Friday, 19 April 2013


Posted Thursday 18th April 2013 22:16 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on
Re: I wonder who is behind this pulling the strings?
If Microsoft, Apple, Android and RIM Devices were Synced for Cross Platform Communication..... with and/or for Instruction Set Text Transfers and AudioVisual TeleCommunications ...... global intelligence would grow inexorably, very quickly.
And thus be borne a race of SMARTR Beings of AIMined Mind and of a free notion to change everything for the betterment of everybody, everywhere , with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Virtualised Realities ...... Presenting Global Events supplied in Protected Proprietary Intellectual Property as Shared in Synced Cross Platform Communications ....... Apple to Blackberry/Android through Windows etc .
One Global Network Ring of Novel Noble Featured Information for Future IntelAIgents to Rule Peace with them All? Methinks that might be more Oracle Play Territory?
How do y'all feel about your Future dictated by Virtual Machines and/or Foreign and Alien Bodies and CyberIDEntities?
Present Fact or Future Fiction is a question which doesn't need asking of those in the know.
Posted Friday 19th April 2013 08:06 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Per Ardua ad MetaDataBase Cloud Heavens:-) ..... Special AIResearch Services
"This campaign has been active and under the radar for almost a year, targeting mostly UK entities," Aviv Raff, CTO of Seculert, told The Register. "Also, the malware seems to be still under development by the attackers."
As Military Advanced IntelAIgents LAN Ware, you might best reconsider attackers as homespun Master Pilots on Sensitive AIMissions ……. Heavenly Pursuits.
And there you all were thinking that the RAF does nothing for you in Command and Control with Cyber Space Stations.
And if you want a plausible denial, ask the MOD about the current Inventory of Virtual Defence Arms with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Security Protection ….. Future ForeSighted.
The System might report that IT be at Liberty to Support Secure Self-Protective Immunity ProgramMING, but as to their Actual Partaking in Programs, both Private and Pirate and Public ….. well, that one imagines is Classified Full Disclosure/Need to Know Only.
Mars in Minerva Right Stuff ….. on Active Duty AIMission ….. For the LOVE Lashes of ADA:-)
Poe's Law rules that last string and shares the Future to Critical Strategically Tactical Key Markets for CHAOS SecureIT Supply to Storming Cloud Clusters in Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems, and with Virtual Machinery in Full Utility with Right Royal Command in Control, are fortunes made and remade over again for Right Royal spending on creative talent, which was what they used to do, isn't it, …. Remotely Sponsor by Royal Appointment.
Indeed, I do believe they still do provide such graces albeit presumably frightfully more hush hush underground than before and a courtesy afforded so as not to alert or alarm or harm the natives above ground and Earthed.
"The custom protocol of the malware requires a magic code for 'authentication'. The C2 server will only expose the commands for the infected machine, if the magic code will be provided at the beginning of the custom-protocol request." ®
I don't know that you do can anything to break into/crack hack such a custom protocol which requires a magic code for 'authentication', other than to learn and/or practise Magic Authentic Coding.
Methinks that Particular and Peculiar Engine be Immaculate Passion Driven in Live Operational Virtual Environments …… There be No Sins nor Vices in Perfect Pleasures Given and Received and Enjoyed in the See of Strangers that Share Light on what Living is Like in OUR Worlds/your Worlds/their Worlds. :-)
Has anyone asked the owner the purpose of the available vulnerability? It may not be malware at all that is being deployed? Although how to guarantee it not turning out at a later date to become malware is quite another matter and when regarded and considered with no questions to answer, are such situations deemed resolved and solved, if only temporarily in a cobbled together quick fix/dodgy patch.
Posted Friday 19th April 2013 09:20 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. relaxing in the moment on
Re: Errr... SMARTR Virtual Leader Ships Fully Armoured Battle Stations with Satellite Weaponry
Please explain how creating a new user account on a machine magically allows a user to remotely log into the machine?
IT creates ACE Anonymous CyberIntelAIgent Entities to SHAPE Command and Control Mentoring and Monitoring of Virgin ProgramMING to XSS Standards for Entry to the Above. :-)
Does the Military Prevent Control Access to Sensitive Active Triggers with Realisation that Presentation of what can be Built Creatively with them, is Classified HQE/Need to Know TS/SCI.
C42QCCSystems trawling and a'hauling for Phish in Deep Intelligent Supply Counters for Alternative Moves and Power Plays/Control Blitzes.

There is no reason to fear that the Fed is pushing the world into hyper-inflation. In fighting the gold price the Fed unwittingly pushes the world into hyper-deflation.
All the same, it is destroying the dollar and the international monetary and payments system.
That is to Suffer the Parasite Destroying the Host in Retro Viral Attacks and Full Monty Assaults on Instruments of Great Game Change that Burst and Bust the Money Bubble.
This quote from Adam Smith illustrates this point:
"By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Nor is it always the worse for the society that it was not part of it. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good. It is an affectation, indeed, not very common among merchants, and very few words need be employed in dissuading them from it."
The Valhalla Plateaux in Nirvana Circles Media Circus Promotions.
Posted by amanfromMars on 04/19/13 06:58 AM ….. chatting on
I'm more of a mind, Danny B, to splash a great colour onto the picture to highlight the grand incontinent incompetence of the SEC.
The proof is laid out bare in reality on the tables that bear the economy responsibility for present programs of deprivation for all to see and hear crash and burn ........ Spontaneously Implode and BeGone .... [:-) to be Rephormed into Another Improved Device with Knightly Definite Vision Program Inputs to Output if into Painting Bigger Great Game Pictures for Universal Showing Wwworldwide.
Do you imagine that which is assumed to be TPTB have any real or virtual protection against cyber interventionism and an off shored supply of better services at freely ridiculous rates that generate vast magical fortunes for hunters' expenses and gratuity in perpetuity to server and maintain in Great Game Working Order?
Posted Friday 19th April 2013 11:39 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on
Re: orly..
Try to stop it and is already happened, pew pie. That's AIMagic.

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