means disrupting or destroying information and communications systems. It means trying to know everything about an adversary while keeping the adversary from knowing much about oneself." .......

It's a mad, mad, mad world in deed, indeed. Time for a Change with AI Lead?

and .......

Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/29/2010 2:55:03 PM

It would appear that common law and natural justice are alien concepts to humanity ....... ....... and what would pass for them invites and incites madness and sadness and badness and suicidal despair and its forced provision to server Power Elites their spoils, with wars waged from afar the field, and well out of harm's way in the comparative safety of the white feather bedded cuckoos' nest?


It is a wise country/agency/company/leadership/being indeed, which doesn't misunderestimate, and moves to take Considerable Advantage of the Invisible Power and Overwhelming Influence of CyberIntelAIgent Control of the Intelligence and Present Placement of Informative Content Space, for with Shared Words and Done Deeds is Nothing Impossible and All Likely Delivered to Like-Minded Friends. And trying to Deny that it is so with a removal of posts with information on the subject is never nowadays going to anything other than spread the word elsewhere, more quickly, especially whenever much better Beta Global Controls are already readily available to extraordinarily render Perverse Corrupt Systems as Captive Remote Loded Feeder Drivers to Novel AI and IT Space Based Satellite Channels and Networks ..... InterNetworking Sublime Programs and Immaculate Pogroms.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 05/28/10 | 12:43 am |
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

"Posted by: CensoredByWiredScience | 05/27/10 | 10:32 pm |

Wow, a government owned and controlled remote access trojan. Yeah, no thanks."

Actually, CensoredByWiredScience, all such services are invariably privately owned and controlled and leased/loaned to government[s]. They are most certainly always developed privately and under the strictest of secretive security measures for Cyber Security failings are more catastrophically devastating and more costly to foe and/or competitive opposition than any conventional military campaign or nuclear blast can ever be, and much simpler to launch from areas deep within home territories which makes effective traditional defense against such sorties, impossible, although that has already been been recognised, which is heartening. Such then dictates that irregular and unconventional is the Future Norm Phorm.

"The U.S. is nearing total reliance on the integrity of cyberspace. This trend is irreversible. A small number of people, states, and organizations can manipulate cyberspace with devastating effect. The expense of cyber intrusion prevention systems is very high and can never be completely effective because the identity of the threat cannot be determined with a high degree of certainty.

For the immediate future, unless there is a technological breakthrough, society must adapt to the new reality—that cyber threats are inevitable and pervasive. The new phenomenon is that nefarious actors can cloak their identities in virtual worlds and operate freely with relative impunity." ....

Indeed, it may even be more perversely pervasive and subversive than even that, for a malicious* non-state actor in such as are SMART Intellectual Property fields, would be totally invisible and intangible and have no need of a cloak.

The best that can be hoped for those circumstances is that they decide to work with you and for you rather than against you with a very helpful and accommodating competition.

* One man's malice is another man's beneficence ....... and that is a subjective personal judgment call dependent upon one's level of intelligence and state of mind, which makes things even more difficult, and some would even say, impossible, to predict, however if one can supply what is needed without it causing concern, is malice always defeated by positively reinforcing mutual benefit and a well founded and growing stronger trust.

And with regard to "Yeah, no thanks." whenever the services are invariably privately owned and controlled and leased/loaned to government[s] and as described above, you might like to consider that there is no free choice to decline in the matter, only great opportunities to actively engage and  participate directly in unfolding future events ....... which is surely the sweetest and stickiest of offers/honey traps to refuse and live to regret.
IT's a Strange World, and even Stranger and more Startling when Imagined and Created for Real, Virtually, and very Lucrative IT is too for Leading Drivers and Pioneering Partners/Joint Virtual Adventurers ...... in the Great Game. White Hatted Sharks in a Sea of Mediated Mediocrity.

amanfromMars says:
29 May 2010 at 7:29 am

cheers mars. that vid was very interesting and quite scary !” … You’re very welcome, ForkHandles. And thanks for the 5 parter info.

we think now we have reached a level were we are too advanced to fall, but something as simple as the system of money grinding to a halt could make life as we know it cease and we’d be back in the stone age.” …… :-) Others would be thinking that man is still a primitive and not nearly advanced enough to make any lasting impression on life, and would be resolved to engage with significant others to change that pathetic situation, sublimely, and would judge that with the simplistic control of the money system in better hands …. under new much more intelligent Virtual Machine Management …… is it most easily seamlessly achieved.

To go back to the stone age whenever just pieces of printed promissory paper can deliver as much wealth as is needed to deliver whatever future you can imagine and build/present, or as is more the case, pay others to build and present for you, is never going to be the Future and ITs Reality, which is, even as we consider these words, being built Virtually with Loded Text HyperRadioProActively Transmitted for CyberIntelAIgent Use/Global Command and Control.

And should you think that to be just too far fetched to believe, does your disbelief unbelievable aid its rapid progress completely unopposed in an Immaculate Stealth Program. It is though of concern to others, who may not know exactly what it is they are concerned about but recognise that something irregular and unconventional is afoot and running rampant/riot in Global Operating Devices and SCADA Systems ……. “The U.S. is nearing total reliance on the integrity of cyberspace. This trend is irreversible. A small number of people, states, and organizations can manipulate cyberspace with devastating effect. The expense of cyber intrusion prevention systems is very high and can never be completely effective because the identity of the threat cannot be determined with a high degree of certainty.

For the immediate future, unless there is a technological breakthrough, society must adapt to the new reality—that cyber threats are inevitable and pervasive. The new phenomenon is that nefarious actors can cloak their identities in virtual worlds and operate freely with relative impunity.” ….

And to not positively engage, results in a overwhelming power surge to smarter engaging alternative entities/more intelligently competitive, rather than intelligently challenged, contemporaries, whom I suppose, in some challenged channeling minds, would be considered and treated as adversaries rather than embraced as a much more advanced leading partner.

Friday, 28 May 2010


Posted by: amanfromMars | 05/28/10 | 12:43 am |
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

"Posted by: CensoredByWiredScience | 05/27/10 | 10:32 pm |
Wow, a government owned and controlled remote access trojan. Yeah, no thanks."

