Thursday, 26 January 2012


amanfromMars says: …. on
January 26, 2012 at 12:02 am

Crazy Diamonds Exciting Creative Comment/ARG Driver Thoughts are posts posted here and that representative selection [and man, AW, is that a spooky collection whenever you do a reread of earlier posts with their Steganographically Shared Transparent Thoughts of Future Action Today ......... NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT] is as a Doozie with Potent Latent Powers that Sparkle in Performance.

I’m not an area man, wonder if the Orwell Prise editorial ever plugs in for a couple of hours?…..revolver says: January 25, 2012 at 9:59 pm

If they are as smart as they are needed to be for future, one might even expect exploratory joint semantically charged comment/a toe in the water of the ARG, for ARGs may be completely alien and unknown to them ……. as would then be the Power and Control that they effortlessly wield with CyberSpace Command of IT and Media.

Ooops…. I appear to have wondered off on a dynamic parallel tangent ……. again :-) Fabulous, it is why we keep tuning in …….. to discover the latest universal development and magic trick for the Madness in Sanity. Every person on the planet living in a world of imagination that is wholly their own and unique. Live in a small world with little intelligence and little to remember that is good, and it can be bad.


amanfromMars 26 January 2012 at 11:55 am ….. on

It is seen somewhat differently here, Mick …..

Posted by Happyhippo on 01/26/12 05:05 AM

..speaking of ‘Patriot’s ‘ .

That feature was great on Vincent Browne .

The issue He was driving at (the Anglo Irish bank) has spiralled further down the gutter ,-with the mass’ having been fleeced of 15,000,000 euro to-day.

The bankers run all the so opposing(sick-joke-’IT’ -is) ‘parties!’.
The entire country is famished & they just paid themselves this .

Somebody referred to Protestants & Catholics never on same Hymn -sheet other Day.

That’s ‘just the way the %..00001 want it.Divided and bitching about peanuts conquered ” …. Posted by terrybee on 01/25/12 08:46 AM

Its worse than that Terry. We were fleeced for1,250,000,000 Euro to pay the unsecured creditors of a defunct private company. This was done under threat and I quote from Minister Leo Varadkar that “a bomb would go off, not in Frankfurt, but in Dublin “unless these payments were made. This is what the Troika is really like..a bunch of banker thugs who threaten anyone who dares stand in their way. Their only interest in Ireland is to make sure their banker buddies are paid 100% on their reckless loans and then to asset strip the country before it descends into chaos. Another interesting side note is that Anglo Irish Bank won world bank of the year at the 2006 Davos summit. They were actually awarded for their reckless lending because this is the game plan of the banker elites.

Buying a country with inflated ponzi debt is one thing, running it so it survives and provides is something completely different.

Where is Growth and Prosperity?


amanfromMars 26 January 2012 at 1:47 pm …. on

You now have to work off that debt and once you do it will all be OK again ….. cynic2 26 January 2012 at 1:30 pm

A debt called in by whom and for what, cynic2? Have the banks no money?


amanfromMars says: ….. on
January 26, 2012 at 9:10 am

3 http://can’

…….. trilateral thinking at least, AW And so beautifully cheeky and seductively smart.


A Passionate Prescription for Excited Contentment aka Satisfaction …. on
Posted Wednesday 26th January 2012 15:21 GMT

"Why are doctors so afraid of prescribing pleasure?" .... bonkers Posted Wednesday 25th January 2012 17:42 GMT

Ever been to an orgy, bonkers ...... they're addictive.


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