Monday, 8 April 2013

130408 Words Control Worlds and ....

.... can All too Easily Create and Destroy them too, with Impunity ...... or so they would tell you and have one believe. The Virtual Reality though, is somewhat completely different and more wholesome and exciting on the one hand and more terrific and terrifying on the other.

Publish it all in its entire complexity and not be damned at all in eternity, or be realised as easily manipulated with a subjective conscience and/or consciousness as all of the rest playing dodgy Great Games. Keep IT Stupidly Simple and let others do all the scurrying and worrying about that which they know they shouldn't have done, for nothing more precious than the very peculiar and most particular love of artificial money?
[ Which is a submission to which doesn't appear despite jumping through the ICIJ Facebook posting hoops. I wonder why not whenever it should have appeared? And is Facebook, really virtual spyware phishing for sensitive information and searching for advanced intelligence?]
Posted Sunday 7th April 2013 19:03 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Re: Gamification ..... but with Advanced IntelAIgent Enhancements/CodeXSSXXXX Prostheses
We at Pengwyn Towers are working on the next stage beyond gamification of the workspace - pornifiction of the workplace.
Here's the API we will be using (NSFW by implication) - the fact that it is in Python is somehow appropriate. ... John Styles Saturday 6th April 2013 11:24 GMT
That would need to be real hard core, John Styles, to be of novel interest to persons of interest with such interests in what are highly charged and explosive fields of climactic endeavour .........
Sun, 04/07/2013 - 16:16 amanfromMars … commenting on
This virtual currency which is technologically dependent is dangerous in a time of economic and, most likely, periodic communication disruption. … Pinto Currency posted Sun, 04/07/2013 - 15:36
And you think fait paper bill currency isn't a technologically dependent virtual currency, PC, easily hacked and stolen/transferred at the click of a mouse? Jesus, matey, where the fcuk have been all these years? …. Mars?
The system is cracked and now scores of scores are going to be settled, and it aint gonna be pretty for those at top tables. And that is one thing you can rely on is guaranteed if they don't bring in and use better intelligence than they have been customarily presently using or be currently stuck with supporting because of a lack of in house intelligence.
C'est la vie … Get used to the New World Order which is Virtual CHAOS2 …… with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems Servers for Special Services in Live Operational Virtual Environments/ARGs and AREs in IARPA parlance …..
Posted Monday 8th April 2013 06:36 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. floating IP on
If one has All Intelligence, In-House, Outside Help and AIdDevelopment Comes and Goes Elsewhere.
Yitzhak Ben Yisrael, of the National Cyber Bureau, told The Indy that there is “hardly any real damage”, claiming that “Anonymous doesn't have the skills to damage the country's vital infrastructure”.
What you will probably never hear any National Cyber Bureau puppet saying, to retain any sort of credibility, and not to reveal any secrets in the field, is that "Anonymous doesn't have the skills to damage the country's vital organs" ...... for they are easily targeted and damaged and/or destroyed, and on the flip side of that SMARTR ByteCOIN, just as easily restructured and/or recreated into a wholly better beta phorm with necessary intelligence on board and master piloting expeditionary and quite revolutionary evolutionary vessels and platforms.
Everything under the Sun revolves around Words Controlling Worlds with Intelligence Following Leads which are Novel Noble Ideas Applied42Make Reality ..... via Virtual Means and HyperRadioProActive Memes in NEUKlearer Technology Augmenting AIRealities.
NEUKlearer ..... an AnglodDutch Power Control Initiative?

Posted Monday 8th April 2013 10:26 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Frying bigger phishes ......
It is a tad arrogant, to say the least, and much more likely to be a confirmed madness, that established conflicted and conflicting population/nationality control systems, be they political or social or fiscal or whatever on Earth [and there are so many of them doing a spectacularly bad job of it, aren't there] would actually believe the nonsense that they can exercise similar controlling lead administration in CyberSpace .... Virtual Team Terrain.
A tad arrogant and sad be such as that as is displayed by sincere ignorance personified.

Posted Monday 8th April 2013 13:41 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on
MuI7 calling IT like IT is and Challenging 5 and 6 to Up their Great Games ........ to something Titanic and Colossal
I salute the glorious leader's virtual grenade mastery and am thoroughly amazed at the West's compounding ignorance in the field.
Or if they be not ignorant of the methodology/epistemology, their crass incompetence with ITs Super Tools.

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