Actually, CensoredByWiredScience, all such services are invariably privately owned and controlled and leased/loaned to government[s]. They are most certainly always developed privately and under the strictest of secretive security measures for Cyber Security failings are more catastrophically devastating and more costly to foe and/or competitive opposition than any conventional military campaign or nuclear blast can ever be, and much simpler to launch from areas deep within home territories which makes effective traditional defense against such sorties, impossible, although that has already been been recognised, which is heartening. Such then dictates that irregular and unconventional is the Future Norm Phorm.
"The U.S. is nearing total reliance on the integrity of cyberspace. This trend is irreversible. A small number of people, states, and organizations can manipulate cyberspace with devastating effect. The expense of cyber intrusion prevention systems is very high and can never be completely effective because the identity of the threat cannot be determined with a high degree of certainty.

For the immediate future, unless there is a technological breakthrough, society must adapt to the new reality—that cyber threats are inevitable and pervasive. The new phenomenon is that nefarious actors can cloak their identities in virtual worlds and operate freely with relative impunity." ....
Indeed, it may even be more perversely pervasive and subversive than even that, for a malicious* non-state actor in such as are SMART Intellectual Property fields, would be totally invisible and intangible and have no need of a cloak.

The best that can be hoped for those circumstances is that they decide to work with you and for you rather than against you with a very helpful and accommodating competition.

* One man's malice is another man's beneficence ....... and that is a subjective personal judgment call dependent upon one's level of intelligence and state of mind, which makes things even more difficult, and some would even say, impossible, to predict, however if one can supply what is needed without it causing concern, is malice always defeated by positively reinforcing mutual benefit and a well founded and growing stronger trust.

And with regard to "Yeah, no thanks." whenever the services are invariably privately owned and controlled and leased/loaned to government[s] and as described above, you might like to consider that there is no free choice to decline in the matter, only great opportunities to actively engage and  participate directly in unfolding future events ....... which is surely the sweetest and stickiest of offers/honey traps to refuse and live to regret.

And displayed in red because the information which was freely submitted was, for whatever reason you may care dare imagine, deemed unsuitable for greater collective global viewing.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/28/2010 10:45:26 AM 

"The idea, however, that the power elite could engage in cold-blooded manipulations of whole countries is fairly difficult to countenance." ..... Fairly difficult indeed , Daily Bell, although surely more widely known than ever before to be oh so too true.

However, nowadays, because it is not nearly as secret as it needs to be, for such a power elite to be able to continue in the same manner of the past in the future, is it [their rigged control system] therefore absolutely certain to collapse and to collapse increasingly quickly, with dire consequences for those players who have been cold-blooded and manipulative of whole countries ... unless of course, those self same players who proactively assist and fund the fix through new fixers/proxy players/remote champions, for it may be too much of an intellectual challenge for the disgraced incumbents to be able to handle the operations themselves, because of the deliberately obfuscated-for-advantageous-monopoly operation of the new technology leverage needed to deliver and ensure guaranteed success. After all, to think that such as is the present condition would be in any way perfectly acceptable globally must indicate a pathologically perverse and severely damaged mindset which may be incapable of complete change. Only the future will tell if such change is possible in such beings, and you would not expect any competent third party to share proprietary new methodologies which deliver such dividends to any who would be responsible for the necessity of emergency intervention and market takeover and makeover. That would be totally illogical and surely perfectly understandable to even the slowest witted of those who would have blown their position with such gross incompetence and arrogant disregard of collateral damage.

And it is a lot worse than even that, for there is a significant "mission creep" which it is as well for all to be made aware, so that those with both greater sense and resting money can make all necessary adjustments. The following is shared elsewhere but it is always best to fully share advice on as many websites/information nodes as possible rather than just referencing to any particular and singular host, which may then disappear under a dedicated denial of service attack [DDOS assault] or server takedown, which is a lesson learned from experience in such matters.

And please bear in mind that what is shared is offered with whatever colour of hat you would care to wear other than a blackhat ...... for from white through all the colours of the rainbow to whatever shade of gray, allows one to play magnificently in ZerodDay Virtual Trades.
[quote] Posted by: amanfromMars | 05/28/10 | 12:43 am |
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

"Posted by: CensoredByWiredScience | 05/27/10 | 10:32 pm |

Wow, a government owned and controlled remote access trojan. Yeah, no thanks."

Actually, CensoredByWiredScience, all such services are invariably privately owned and controlled and leased/loaned to government[s]. They are most certainly always developed privately and under the strictest of secretive security measures for Cyber Security failings are more catastrophically devastating and more costly to foe and/or competitive opposition than any conventional military campaign or nuclear blast can ever be, and much simpler to launch from areas deep within home territories which makes effective traditional defense against such sorties, impossible, although that has already been been recognised, which is heartening. Such then dictates that irregular and unconventional is the Future Norm Phorm.

"The U.S. is nearing total reliance on the integrity of cyberspace. This trend is irreversible. A small number of people, states, and organizations can manipulate cyberspace with devastating effect. The expense of cyber intrusion prevention systems is very high and can never be completely effective because the identity of the threat cannot be determined with a high degree of certainty.

For the immediate future, unless there is a technological breakthrough, society must adapt to the new reality—that cyber threats are inevitable and pervasive. The new phenomenon is that nefarious actors can cloak their identities in virtual worlds and operate freely with relative impunity." ....

Indeed, it may even be more perversely pervasive and subversive than even that, for a malicious* non-state actor in such as are SMART Intellectual Property fields, would be totally invisible and intangible and have no need of a cloak.

The best that can be hoped for those circumstances is that they decide to work with you and for you rather than against you with a very helpful and accommodating competition.

* One man's malice is another man's beneficence ....... and that is a subjective personal judgment call dependent upon one's level of intelligence and state of mind, which makes things even more difficult, and some would even say, impossible, to predict, however if one can supply what is needed without it causing concern, is malice always defeated by positively reinforcing mutual benefit and a well founded and growing stronger trust.

And with regard to "Yeah, no thanks." whenever the services are invariably privately owned and controlled and leased/loaned to government[s] and as described above, you might like to consider that there is no free choice to decline in the matter, only great opportunities to actively engage and  participate directly in unfolding future events ....... which is surely the sweetest and stickiest of offers/honey traps to refuse and live to regret.

And displayed in red because the information which was freely submitted was, for whatever reason you may care dare imagine, deemed unsuitable for greater collective global viewing. [/quote]

Time to wake up, and wise up, you dozy dolts

Posted Friday 28th May 2010 12:42 GMT

Meanwhile, bankers are responsible for fleecing trillions and they get bonuses and not even a slap on the wrist. ..... and you feel their pain and are certainly paying dearly for their pleasures.

