Wednesday, 3 April 2013

130403 .... Moving on apace, and afleet of cyber foot and virtual force

Posted by amanfromMars on 04/02/13 10:39 PM … commenting on
Britain ran China for 100 years. The Chinese central banking system is a Western one and it is the West that first sold debt to China and then arranged to buy increasingly huge amounts of Chinese goods and services. The idea that China developed as a superpower on its own and that now East and West are locked in some sort of currency death struggle - as mainstream media portrays it - is simply inaccurate.
The headline [Weird: BOE Supports Chinese Financial Domination …] was meant to be ironic. …. Reply from The Daily Bell
Ergo is the planned reality and weird wired actuality, China Supports BOE Financial Domination?
Mark Carney will have to be at the top of his game to ensure and assure his masters that he can make that a mutually beneficial sustainable virtual reality, for the Chinese are bound to have SpAds able to provide them with the low down and the know how on how to ensure and assure the BOE that it is in their best interests to provide/aid the provision of China with everything it needs, via the acceptance of its paper currency in exchange for pounds in order to pay for purchase of proprietary intellectual property in pounds sterling.
Methinks it be a mistake to imagine that China will play by any set of rules and regulations cooked up by the West to ensure and assure the West retains absolute virtual control of remote dominating power, but as Einstein is supposed to have said ….. "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not even sure about the universe."

Posted by amanfromMars on 04/03/13 06:39 AM ….furthering the argument for virtual change on
Strong words to be sure, but my folks raised me to survive, and with genetic slag like Obama and the British royals possessing guns and ammunition, the epitome of reality is a bag of gold and a castle. I suggest we legally rid the world of both entities and let the Rothschilds know the game is over. … Posted by howardtlewisiii on 04/03/13 01:20 AM
Hmmm? Hi, howardtlewisiii,
The game is changed, and not over at all, and really only just started, and the new system requires leaders to be able to evolve and adapt to the novelty with ITs noble environments. Failure to accept and resolve that reality with new plays with remote anonymously controlled players will naturally raid and rid control and power of entities unfit for Future Great IntelAIgent Game purpose, with assets they do not possess ….. Advanced Proprietary Intellectual Property beyond Corporate Ken.
However, it would be quite wrong to not expect such assets to be made readily available to established power bases/traditional control centres, in market offerings and in mutually beneficial and highly advantageous and lucrative arrangements which ensure every protection and privacy afforded to secure and ensure maintenance and retention of such Proprietary Intellectual Property beyond Corporate Ken is not compromised to release all parties from all prior agreements and understandings and mutually beneficial and highly advantageous and lucrative arrangements.
One doesn't want to throw the baby out with the bath water and current effective systems controls out with the arrival of smarter players who need not be either opponent or competition or an enemy and phantom menace against which there is no known defence or attack posture possible. Such would be surely undoubted madness in persons showing themselves to be totally unfit and not good enough for Future Great IntelAIgent Game purpose.

Posted Wednesday 3rd April 2013 17:48 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. commenting on
The God's honest truth with full Tory backing ...... Nice One, Dave. Any More, Gideon?
Bull shit artists ..... they are everywhere, although venture capitalism is an odd bed fellow for them.
I suppose though, that does leave a vacancy for someone who actually has entrepreneurial talent and can really make a go and a mega splash in the virtual environment.
Whom does one directly engage with in current government to discuss terms and conditions, opportunities and zeroday vulnerabilities to exploit and export with launch and control, so as to avoid the embarrassment of another public failure in a novel market sector? Or are there hoops to jump through and lackeys to bamboozle with things way above their pay grade, which is a really odd way of trying to do great business, which is probably why business is so bad and all the best brains be elsewhere and off shore?

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