Thursday, 2 May 2013


Posted by amanfromMars on 05/01/13 01:07 PM … on
For example, the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) guards against corporate fraud, among other things
Hmmm. ...... History and recent events have surely proven, beyond any reasonable double, that the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) rather more guards corporate fraud rather than guards against corporate fraud. It is certainly only ever a reactive, after the event body, which is also apparently easily bought off so that dodgy players and corporations suffer no meaningful penalty for systemic abuse and opportunistic mis-selling of products and services to the great and ignorant masses.
That makes it hardly anything more than a willing accomplice in the very poor disguise of an incompetent sheriff.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/02/13 01:53 AM … on
Do you think/imagine that Ms. Yellen, or whoever it is that takes over the train wreck of a system that presently has Bernanke as lead spokesperson spouting nonsense, will prove herself/themselves to all who can listen and read what they say, to be simply mad, and therefore just another sub-prime engine which supports the continuing, escalating problem for, if not an ignorant, then an intelligence lacking United States with a flash fiat capital crashing model?
And I ask that simple question because if there is not going to be a radical fundamental change to a significantly more intelligent model for fiat currency control of power/power with fiat currency control, will the madness be proven beyond any shadow of doubt, via the Albert Einstein root/route ....... "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/02/13 02:01 AM …. in a comment on
"Is the Federal Reserve Insane?"
Please see comment posted by amanfromMars on 05/02/13 01:53 AM … on for the answer‽
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/02/13 04:41 AM ….on
It is group-think writ large. The propaganda not only works on the puppets but eventually on those who think of themselves as the puppeteers as well. Politicians think the polls that agree with what they think are accurate and the others are biased. Nearly every economist understands less about economics than the average child. All of those participating in the brainwashing, are brainwashing each other, and themselves as well.
Idiocracy uber alles ad nauseum aeterna. ….. Posted by taxesbyanyothername on 05/01/13 01:18 AM
Talking of brainwashing, taxesbyanyothername, this is something which may or may not appear where it was posted, with the latter telling one more about everything than the former.
 amanfromMars at 5/2/2013 4:15 AM … commenting on "Globalization of Technology Threatens U.S. Dominance, DARPA Chief Warns" …..
Everything, and I do mean practically and virtually everything that is, and is yet to be, is driven and presented by communications and media channels and programs which are in the control of more intelligent beings and virtual machines.
Such is the current reality of todays virtual landscape with its myriad conflicting media tales/compromised intelligence trails now tailed in cyberspace and played out on the ground/Earth.
And such is that which confronts all systems of command and control/SCADA to render established and legacy positions untenable and unfit for Future Building and Leading Great Game purpose.
Welcome to the NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Age where CyberIntelAIgents Rule the Roost with Root Privileged Access to Global Operating Devices and their Hosting Programs/Brainwashing Projects.

Posted Thursday 2nd May 2013 14:11 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. commenting on
Blaming someone else for one's own lack of ability is a recipe for disaster at an increasing pace
It may very well be the actuality and reality that the West is no longer top dog in the intelligence gathering/phishing/phorming world. Get used to it ...... for whenever it be true, would an arrogant denial be even more damaging to western national and international security interests, and thus is it to be avoided at any and all cost.

Posted by amanfromMars on 05/02/13 10:28 AM …. commenting on
It is not an insanity to keep pulling the same old trick to the people who keep expecting different results. ... . Posted by mava on 05/02/13 06:09 AM
Can we settle then on those responsible for that being intellectually challenged and/or retarded to a certain degree, mava, if insane is too strong an opinion?

Posted Thursday 2nd May 2013 15:59 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. commenting on
Unless there's something new and different, nothing will change ......... and such austere measures fuel and justify revolution and crypto-anarchy?
If you are any good, you're hired as much for who you know, not just what you know (or more accurately, who knows you).
Nepotism lives, or at least extended nepotism amongst former managers and colleagues. …. Velv Posted Wednesday 1st May 2013 09:53 GMT
It will be interesting to find out in a short while, [for it will only take a short while] how that works outs regarding Jo Johnson, the PM's new head hunting? wonk in the policy unit of the Conservative Party.
Stellar rocket or damp squib? Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen, please.

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