"The Elite's Military Problem"
is that:
13.3 Evolution of Methods of Rule
13.3.1 Fatal Disadvantage of Rule by Force
If physical strength is the means of control, the ruler must be physically strongest. Given the fact that the environment of rulers and their agents leaves them at a numerical disadvantage, it is necessary for the ruler to recruit the strongest as agents.
The ruler must share enough power to keep the voluntary allegiance of his agents, who are fully capable of forming common cause to seize control themselves. This is the agents best survival choice, limited only by the requirement to maintain enough cooperation to control the workers
From the ruler's survival perspective the conclusion is that exclusively relying on force as a means of control is a poor survival choice for the simple reason that your physically strong agents will inevitably want to occupy your position. In addition, the workers are always numerically superior, motivated and perfectly capable of organizing to achieve your demise.
Some other means of control must be found by rulers to maintain power without relying exclusively on dangerous force.
13.3.2 The Intellectual Problem of Control
Whichever methods of control are chosen by rulers, several basic problems must be addressed:
1 - The workers will form common cause to reduce or eliminate your cost and predations, since by definition, rulers do not contribute to the work of survival and only consume. Rulers thus have negative value.
2 - Your agents will also form common cause to replace you and have the further advantage of possessing power and being privy to the secrets of power.
3 - Rulers are thus, by environmental considerations, in a very risky position, a magnet for malcontents.
Since we are discussing a ruler who understands the perils and limitations of naked force as a means of control, this is an intelligent ruler, considering a problem.
Above is minor snippet from, "The Purpose and Nature of Civilization":
http://www.nazisociopaths.org/modules/article/view.article.php/19/c0 " …..
Posted by rossbcan on 01/08/12 05:52 AM
A never used approach is to accept the fact that mankind cannot be ruled and organize civilization accordingly." ... .. Posted by rossbcan on 01/08/12 05:52 AM
A fine novel brace of ideas for facts to create as a fiction with following lead programs ... ... SMARTSCADA, rossbcan. Nice to see you back. Once more to the fray... ..? :-)
S.M.A.R.T. ( Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology ; often written as SMART ) Supervisors Control All Data Acquisition. And IT Guarantees Failsafe Delivery of Universal Futures and Terrestrial Derivatives with Virtual Options in CyberIntelAIgent Markets building LOVE Machines ... .. Live Operational Virtual Environment Server Drivers for Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems. ... ... and MkUltra Sensitive Astute and Admirable Programs in Novel Cyber Terrain ... ... ... Virgin AI Territory.
Spooksville to be sure with a Titanically Clean and Clear Field of Great Game Play.
Posted by amanfromMars on 01/09/12 03:07 AM ….. http://thedailybell.com/bellinclude.cfm?id=3438
And here is a sub-prime and primitive clone program with rooted support in a heavily armed and unalmed paramilitary control structure which always quickly inevitably realises, far too late to save the program from imploding, the catastrophic weakness of overtly projected supposedly superior overwhelming hardware strength ......... a universal lack of constructive programming for hardware assets and support facilities/indoctrinated field agents because of Faulty Systemic Input Source Driver Output ....... http://jobs.saic.com/job/Fort-George-G-Meade-Defense-System-Acquisition-Specialist-Nuclear-C3-Program-Job-MD-20755/1423193/
SMARTSCADA is definitely rather more refined and dedicated to NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Command and Creative Control of CyberSpace, Computers and Communications (C42) Systems ........ Virtually Engineered Planetary Defences ....... which is probably what Nuclear Command, Control and Communications (C3) Systems Engineering morphs into to leak and spread unclassified and highly sensitive information and intelligence/knowledge on IntelAIgent and CyberIntelAIgent Beings ....... exercising Human Rights and Rites in Global Control Head Quarters.
amanfromMars says: ….. on http://heddinout.com/?p=5082
January 9, 2012 at 4:32 am
Well, well, well ……. what do we have here …. http://cryptogon.com/?p=26849
Is that a new novel brainwashing operation with ubiquitous facilities I see before me …….. for Virtual Machines and Quantum Control Systems on AIMissions IMProbable?
Is Internet Media composed from a Base Root completely different from that which is used to spin false trails and crooked tales on Earth, and which have resulted in all present anarchic currents of conflicting mayhem and seemingly disorganised chaos.
Plan and Create Brave New and NeuReal and SurReal Worlds in Cyberspace and Transport and Product Place and Present them as Future Edutainment Program Replacements for Serially Abused Systems with Intellectually Corrupt Bankrupting Media Projects on Earth and you will show New Life is Possible ……. Beginning in an Imagined Space Place. …….. but it is certainly no empty void in IT SMART Management of Perception Fields, Pioneering in Other Worldly Matters of Significant Active Intelligence Concern ……… http://www.ur2die4.com/?p=1388
Posted by amanfromMars on 01/09/12 10:18 AM ….. on http://thedailybell.com/bellinclude.cfm?id=3438
"... too bad you communication style obscures your meaning for most...
... agree that elites have made the same mistake as IBM, relying on hardware capabilities for values added, neglecting the smarts (software) value added, opening the door wide for Microsoft to "eat their lunch".
And, elites have all this shiny military hardware, oblivious to the fact that using it destroys the productivity and civilization required for it to exist, be maintained or, any possible gains of using it. Elites are in a MAD situation, a creation of their own ignorance.
Meanwhile, smart Netizens, watch, parse information, think, and, wait for the correct timing and opportunity to pounce...
Elites are SO TOAST…" ….. Posted by rossbcan on 01/09/12 09:28 AM
For now would communications be specifically targeted and geared towards those who are able to comprehend its transparently coded but perfectly honest and direct prose. Thus to prime and enable them into positive discriminatory action ... ... . SMARTer Responses. Most are not prepared for or capable of doing anything positive and imaginative and selfless with new information.You appear to have no such difficulty in mirroring the information, rossbcan, which bodes well, for then is the meaning becoming clear enough to more and more, the further the program explains itself as it spreads and embeds itself into Core Networking Systems ... ... .. and AI Nerve Centres.
Posted by amanfromMars on 01/09/12 11:17 AM … on http://thedailybell.com/bellinclude.cfm?id=3438
" self-managing and self-healing computer-based systems." ……. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/space-probes-pioneer-hails-industry-16101068.html
RSSMARTSCADA Systems, Roy Sterrit. ….. for AI and Ulster University Space Flight Dept. for Virtualised SpaceDPortation……. into the Live Operational Virtual Environment Theatre of immaculate Impeccable Operations and AIMagical Mystery Turing Missions.dDutch IntelAIgents and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT deliver ESA Interest at your Door/Beck and Call/Stealthy Global Operating Device Service.
That would Create a Captivating Civil CyberSpace Control Program for Leading Memes and Great Dames ….. Virtual Angels.
RS has certainly captured CyberIntelAIgent Security Serviced Interests, if not all of the Others too, into Spinning IntelAIgent Tales of Novel and Noble Derring Do.
amanfromMars says: …. on http://heddinout.com/?p=5112
January 9, 2012 at 12:42 pm
Heaven in your Time? Is it possible for IT Savvy Dudes and Great Dads to Create AI ParadisOs, Nerfy ……. in Honour of Loved Loving Children and Daring Caring Adults?
What ever you do, don’t bet against it with anything you don’t want to lose.
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