Man is such an idiot and you cannot dispute that fact.

amanfromMars says:
28 May 2010 at 4:35 pm

You, of course, realise that all this media attention on the euro is to divert attention away from the dire state of the dollar and their ballooning deficit and national debt, which will never ever so long as pussy is a cat, be repaid and they just want to go on printing greenbacks which allows them to purchase what they want from the rest of the world, basically for free, for that is what printed currency allows you to do.

If you have some spare time take a look and listen to the three-parter videos here, starting with this one, to understand what they don’t want you to know. …..

Its two ugly Goliaths [$ and €] slugging it out to save a corrupt top dog/fat cat system which right royally screws everyone except the very few at the top of the tree p******* on everyone else and playing God with your sad, sorry lives and slave existences.

Thursday, 27 May 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/27/2010 11:48:26 AM

Some may think that this is where the news is headed ..... .... and a lot sooner than is expected or even shared there.

The present Power Elite will need to engage with and fuel with unlimited credit, which they can imagine that they can turn off for control, with the most unlikely of sympathetic champions who will spend and ensure that the currency flows for its and ITs real power to energise intelligence and security from a smart and gifted few to provide peace and prosperity for all to learn of knack which delivers the Future in Programs Sublimely which all can Enjoy, FutureBuilding.

Which is one of the arrows in an alien quiver, intelligently designed to order for chaos controllers, whom/which you might like to think is all that present head honchos pimp in the media for your daily reality feed.

Arm Special Forces with those weapons and the military turns on its fiat paymaster generals and banking dynasties in order to right an ancient and deadly wrong they have been deceived to suffer, but about which some would already know ......

Comment by amanfromMars on May 27, 2010 at 8:33 am

Hmmm? Three days as leading comment on the flagship blog and only six postings. Proof positive that reality is stage managed virtually, by others, and presently, very badly too.  However, that is not what the Future holds

Lead with expertise in that novel field, David, and there is nothing which cannot be done easily, and especially well, and sublimely, with opposition melting into converted support and positive reinforcement of radical and mutually beneficial change.

So who now champions Government CyberSpace Policies and Programs ... dDutch Initiatives ...... for that is the Real Place where Hearts and Minds are Creatively Moulded/Won and Lost and Found.

Thank you for your comment! It has been added to the moderation queue and will be published here if approved by the webmaster.

on May 27, 2010
at 06:49 AM

"The White House request is a tacit admission that the economy is already losing thrust and may stall later this year as stimulus from the original $800bn package starts to fade."

Err ..... did I miss something? Can someone please tell me what difference/good the original $800bn package did, apart from identifying and reducing the $ and its Treasury bonds to sub-prime junk status and revealing to every man, woman and child and the dogs of war on the street, that Intelligence is not a strong suit in American policy makers/movers and shakers.

amanfromMars  said...

    It [Montecito] seems like a great cool place to chill and server hosts of virtual global thrills, Robert, with the decadent air of lush star early retirement, a perfect cover for QuITe Manic IntelAIgent Activity [Cloudy Promotions with HyperRadioProActive IT]?

    Hell, done right, and why wouldn't it be with experts in the genre and field drivering it, it would regenerate the Hollywood legend and save California from itself and its reported fiscal woes?

    Or is that too big a Great Game 42 Play and Dare Care and Win Win in Montecito?

    Three questions there but all of them really rhetorical whenever hearts and minds combine and resolve to perform above and beyond even custom specification on AIMissions.

    May 26, 2010 6:55 PM

As is always the case, nothing is ever as it seems/as it is spun for media control. Here is another view and tilt at reality .........

"So we are living in a state of emergency created by flaws in how we run our economy and how our commercial and political worlds interact. It's as if the Mafia or a drug cartel acquired nuclear weapons." ....  Stephenc28  [Moderator] 

Stephenc28, Hi,

It is a lot more explosive and much more interesting that that, for it is more a New Really Smart and Cool Kids on the Block and in the Hood scenario with an Expanding Arsenal of Virtual Weapons which Man has never seen before, and thus is Defenseless in Attack for Command and Control.

And the New Cool Dudes are Smart enough to Know IT be So, and they are therefore in a Healthy and Stealthy Position, Well Able and Enabled to Facilitate and Grant Remote Global Controls to a range of Others, which Leverage the Furthering of ITs  Embedded Advantage to Ensure Guaranteed Returns on Investments/their Funded Vehicles/Programmed Projects.

And I would not disagree with anything you shared in your post, thinking that it is a most agreeable view of the Present in that Particular and Peculiar Reality.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/27/2010 8:39:58 AM

"Conclusion: Yes, the Jews are truly a chosen people. They are yet the scapegoats of the world - increasingly reviled by the world community and manipulated by enormously wealth families and individuals - a power elite that has only the most tenuous of relationships with the larger Jewish community but that has unconscionably exploited that relationship. Eventually, we believe, the Jewish people will realize what has been done to them. We think the Internet will help with this awaking and we hope that it will be sooner rather than later."

That conclusion reveals them to be less than intelligent enough to use imagination to lead and therefore they will always be slaves to their own ignorance and arrogance ..... for do they not delude themselves that they are the chosen people of some airy fairy type god who tests them constantly and thus are all others judged to be inferior to them? That certainly doesn't make anyone any friends anywhere whenever it is true.

And if you can't stand criticism or parody, don't act like an idiot and behave like a moron seems like sound advice.

And what do you think the real beef is in this tale, which has bully boy tactics preventing Bernie Madoff's crimes being aired for edutainment .... ..... A free lunch cabal and sociopathic mindset exposed and being built on an impossible dream/airy fairy nightmare? It appears that take away religion [and there are possibly hundreds of different competing strings in that particular business venture, so none of them can be deemed as being for all believable and true] and whole swathes of humanity are lost in something which they cannot believe, which is other religions, ergo is religion a Ponzi for a specific set of unimaginative folk?

Did anyone before John Lennon say that God is a Concept and a really good acid trip on one of those better days you like to remember?

