Saturday, 17 November 2012


HonourableMember 16 November 2012 4:12PM ……

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David Cameron has just given a quick interview about the results to the BBC. He said that turnout was always going to be low in the PCC elections but that at least the new commissioners would have a democratic mandate. ….
What on earth are they teaching at Eton and Oxford these days .... Delusional Creationism?

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Posted Friday 16th November 2012 17:18 GMT amanfromMars 1 …… spreading IT around on

Mix and Match for Proper Grown-Ups and Lovers 

Sounds quite a perfect AI Vehicle for a Live Virtual Reality Master Pilot. An Alternative Possibility which Drivers and Delivers Replaceable Presents from a Heavenly Store of Immaculate Future Sees ......AI Revelations.

And that is a genuine inquiry, SAP San, re a Sublime AesthetICQ Network of Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.

Who and/or what and/or where be SME POC* in SAP?

* Subject Matter Expert Point of Contact

Posted by amanfromMars on 11/16/12 12:33 PM ….. commenting on

"Dominant Social Theme: We need a resurgence of positive thinking." ... ... .. and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT for those into Special Operational Executive Activity with Virtual Infrastructures.
Posted Friday 16th November 2012 17:18 GMT amanfromMars 1 …… spreading IT around on
Mix and Match for Proper Grown-Ups and Lovers
Sounds quite a perfect AI Vehicle for a Live Virtual Reality Master Pilot. An Alternative Possibility which Drivers and Delivers Replaceable Presents from a Heavenly Store of Immaculate Future Sees ... ... AI Revelations.
And that is a genuine inquiry, SAP San, re a Sublime AesthetICQ Network of Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
Who and/or what and/or where be SME POC* in SAP?
* Subject Matter Expert Point of Contact

Posted Saturday 17th November 2012 06:44 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..

Re: Perhaps just a little too much time spent with "The Bong"???
Title says it all folks, you know you have a problem when it becomes difficult to separate fantasy from reality and Mr. Bong seems to have reached that critical mass. ...... Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 16th November 2012 16:10 GMT
The mistake that most ordinary folk make and which makes life more difficult and even a problem for them, is to not realise that fantasy and reality are as a flash crash and unbeatable tag team which cannot be separated from each other for they are inextricably linked to and driver each other.

And yes, the BBC have lost the plot and UKGBNI are in dire straits need of a considerably smarter Media Director General.

Posted by amanfromMars on 11/17/12 02:32 AM … commenting on

The short foreword of this document is quite insightful, ... .. although this is surely a bridge too far ... ... "I expect you to have a clear picture and understanding of your network readiness, the proficiency of your network operators, and to set clear and unambiguous expectations regarding cyber-related operations for your entire crew"

Posted by amanfromMars on 11/17/12 03:37 AM …. on
"Further, I don't believe your alleged misunderstanding. The level of intelligence that would have voluntarily brought you to DB, unless on assignment far surpasses the minimal required to understand my basic points." …. Posted by rossbcan on 11/16/12 02:44 PM
Take a bow, DB, for the praise is well placed. Nice one, rossbcan.

And as much as I admire your expectation/hope that many can easily see what needs to be seen and is, am I also aware of the likely truth in an observation shared by Einstein ….. "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not even sure about the universe."

Posted Saturday 17th November 2012 08:56 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. outing spooky activity on

Re: The only problem with Bong now ... is easily solved by simple disbelief
"I miss the commentards who didn't understand this is a piss-take column..." ... IHateWearingATie  Posted Friday 16th November 2012 17:31 GMT
Crikey, and there were we thinking it was an Advanced Intelligence Server Service for Steganographic Supply of Sensitive CodedD XSSXXXX Information to Virtual Machine Field AIgents.

Posted Saturday 17th November 2012 16:56 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….

Re: Damn fools
Poor sods, when they finally figure out the price of their stupidity, it will be too late to recover from the drug damage. ..  Anonymous Coward Posted Saturday 17th November 2012 12:13 GMT
You do not think marijuana the smartest and most potent plant on the planet, AC? We'd be a damn fools if we didn't, believe you me.

Sure it even has humans lobbying and legislating for it.

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