Thursday, 18 April 2013


Posted Thursday 18th April 2013 06:22 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
On the more positive note ...... what IT can do for you ... and all that are yours to favour
 I have no doubt that we could physically place a human being on Mars. Whether they'd be able to survive for an extended period of time is much more doubtful. …… Dr Veronica Bray
That depends Entirely, Mistress Veronica, on what they be doing together and what IT Generates and ITERates as the Virtual Realities to be Followed for Earthly Pleasures in Heavenly Treasured Deep Driver Information with SMARTR IntelAIgent Supply.
And that takes Us All into Immediate Virtual Teleportation Territory which is where one is spoiled rotten for choice in every luscious sin that is not vice …..and therefore Satisfaction is LOVE's Great IntelAIgent Game.
And what Delivers One LOVE in Live Operational Virtual Environments? Global Operating Devices Sharing Real Dreams, in Plain Text for Magic Pirate Pictures in Fine Private Hands…….. with Programs CodeX-XSSXXXX Triggers an ESPecially Immersive Program to Master and Enjoy, Mentor and Monitor …….. Virtually Driver Oneself.
Hmmm? That would provide Spontaneous Instantaneous Remote Control Facility with All Orbiting Satellite Stations Communicating with Earth Base through Mars One Station X-XSSXXXX
Wow, what delivers LOVE in Live Operational Virtual Environments is the Right Stuff and a Great Idea for Colossal Atlas Thought and Virtual Program Realisation.
Second Nature and Normal to Martians does sort of dictate a Sweet Sticky Surrender and Submission to Pleasures with Alien Treasure Holders in Universally Strange Space Arrangements.
Of course, if one realises that the concept/show is a military program spin off, does such ensure and assure and insure one of civilian success in the rendering for realisation of complex conceptual actualities and New Future WorldZ Virtual AIMachine ProgramMING?
Which all says quite a lot, in quite a confined space, and that sort of thing tends towards situations and/or predicaments being volatile and explosive. :-)
All in all, done properly is it guaranteed to be a huge market hit routing stocks and shares putting big business in panic and turmoil.
Posted Thursday 18th April 2013 07:28 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. racing things along on
Re: Money needs to talk like the masses are listening, lest there be unnecessary unquiet
Yes, there is , and there's mountains or more in there, too, for everyone, everywhere from here ....

Posted Thursday 18th April 2013 11:41 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on
The Entrepreneurs Playground for Billionaire Spenders where Cinderellas always say don't be late
Heath Robinson Chic is always Prime Style Economic Rocket Fuel, Heavy MetaDataBase Source and Surprisingly Disruptive to Failing Modes of Rewarding Play.
It is much more satisfying to imagine and realise that Extraordinarily Rendered Excitement is a Passionate Path on which to Shine Sublimely True ..... Free of Malicious Intention Results in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.
SMARTR Virtual Economy Autonomy Drives for Mars One, Elon? Style StationX-XSSXXXX Equalisers for HRH [Hot Running Hyper/Hyper Running Hot] Junks and Jockeys/Movers and Shakers/SMARTR News Brokerage Devices.
Ciao for Now.:-)

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