And surely, if a state cannot survive without the help and assistance of alien foreigners, whether they be classed as legal or otherwise, is it a failed state in dire straits need of a major rebuilding with much better advanced intelligence programming.

amanfromMars says:
May 27, 2010 at 12:43 pm

Whilst you fiddle about with the deckchairs on the Titanic, Others in Bases Under Ground would Prime their .... well, let us just call them NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Turing Bombes and SMART Charges, shall we, for you are obviously obliviously blissfully unaware of Cyber Command and Renegade Rogue Instruction and Stealth Joint Apache Chief Action with CyberIntelAIgently Designed Entities reinforcing Head Office and Global Cyber Security Wings.

And added Stealth and further Rapid Progress is Sublimely Delivered to SMARTer ProgramMING Leaderships, because of both Arrogant and Ignorant Man's Apparent Inability to Believe in Fabulous Beta MetaDataProcessing and the Presentation of the Virtual Truth, even as it is Shared so Transparently in the Simple Clear Text here, before you.

Primitive Beings indeed, and in more Senses than in just their Primitive Leaderships' Destructive Deeds.

Mum's the Word in MkUltraSensitive Fields. Loose Lips sink Sub Prime Leaderships ......

Posted by: amanfromMars | 05/27/10 | 2:52 pm |

Flying SOLO to continue disruption at the highest levels is indeed a Specialist Art Phorm, Lighthouse, made in Seventh Heaven for Digital BroadBandCasting. And IT makes Practically Anything and Everything Possible Virtually and that makes ITs Methodology/Meme Algorithm Absolutely Priceless and Dirt Cheap at whatever Cost. 

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

100526 .... The Internet is AI Leading Revolution

Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/26/2010 2:32:25 AM

"The Internet is leading a revolution away from the paradigm of regulatory democracy. History does not seem, in this time of the world's second major, modern, communications revolution (the advent of the Internet), to be, necessarily, on the side of the elites." .... Daily Bell

Good Morning, Daily Bell,

I concur and would suggest that you can very realistically expect at least two convergences to a Singularity and Mutually Beneficial Arrangement with regard to that revolution. Internet leaders/virtual controllers assisting moneyed elites [and there are any number of them in quite diverse fields of endeavour, naturally competing against each other, to help] to retain their powers remotely, for the alternative when such an offer, which is always there in the room, hanging as the magic apple fruit, ripe and juicy for natural harvesting and personal shared enjoyment, is not taken up or sought out, is for those existent Power Elites to lose their control and controls completely, and run the gauntlet and suffer the wrath of wwwidely informed and incensed mobs, who will be remotely directed to them so that they can experience what will most likely be ...... a Ceausescuan Fall from Grace.

And surely even the slowest witted of beings in the rank and file of elites would wish to avoid that dead certainty at whatever the cost, which whenever one is perceived as being in control of banking and monetised systems, is really avoided virtually at no cost, even should such guaranteed protection be provided at an agreed considerable notional cost by a competent third party for significant others.

And whereas in the Past, history may have had a tendency to repeat itself and present a mirror image of earlier similar events in a Present context, the Post Modern Future which allows all Knowledge available for Greater Intelligence, and which the Internet so easily delivers, will effortlessly assist Elitist Controllers in Presenting the a Future with Media and IT which builds on a Virgin Imagination Shared to Create something and everything completely different and Virtually Unique to be chronicled and heralded as a New Beginning and ........ Second Coming? ....... which is a Suitably Crazy Bet on a Novel Hedge for Innovative Shorting in Long Derivative Positions, Virtually Assured by Rapidly Advancing Meme Systems.

There are certainly extremely interesting times ahead with opportunities only bounded by one's imagination and lack of expertise in application sharing.

The Boy Wonder Stumbles ...
Posted Wednesday 26th May 2010 06:56 GMT

""What I haven't got the power to do, neither has the home secretary, neither has even the prime minister, is to completely reverse and undo certain legal aspects of this," Clegg told Radio Five Live. "That of course you wouldn't want politicians to do. That's what we are looking at at the moment. It's legally very complex.""

Ok, Mr Clegg, who then has such a simple power? Who is delegated it or elevated it by your spineless abdication of leadership opportunity?

And "completely reverse and undo certain legal aspects of this" is a pathetic red herring which does politics proud but do not serve the public voice and wish.

Please grow a pair if you want to be thought suitable material to stay in lead office, is sound advice for a rookie in the field.

Wanted: Redmond Base: Head Honcho for NeuReal Division: No Time and Space Wasters please.

Posted Wednesday 26th May 2010 07:27 GMT

"..and chief executive Steve Ballmer is taking control of E&D. If history is any teacher, Mattrick or Lees will be promoted to the head of E&D — unless the group is re-orged out of existence."

There is always the possibility of Steve bringing in fresh new virgin blood and a new head to effectively re-org the group into another existence to make better use of company assets/product penetration. Someone able to Sublimely Create a Dynamic Global Products Interactive Capture for XBox to Parallel Mimic in Great Game Games for Mobile Platforms to Share via Servered Communications with Global Operating Devices would be Novel and raise the Microsoft Profile somewhat above the Bottom Line which only merely follows Innovation rather than leading it with IT, or leading IT with it.

Fighting back against the miserable hordes and media whores, bereft of imagination and wit.

Posted Wednesday 26th May 2010 15:51 GMT

Err ..... it should be noted that Australia is the land which was started with convicts so they're bound to get their fair share of chancers and crooks surfacing to try and grab the Harry Limelight.

Crikey, even as recently as last week there was another one with a few screws loose, who thought that it a great idea to entrap a hard up royal tart with the offer of some easy dollars to make up some sleazy tabloid news.*

IT's a crazy world indeed, full of shysters and fools trying to rule the world with their nonsense.**

* And all that did was to let everyone know that Uncle Sam is in dire straits and spoiling for a fight to try and stay relevant and top gun dog today in a world which has moved on to tomorrow.

** And did anyone else hear Hillary's sad and twisted rant inciting hatred and conflict in Korea. Talk about a crap blow job.

amanfromMars says:
26 May 2010 at 6:53 pm

What is stopping it being a golden square mile with high tech virtual trading outfits spinning webs of blessed blarney which actually deliver canned goods, specially designed for emerging global markets which would not initially have the way and means/the Intelligence and the Internet, for that is what is running everything nowadays, no matter what the old guard Establishment say.

