Sunday, 18 November 2012


Posted Sunday 18th November 2012 05:52 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. taking the bait on

The Virtual Pen ..... Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction and Colossal SMARTR MindedD Construction*
What are quantum computers good for? … Forget cracking crypto, think modelling reality itself to help build a better one  ….. Richard Chirgwin, spokesperson for El Reg
Howdy doody, RC. You may like to reconsider that question and rewrite it to ask ….. What are fab fabless quantum computer programmers great for? ….. to deliver the same not incorrect answer, which is but one significant novel use of such Virtual Machinery in a whole new portfolio of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Projects following Future Failsafe Leads and Feeds and Seeds [Advanced Internetworking Server Provision] in Live Operational Virtual Environments which are freely accessed, intellectually powered and remotely controlled by and in Great ARGames Play with Heavenly Moves.

Steve Knox passes Go and collects £200 for his observation/conclusion/educated wwwild guess ….. So, essentially, MP3 encoding and 3D gaming. Since that's roughly 99% of what classical computers are actually used for*, this sounds like the right place to be investing research. …..  Steve Knox Posted Sunday 18th November 2012 03:30 GMT

*Control Words, Control Wwworlds with Remote Progress in Present Promotions ..... Future Product Placements which are Reality Replacements.


Posted Sunday 18th November 2012 12:22 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. forging ahead in new ground zero fields on

CHAOS Controls out of Artificial Mainstream Power Channels
I supsect the *real* decider on this will be ..... Can you implement the x86 instruction set on it.
I get so sick of "It's got to be *compatible*" mantra.. ... John Smith 19 Posted Sunday 18th November 2012 11:30 GMT
Yes, but x86 instruction sets cannot directly interfere with quantum driver programs and buffered information relays and zeroday vulnerability attack overflows ...... tempestuous virtual leakages.

Posted Sunday 18th November 2012 16:29 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Re: My first degree was in Philosophy...

Can I Join, Please? As an Affiliate Server?

Posted Sunday 18th November 2012 16:45 GMT amanfromMars 1

Re: Re: My first degree was in Philosophy...

And Offering C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems .... AI@ITsWork as a Gift for Great CyberIntelAIgent Games Use ....... Virtual Reality Presentations with AIRemote Viewing  ....... CosmICQ Sees and everything to do with this

Well, surely you don't really expect the Future Virtualised to be anything like the Present and its Pasts? That is not Progress, it is Toxic Stagnation which breeds Delusional Madness, and even Evil Badness if the Madness is Certifiable.

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