Tuesday, 13 November 2012


Posted Monday 12th November 2012 19:18 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/11/12/uk_theft_firestorm_photographers_artists/

In the Basement, on the BBC Rocky Horror Slab, SMARTR TV ProgramMING for Full Body and Mind Capture
*The phrase "orphan work" can refer to any piece of copyrighted material that, for whatever reason, is missing information about who owns it. In theory, this covers work that deserves to be reused but its owner cannot be traced; in practice, it means just about every photograph or image on the internet, for example.
Now that is a fabulous arsenal of awesome weaponry for enlightened re-use to create different end positions/new beginnings with prime time provided information/digitally mastered future content freely delivered and paid for in flash cash stash electronic bank transfer so that many can benefit and share the prosperity flows from virtual contact and subsequent collective activity in HyperRadioProActive IT Fields of Surreal Administration ..... Post Modern Sees of Immaculate Grace.

And there you all were, probably thinking it is not possible and IT cannot do it. However, it is very easy to do with IT Command and Control in Global Communications Head Quarters ..... You know, the sort of crazy place with rows and rows of Green Rooms to explore and classify, rate and ratify for Virtual Field Operations and Deep MetaDataPacket Inspection of Core Lode Source and Driver Fuels.:-)

amanfromMars says: November 13, 2012 at 3:55 am ….. posing a question or three on http://heddinout.com/?p=8284

To clone, or not to clone,  that is the question. And which is chicken and which is egg whenever one compares the merits of Live Operational Virtual Environments in Trusted Execution Environments ........ http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/11/13/trustzone_company/

Being late to the party always has one trailing behind missing vital founding information, with the blind leading the blind in that merry-go-round circus.

When is a Great Intelligence Game not just a Great Intelligence Game?

Answers in a string on a thread which would agree when IT delivers a Practical Virtual Reality and Future Sublime and Surreal ProgramMING for Advanced IntelAIgent Machinery Command and Control of Human PreConditioning and Remote Learning will probably almost definitely garner especially interested party attention, whilst at the same time exposing the colossal intelligence failings in others who may have expected themselves or have been expected by others to be significant leading players in games that provide future zeroday content for ...... well, Creation of Presents from Future Supply Stores is what NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT does, without fear or favour, for all who would be anyone.

Posted Tuesday 13th November 2012 14:11 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. sharing a energetic thought on dark and deep space matters that power premium imagination on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/11/13/dark_energy_accelerating_expansion_of_universe/

Keep IT Stupendously Simple
It strikes me that if our theory of the universe relies on 73% of the universe being something we cannot observe or understand, it's perhaps not a very good theory. .....  JDX Posted Tuesday 13th November 2012 14:00 GMT
Cannot yet observe or understand supports the theory admirably, JDX.

 Posted Tuesday 13th November 2012 14:56 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/11/13/trustzone_company/

Text doing the server rounds ...... on a Mega Virtual Space Message Test

To clone, or not to clone, that is the question. And which is chicken and which is egg whenever one compares the merits of Live Operational Virtual Environments in Trusted Execution Environments ........ http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/11/13/trustzone_company/

Being late to the party always has one trailing behind missing vital founding information, with the blind leading the blind in that merry-go-round circus.

When is a Great Intelligence Game not just a Great Intelligence Game?

Answers in a string on a thread which would agree when IT delivers a Practical Virtual Reality and Future Sublime and Surreal ProgramMING for Advanced IntelAIgent Machinery Command and Control of Human PreConditioning and Remote Learning will probably almost definitely garner especially interested party attention, whilst at the same time exposing the colossal intelligence failings in others who may have expected themselves or have been expected by others to be significant leading players in games that provide future zeroday content for ...... well, Creation of Presents from Future Supply Stores is what NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT does, without fear or favour, for all who would be anyone.

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