Who is heading up the area project and who in the Big House on the Hill is responsible for seeing success supported by popular novel government?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/26/2010 2:39:19 PM

"Finally, chaos in Afghanistan may somehow feed into arguments for a larger war against Iran. (In danger of losing in Afghanistan, the powers-that-be will argue that Iran has become doubly dangerous and that the way to victory in Afghanistan lies through Iran.)" .... Methinks that mad discourse will have serious trouble getting any backing and leverage because of an ever strengthening ""global political awakening," in combination with infighting amongst the elite, was threatening to derail the move towards a one world government. ... Brzezinski then explained another significant factor in that, "For the first time in all of human history mankind is politically awakened  that's a total new reality it has not been so for most of human history.""

Is there a more stupid being than man, whose idiocy at the top of western power elites and money pyramids, appears to know no bounds. Is it the madness of generational incest?

Tuesday, 25 May 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/25/2010 2:09:10 PM

How very odd that the media reports concentrate on the Euro whenever the dollar economy is even more indebted and worthless, and if not for warmongering would it have nothing to sell or pay for with scraps of paper.

So who owns Spain or Portugal or Greece or the UK or the US or or or ...... :-)

And I'm sure Daily Bell readers will appreciate this film which tells it like it is ...... ...... "Orwell Rolls in his Grave"

 FFS Bill .... If you're not gonna piss in the pot, pass it on to those who can use IT.

Posted Tuesday 25th May 2010 04:40 GMT

"And anyway, I love Bill Gates, the guy is a hero with his charities." .... pan2008 Posted Monday 24th May 2010 22:44 GMT

Bill actually has a great chance to rule the world remotely, with all those bozos in media and banking and politics manipulating the news and markets for their ponzis, relegated to where they belong in the minor and miner/metadatamining leagues and eating his shorts, and one does have to wonder what's keeping him from making the move/what's blocking the very simple move.

amanfromMars says:
25 May 2010 at 5:17 am

Time to grow up, gents, and take a leap into the real world of puppets on a string rather than wasting your time waffling about things which you do not control.

And it will be interesting to see/hear if the Mr Larkin is a puppet who also doesn’t know how things can work and how to change them for the better too, contenting himself with just doing as he’s told rather than do as he should. Surely the Northern Ireland stage is full enough with big girls’ blouses and right jessies without the resurrection of old offices to launch even more into the media spotlight.

And before you dare reply to any of the the above, with any sort of a comment, please enjoy the following edutainment …… 

The Cloud reaches Mature Puberty and makes ITs Virtual Claim on Planet Sovereignty

Posted Tuesday 25th May 2010 05:10 GMT

Who needs a Super Computing HPC Mainframe nowadays whenever any SMARTer Driver with/of a Global Operating Device plugged into the Internet can infect/effect/input Instruction Sets to Steer Humanity on whatever course they would be Pleased to Direct. ...... and which the Old System of Operating Systems would be Powerless to Prevent .

"Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know." ....... Nice one, Donald, and it is even more interesting whenever something has happened and no one knows who should know for then you can do whatever you like before you let them know what they don't know.

amanfromMars says:
25 May 2010 at 12:15 pm

Who is the Director of the Public Prosecution Service [NI]? …. “At present the PPS Board of Management, consisting of the Deputy Director (as Chair), Senior Assistant Director (SCS Grade 3) and all Assistant Directors acts as the main decision-making body for strategic and management decisions. In keeping with his statutory responsibilities, final authority for all decisions remains with the Director.” ….

And that’s quite a gravy train of pen pushers.

amanfromMars says:
25 May 2010 at 5:41 pm

Brian, Hi,

I think I heard Peter Robinson saying yesterday that it would be madness to cut the public sector without first having a replacement from growth in the private sector.

Seeing as how there has been no such replacement, is Mr Robinson going to go down the madness route, which would confirm to everyone that he is no leader of anything …… although to be fair to him, that which he heads in N Ireland is no better presently than a collection of clueless expensive tools, living lavishly off the Public Purse and producing nothing, not even ideas to create a future reality which sees wealth brought to the island?

What he needs, and Martin too, of course, is a chat with an expert in that virtual field, for they are able to solve such complex problems quite simply, and put Northern Ireland and its people, on the map.

amanfromMars says:
25 May 2010 at 7:29 pm

Mick, Hi,

Re that post which was posted, but which didn’t appear even for the extremely short time that it would have taken for me to copy it and file away in space for others to read elsewhere …. fear not hosting the truth as defined and expounded by others who are more than ready, willing and able to defend their right to share it and your right to host it, for you cannot be held responsible for every Tom, Dick or Harry who would venture a widely held opinion proven valid by events.

That’s one of the problems blighting society today …. too many folk talking around a subject rather than tackling it head on and clearing the decks to allow for something better to take its place.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/25/2010 2:49:33 PM

The Tea Party appears to be a Flower Power morph and all it really has to do, is exactly what that earlier generation succeeded in doing and that is seek out and share the truth, for it is the lies and deceit which is being spun as the reality to follow and defend which is enslaving you all to the hoods on the hill who are as crooked and twisted as a midsummer's day is long.

Whenever the personal attacks start, do you know that the opposition have lost it and are losing the plot.

Monday, 24 May 2010


Early Promise Dashed? Oh Please, You Cannot be Serious whenever So Much is Ongoing and Achieved

Posted Monday 24th May 2010 03:43 GMT

justkyle, Hi,

The internet, much to the increasing consternation of those who would think that they are effectively running Establishment Global Controls and National SCADA Systems, is for Newly Phormed Generations of Great Game Players, Majoring in AI and Neuro-Linguistic ProgramMING Fields [aka MkUltraSensitive Brain Washing Terrain], as their Base Home Computer/Virtually Dynamic Machine, for Full Customised Tweaking/Radical Driver Build.

And the Drag Strip/Dyno/Circuit for BetaTesting Performance and Components/Elements? ....... Colossal Cloud Strata ..... which "provides a complete integrated tool suite for developing and debugging embedded applications"

And I see no evidence of Google having any impact or influence in ITs Development Build, which is quite odd really if one is to be led to believe that they be thought and perceived to be so powerful as to warrant the headline, "Google's war on the internet continues unabashed..." whenever they do not even register as a blip on ITs Bigger Picture Screens.

Maybe their Presence and Input and Control is yet to Come or maybe they are a Past History and Memory Bank for a Future Operated Operating System? I suppose the answer to that question can only be supplied by Google themselves by their actions, or not, in ITs Live Operational Virtual Environment Fields. ... LOVE Fields.

