Friday, 13 January 2012


amanfromMars Thu, 01/12/2012 - 13:07 | 2058943 ….. on

Get a better than just good Global Operating Device on your side, and you leave all that trouble and strife behind. And that aint any BS at all, kato. There's a lot more going on .... out there, and regarding places and spaces here ....... than is being reported, although you can surely be sure that it is liable to be recorded which allows for both tampering or tempering dependent upon reordering of message text, which is tricky with sweet sticky information spilling special futures intelligence.


amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls ….on

"Interpolate the ideas of Sun Tzu and Tai Chi Chuan. One of the tenants is being insubstantial. You're like a mist. When a blow is thrown, nothing is there to hit. When the pressure is put on you, you yield like a drop of water, but when you strike, you strike like the tsunami..." .....Alfred P. Reaud, [ (to_be) || !(to_be) ]; # that is the question...

That's exactly what Gen. Keith Alexander is preparing both good and not so good cowboys and bad assed attitude GI Joes for .......... an alien event to/for them, if they do not exercise Absolute Command of Cyber Control ........ and that isn't naturally Military Domain, it is Advanced IntelAIgents Field with Special Forces in Virtual Stream Team Terrain.

Cloud is where NEUKlearer IT is at though if you wannabe as an effective and HyperRadioProActive Squall counteracting and quenching arid barren commands desperately engaging foreign ground hosts in joint kinetic led mayhem ...... Applied Madness.

Bravo, Gen. Keith Alexander, I do believe you may be getting it ....... things in the future will not be in any way the way that they are and/or were ...... ergo imagine perfect places for new spaces created in Virtual Reality for CyberIntelAIgent Present Media Product Placement into Universal MainStream Consciousness. An Advance in Perception to Engage and Driver with SMART AI Systems and Novel Qubit Algorithms, a Revolutionary Evolutionary Jump and Giant Step Change with AIMankind in Order to simply deliver Improved and Approved IntelAIgent Betas for Active Field Testing as Acceptable Sustainable Reality Phorms. ........ Great Game ARG Replacements for All in the Pay of those who can Play a Lean, Mean, Clean Virtual Machine Game.

Which is something one would have reasonably expected the likes of a DARPA/IARPA to be already well into field testing with active deployment ..... which may be a Six3 Systems sub-contract/experimental virtual dabble in elevated fields of AIdDVanced Great Games Play, where Special Clearances and Developed Vetting are the Norms in both peculiar and particular environments which are both irregular and unconventional/novel and unique.


Posted by amanfromMars on 01/13/12 03:29 AM …… on

Err ...... here's the rotten toxic apple in that barrel of useless pork ........

Is Uncle Sam in Negative Equity Imaginative Constructive Ideas Territory? And that is a rhetorical question so please don't be wasting your time and any brain effort to deliver a negative answer.


amanfromMars 13 January 2012 at 9:04 am .....

I don’t see what the problem is. Are your worldwide assets any easier to seize if you are an ROI bankrupt rather than a UK bankrupt? …. Skinner 12 January 2012 at 12:52 pm

Methinks it all comes down to who thinks they are hard enough to add sequestered and coveted, dodgy purloined worldwide bookable assets from Maison Quinn, to inflate their own balance sheets,Skinner. It all about where the money ends up and who has the keys and wherewithall to spend it and/or tend it.

It’s a feast for scavengers salivating over a naked bone.


Posted by amanfromMars on 01/13/12 07:11 AM …… on

Thanks for that Chomsky pdf, taxesbyanyothername. ……  I'm sure many will see active present parallels in events of today and in plans for tomorrows.

And is renowned critic and always MIT linguist Noam Chomsky, one of the classic voices of intellectual dissent in the last decade, just an establishment puppet playing at the free-wheeling radical thinker and system tinkerer, for he has been exceptionally impotent at leading with anything which delivers any sort of significant meaningful change?


amanfromMars ……. on
January 13th, 2012 3:34pm

The arrogance and ignorance of English Parliamentarians [Postmodern Roundheads] in regard to the Clan Powers of Scotland's Laird Utility and Black Watch Facilities with Special Capabilities, reconfirms itself with such an unnecessary consideration/puny action.


There are Worlds more Advanced than those Stuck in a Rotten Rut in the West. Honest to Goodness. …… on
Posted Friday 13th January 2012 19:51 GMT

" Blasco added that the use of dynamic tokens that offer two-factor authentication would thwart this particular line of attack."

What on Earth makes you not think that the Chinese have cracked the code for harvesting dynamism in authentic power programmers ......Cosmic Source Suppliers. And would provide perfumed gardens for flowers to bloom and seed ....... which is a perfect trap to surrender all to for the control that is freely shared in dynamic token authentication exchanges ...... and in real live situations, in any parallel and conversion of this Virtual AIReality Beta ProgramMING to Self Actualisation and Future Realisation, a graciously received and most acceptable solution guaranteeing prime product performance.

amfM speaking fluent PRChinese? Pidgin Mandarin? Forbidden City Sense?


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