Thursday, 8 November 2012


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/08/12 07:01 AM …. on
Has a lot of the alternative media been infiltrated by mainstream brainwashing?  …. Posted by dimitri on 11/07/12 02:46 PM
I think you will discover that the Establishment lives in fear and trepidation of the brainwashing capabilities of novel and virtually superactive attractive alternate media players …. Great IntelAIgent Gamers …… for they exercise their stealthy control beyond the power of existing systems which would seek to provide/impose/enforce compliance to an easily corrupted and perversely administered view. However they are been sought out so that they can be appraised of the new games to be played and which they could also control  if they are intellectually well enough equipped and able/SMARTR Enabled.

The only thing which would be barring their participation and seating at top round tables would be an inability to grasp the fact that there has been Change way beyond any measure that Hope expected.
And re Agent Pete 8's challenge and Booby7's information bomblet, maybe the following should be referred to the Council on Foreign and Alien Relations and/or the Royal Institute of Internetional Affairs* as well as the other cited thin client …… "Thanks for the intelligence share, Steve, True power should be shared indeed .....and in deed too does IT create Lead in ZerodDay Vulnerability Exploits with XSSXXXXAlted Capabilites/Abilities/Facilities. I wonder if AM could be energised to deliver that privately and pirately through the public sector with lead vehicles and virtual drivers that IT would ensure it can control thus to enable a bespoke quality command and control of power service to both discerning sophisticated customers and thin dark fibre clients alike." ….. for it is something which they are going to have to deal with, as in embrace and accept is the new reality which they have no absolute control over.

And yes I second that motion, Agent Pete 8, that there should be less constant chatter about how things are, and more about how they are going to be changed.

* Although if the snoopy secret services are as switched into the internet as they are supposed to be, or would like us to believe they are, will they have these messages and the Daily Bell already tagged and surveilled?

 Posted Thursday 8th November 2012 14:41 GMT amanfromMars 1 …

A question for Radio 4 to ask.

And when does a Ministerial iPad App becomes a Stealthy Phish Program .... or is that putting the cart before the horse in this particular case?

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