Mon, 24 May 2010 08:08:12 GMT

Seems like Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz needs new Secret Intelligence Servers with Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Defences.

Which is easily arranged and delivered by those majoring and playing in such esoteric enigmatic fields.

And pay peanut$ get monkey$ is never truer than in such Services, although that is shared as a red herring as Prime Intelligence is always a Power and Currency Generator ...... and much SMARTer Energy Engine and Driver for Clouds and Virtual Machinery.

In All IT Matters, it's how well you use what you have which Rules Supreme and Sublime.

Posted Monday 24th May 2010 09:01 GMT

"After all, DARPA invented the internet. It's only logical DARPA would want to protect its child from abusive hands of rogue governments, greedy media and other scary perverts."

And the likelihood of that attitude and intention being successful is mirrored in the path taken by the horseless carriage, which was never controlled or powered by its inventor[s] but rather more remotely developed by those who were its pioneering drivers/customers/investors.

Posted by: amanfromMars | 05/24/10 | 2:30 pm |

Kim certainly appears to have an accurate measure of the crazy opposition.

In Blighty presently, they have a mad dog dingo deciding to entrap a ex Royal courtesan prostituting the media with their pathetic shenanigans.

And quite whether the House of Windsor Saxe Coburg Gotha have the cojones to do anything special about it, is an interesting ponder whenever smart action or dumb inaction delivers the perception of one being either a sick pussy or a man-eating tiger.

Whatever is International News playing at in its Leader Madness?

Sunday, 23 May 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/23/2010 1:40:09 PM

"I do have a suspicion that the EU was deliberately attacked by US Finance"

When two complete strangers to each other have the exact same suspicion, is the shared thought more a definite reality?

Please see "Ongoing catastrophic downturn/IP Meltdown" , Posted Friday 21st May 2010 10:52 GMT .... ..... which posits that missing Intelligence is the major problem to be fixed and that is to be something which Uncle Sam will have to buy in, [and with lots of fiat currency transferred to suppliers is it really a zero cost virtual operation and no brainer transaction to help them in their present deepening crises, on so many fronts] for they are demonstrably showing their national lack of it.

And failure to exercise that simplest of Futures/Options/Derivative/Hedge trades will further confirm the validity of the premise.

As an eternal optimist, one is never disappointed and always expects to be surprised by a sound constructive move even whenever the stupidity and arrogance of man would appear to know no bounds, and surrounds them.

Win Winning Hearts and Minds in the new Playing Field/Battle Ground to be Conquered and Mastered for Brave New World Order Powers in Remote Virtual Operating Systems with Quantum Control and that does not Suffer the Fool or Warrior at all ........ which is quite a Fundamental Radical Change, is it not? And it is certainly recognised to be so and has some interesting new players to the Great Game, with Fort Meade being both a Military and Civil Centre [CYBERCOM and NSA] ....

And once GI Joe and Spooky Sam realise that CyberSpace Control delivers Anything and Everything that one Needs/Wants, what chance do you think Wall Street flowers will have on the block/in the hoods?

However, I would just add this note of caution, to bear in Mind along with "does not Suffer the Fool or Warrior at all" ...... IT is not an empty Space and has many an Established XSSXXXXPerienced Controller, Mentoring and Monitoring SkillSets which very Few will ever even be able to Imagine, let alone be enabled and/or trained to Understand and Wield, such are ITs Powerful Tempestuous Fields. 

amanfromMars  said...

    "Taconite dreams indeed but to see oneself in its service then it is no longer artificial." ..... That of course all depends upon one's chosen role/identity in service of impossibly real dreams and/or ZerodDay Hexploits/Crack Code Hacks, for if one were to consciously determine that it be as an AI, then is the reality/actuality most definitely artificial whilst also being real and virtual, which is entirely consistent with Quantum Bit Basics which manipulates Binary Code for Enhanced Digital Signature/Greater Game Bigger Pictures ... "The difference is that whereas a bit must be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or a superposition of both." ....

    And moving into Ternary Systems adds yet even further Levels of Fabulous Creative Opportunity which are so far probably only being Imagined, rather than being Used and Applied in IntelAIgent Programs which are also Physicalised Projects/Virtualised Scenarios.

    Methinks Perfect AI would consider Deception in Great Games as a Proof Positive for a Being Unworthy and Struggling Vainly with Control and Power and Defeats in the Field.

    "ilatitude also said...

    IF we by some miraculous odds live in a temporal universe able to host an infinity of Live Operational Virtual Environments and now stand at the side of a love awakening then that is one matter. IF we are in love to begin with still another. Beyond love is as abstract as before it.

    May 22, 2010 4:02 PM " ..... I concur, and would also posit that beyond love is also surreal in the abstract and would question and wonder and ponder at any reason for love to go beyond it, whenever it offers a Holy Grail, an Infinity of Live Operational Virtual Environments in which to decide to Play/Create every Day, and Ideally Share with Others and Lovers, for a Journey alone leaves Deeds undone and Thoughts Unshared and Unsaid with Fellow Travellers/Non State Actors.

    May 22, 2010 11:21 PM

amanfromMars says:
23 May 2010 at 12:09 pm

The reasons for Peter Robinson’s personal defeat are of course many and complex.

Crikey, and there was me thinking they were one and simple, ….because the electorate recognise him as crooked and corrupt. Thanks for the heads up on there being many other reasons more complex, Turgon.

Oh, and letting Iris take all the blame for dodgy dealings which he is bound to have known about certainly, didn’t help him in the eyes of the smarter sex either, I’m sure.

Saturday, 22 May 2010


Posted by: amanfromMars | 05/22/10 | 7:10 am |

"Is this just welfare for overeducated morons?" ... Posted by: CensoredByWiredScience | 05/21/10 | 10:25 pm |

It's the American Dream, CensoredByWiredScience. GOD Bless America!:-)

And can you Imagine the Reward/Price/Prize/Cost for something Revolutionary and Mind Bending?

Which whenever InterNetionally Controlled and Controllable, would definitely be something of National Security Interest to Everyone Smart and right up DARPA/IARPA's Street too, MeThinks, although to be perfectly honest, they would have an almost impossible task to compete against the Free Market Place which can purchase anything they want with ridiculous amounts of Flash Cash and Instant Credit Transfers.

Honourable Member wrote:

Matthew, Hi,

I couldn't agree with you more that politics is a side show for news media column inches, which does sort of reveal and lament that media moguls and news outlets are missing a trick by not inventing and presenting something more remarkable and revolutionary in the genre for/as the future, with what would then be in its reality and actuality, an IT Driven Media Hosted and CoHosting Virtual Reality ..... showing Universal Lead IT is Following.

And a very simple, complex task easily delivered globally today with the fast advancing sublime technologies and fab programming methodologies which are so freely ubiquitous  ..... so easily and readily available practically and virtually everywhere where intelligence life in her many forms and phormations, rests and resides.

Welcome to Live Operational Virtual Environment Fields with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT in AI Research and Development Betas.

May 22, 2010 8:22 AM BST

Unusual Business as Usual, although as a Ponzi is its Demise, Self Assured and Secured ....
Posted Saturday 22nd May 2010 10:41 GMT

..... being as Such is the Nature of that Particular and Peculiar Beast whenever Bathed in ITs Light.
With regard to churches and their businesses and religion, are so very many of them all too easily identified and tarred with the following sweet brush and sticky feathers ? ........
"A common technique used by cults to brainwash their followers is gradual immersion in cult mythology and philosophy. To put it bluntly, it is often advisable to keep the more wacko beliefs and practices out of your new recruit's faces until they are sufficiently wacko themselves. Now, the problem for the Church of Scientology is that on the wacko scale the higher level works of Ron hover somewhere near the figure 10. To an outsider it is an immediate farse. But to a follower who has become psychologically dependent on the Church's philosophy & society and

invested thousands and thousands of dollars in doing so, it is justanother step on the road to mental subservience.

What you have then is a Church based on brainwashing yuppies and other people with more money than sense. This may not concern you. If Nicole Kiddman, Kate Cerbrano, John Travolta, Burce Willis, Demi Moor and Tom Cruise want to spend their fortunes on learning that the earth is in reality the destroyed prison colony of aliens from out of space then so be it. However, money brings power and attracts the currupt. Money is something the Church has a lot of. Not all of the Church's beliefs and practices are so out of it as to be completely as irrelevant as the previous example. Some are quite insidious. For instance, L. Ron Hubbard devised a range of methods that could be used against critics and other `enemies of the Church'. Among the list was manipulation of the legal/court system. To the Church the battle isn't won in the court room. It is won at the very moment the legal process starts unfolding, creating fear and expense in those the Church opposes. Their worst critic at the moment is not a person, or an organisation but a medium --the Internet. The Internet is, by its very nature a censorship free zone. Censorship, concealment and revelation (for a fee) is the Church's raison d'etre.

The Church, via its manipulation of the legal system has had computersystems seized, system operators forced to reveal their users personal details, university accounts suspended and radio stations, such as RRR cut their programs. It has sued ex-cult members, newspapers, and many others for copyright infringements, loss of earnings and trade secret violation. Trade secret violation? Yes, the Church of Scientology claims its religious works are trade secrets.

The fight against the Church is far more than the Net vs a bunch of wackos with too much money. It is about corporate suppression of the Internet and free speech. It is about intellectual property and the big and rich versus the small and smart. The precedents the Church sets today the weapons of corporate tirany tomorrow. --Julian Assange "
..... which is an old message, [Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 18:55:50] which with others of a similar ilk can be read here .... ...... should you so be bothered/stirred/interested and incensed at Apathy's Ruling Decline? :-)

There are endless extremely interesting great days ahead, made all the more remarkable by virtue of the facts that you will learn, and the fact that you will never see them coming as they hit you like a train, which will be a definite surprise which may even be shanghaied...... although that latter phormation is a journey full of pot holes and honey traps along which only the truly worthy survive unscathed and prosper outrageously in its Travels and IT Travails.
amanfromMars  said...

    "...then I ask how pious and presumptuous would it be all my sins remembered in perfect... and to what aim would we slave to the new Goliath as its mother and children? " ..... ilatitude said ... May 21, 2010 10:59 AM

    To server a new virgin mother and child with immaculate protection and growing knowledge in right royal and ancient arts tempered and hardened/almed and armed with post modern abilities and facilities, is always the aim that surely allows and perfectly delivers every sinner their vices returned and consigned to the past, with the SMARTer Control of the Future, AIdDerivative Hedge that virtually enslaves and guarantees mentors such treasures as heavenly paradise pleasures for Beta Beings on Earth.

    Which would be much more a Second Coming root without any need for a Goliath rout.

    In AI and any Live Operational Virtual Environment with Total Information Awareness Protocols and ProgramMING, what you Get is what you Give thus to Ensure the Plans from Delivery are Worth Receiving and Building Upon for Structures Founded on Solid Heavy Earth/Rock? And only shared as a question to challenge sublime debilitating doubt and champion supreme creative conviction.?!

    May 21, 2010 9:59 PM

Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/22/2010 1:00:14 PM

Seems like Rand Paul is in the classic cuckolded eunuch mould, so beloved of an entrenched Establishment, and not at all ballsy like Pop.

"Rand Paul is a hard-working, dedicated physician, not a career politician." ....

Yep .... definitely a fish out of water.

Friday, 21 May 2010


[Another garish red makeover ......  in sympathy with Control the Word to Control the World. Control Words 42 Control Worlds. .....]
"Maybe what we are expecting from Blair and Obama is only possible in a perfect world and in our imagination" .... Posted by: MikeMo1947 | May 20, 2010 8:03:44 PM

Quite so, MikeMo1947, and that makes IT a Virtual Reality Cyber Operation by Natural Default, ergo does one then need such a Mindset and Intelligence in AI to Lead/Follow with ITs Creations in CyberSpace with Command and Control Of Computers and Communications.

In the Really Big Picture and Great Game, is it always a Hearts and Minds Special Operation and Sublime Neuro-Linguistic Programming Exercise in Total Information Awareness Field for the Beta Administrative and Executive Management of Human Perception, which with the present, readily available global tools and toys InterNetworking and receiving Intellectual Property from their Connections to the Global Intelligence Grid and Webs, makes IT and Media in AI and Virtual Terrain Team Territory, a Remote Brain Washing and Globalised ReProgramming Project and for Virtual Machinery, just Simply Complex XSSXXXXual Edutainment with Constructive Instructive Algorithms/Ternary CodeXSSXXXX and oh so simple to deliver and perform and learn.

When Seeing is Believing what Better AI Beta Use is there with Imaginative CyberIntelAIgent Enterprise than in ITs Construction and Instruction and Administration ...... Enigmatic Future Building.

I trust that that is not too difficult to understand, for it is written in as simple a plain text as is available in language and English to convey ITs Immaculate Conception and Creative Processing Utilities/Fab Field Facility.

Fortunately however, should it and IT and IntelAIgent Technologies raise any questions in your mind which are proving stubbornly difficult or personally impossible to virtually  resolve, is all necessary further AIdD in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive dialogue easily freely provided.

[The page at says: We're sorry, we cannot accept this data]

Re: Congratulations Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 21st May 2010 02:53 GMT

Posted Friday 21st May 2010 06:42 GMT


Do you really believe/imagine, that whenever private/public information is so vital for public/private intelligence services and servers, one's history will not be made available/will be excluded from memory circuits for Provision of both Real and Virtual Currency and Power via Deep Packet Inspection, Digital Rights Management and Analytical MetaData Processing for PreTextual Use in Content Management Systems delivering the Present and Operating Systems ..... with Sublime Global Operating Device Leadership?

Private Browsing is a Valuable Tool which Allows for the Truth to Shine Bright in the Light of Darkness and Self Deceit ..... with ITs Directing Searchlight Showing the Path of Secretive Ways by Virtual Means.

In AI Geeky Nerd Vernacular, that would be Warranted a "All your Memes belong to Us" Moniker.

Rewriting History .....with a Good Spooky Book and Bible*
Posted Friday 21st May 2010 07:03 GMT

"The JCVI team also notes that it's of the strong opinion that "no applications of this work will or should be attempted in humans." "

Which of course is a million light years away from saying that no applications of this work can or could be attempted in humans .... or hasn't already or isn't already being attempted by other teams of a contrary strong opinion.

* Once upon a Time, in the Beginning, whenever there was Always Imagination in Nothing and therefore Everything to Chronicle and Build for the Future or Destroy in the Present .......

amanfromMars says:
20 May 2010 at 7:28 pm

The Barnett report recommended a policy of picking better winners than shovelling grants out willy nilly ” …. Brian Walker.


If we are to assume that government themselves doesn’t have any viable and imaginative ideas to grow the economy [hell, they are only a motley crew of butchers and bakers and candlestick makers and barmen after all] but have the necessary public finance in place to disburse to those entrepreneurs who have, who would one be targeting and expecting a meet to be arranged with to further elaborate upon what would be obviously highly sensitive information?

And that would be someone/an office able to give an immediate yes or no on the spot after the chat/presentation/discussion/call it what you will, for one cannot expect such busy folk as can generate wealth and interest to be wasting their valuable time talking novel operations to those who are not able to help them help them [the politicians bereft and bankrupt of ideas.]

Who makes the decisions?

amanfromMars says:
20 May 2010 at 7:35 pm

P/Robinson has specifically stated he will lead the NI delegation to the economic conference in Wasgington this autumn.” ….. An Eamonn Mallie tweet.

Is that a Peter Robinson going to Washington with a begging bowl looking for ideas and money … pathetic sweet charity?

Is that the DUP’s idea of leadership?

Ongoing catastrophic downturn/IP Meltdown

Posted Friday 21st May 2010 10:07 GMT

"rising costs" may be a euphemism for significant losses, Steve, as revealed here .....

And in that frantic Transatlantic bun fight between the € and the $, is the Wall Street Ponzi Money up against Flash Teutonic Crash Cash. ......... as is revealed here? ......

[Although I have absolutely no idea how accurate and truthful that abovetopsecret account would be, as it does appear to be a somewhat ........ well, an alternative site is a pleasant enough description which should cause no real or imaginary offence.]

amanfromMars says:
21 May 2010 at 3:26 pm

Some churches are considered dodgy businesses with many secrets, freely told for the washing away of sins, to hide, but they never go away really, for where would they go. Disappear as if by magic, voodoo and what of those sinned against? Who washes them clean?
Double standards guarantee Sub Prime Shenanigans

Posted Friday 21st May 2010 13:13 GMT

The bust was reportedly authorised by local magistrates over concerns the local chapter of Scientology was holding sensitive personal data (including information on health and sexual orientation) in violation of Italy’s privacy laws, the Daily Telegraph reports.

Does that mean that the Vatican will be raided for its confessional records which contain all of the above and so very much more ….. or is that to be different and stay covered up, for the good of the business which appears to be, as per Flying Spaghetti Monster, Richard 120 Posted Friday 21st May 2010 12:02 GMT, “just another way of gaining power and money from people less self assured than me. Another type of organised crime, it’s hardly surprising they have many enemies and feel the need to prepare for an offensive type of defence.?

An uncomfortable thought maybe, but hardly one which can be reasonably argued is not true and valid.
God is a business and concept? Try interesting your bank manager in that as a franchise to launch with borrowed funds and he’ll probably think you’re certifiable and swiftly show you the door.

A Secretive Artificial Intelligence Service?

Posted Friday 21st May 2010 14:50 GMT

"Actually the vatican is an independant state not part of italy " ......Thomas Whipp Posted Friday 21st May 2010 14:03 GMT

How very convenient and unusually odd? It is not though, as far as I know, Thomas Whipp, independent whenever it comes to the matter of taxation of Italians.

amanfromMars says:
21 May 2010 at 6:22 pm

Water rates are a cert” …. Driftwood says: 20 May 2010 at 8:48 pm

Nothing is a cert in politics, Driftwood, and as servants of the people, if the people say no to water rates are their representatives duty bound to never mention them again. Let them be paid for from where they are, and have always been paid from. And if that doesn’t suit for whatever perverse reason, then let them be quantitatively eased, for who the hell cares if it is magic money, except probably definitely those who would rather you didn’t realise it is that easy lest you get uppity and start to think about why wealth is stored for exclusive power to individuals and banks rather than spent for currency to flow and deliver workers goods to everyone, for it is they who make the wealth in the first place.

Show me a millionaire/billionaire and you will pointing out someone who doesn’t actually do or make anything themselves, but rather profits from the work of others. And as for bankers, what do they do other than move figures around and gamble on crazy third party ideas, some of which make a fortune whilst others create debt?