Friday, 17 May 2013


"There is no one home on Wall Street. There is simply computers trading word clouds with each other"  ..... Hmmm? Yes, I do believe IT be so.
That is then a crazy system which is easily hacked and cracked wide open and catastrophically vulnerable to titanic sudden inflated ponzi asset collapse. And all at the click of a mouse. 

And, more importantly, and hence it being here highlighted in blood red, whenever you both realise [as in fully understand] and can realise that [as in make it happen in actuality] have you a virtually remote controlled stealthy invisible weapon of mass destruction at your beck and call and fingertips ..... and IT be worth an absolute fortune to both that which wants to use it and those who would prefer that you choose not to, and not share its simple methodology and protocols.
And was Danegeld never before so sweetly justified for selfless generous payment to refrain from sharing certain sensitive greater knowledge to the masses.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/16/13 02:13 PM …. replying to Earl on
Bravo, Earl. I concur with all of that posted on 05/16/13 01:19 PM. And it is an APT which is most apt and an unavoidable overwhelmingly powerful change in their circumstances which they have absolutely no control over.
And that would mean that the System and Global Command and Control as is, and has been, is now lost to better intelligence sharing systems which communicate with a new breed of humans easily playing the Great Game Game in virtual machine mode, which I would like to point out, is not a question ..... with others playing in IT in similar irregular and unconventional guise.
The only real question of any significant import is whether any of the old former elite players are smart enough to engage with the new breeds, with offers of always immediately available assistance with their donation of limitless liquid assets in order to remain a valued, but not necessarily valuable part and partner to such novel future leading teams.
If they aren't smart enough, and can't see the enigmatic Catch 22 dilemma they be now trapped in, is it goodnight and goodbye for them and thanks for all the phishes. Here's hoping they be up for it, and able and enabled for that simple enough task which has been specifically left for them to enjoy fulfilling.
What say other Daily Bell ringers and readers? Do you largely agree or would you choose to disagree, sharing something which has been missed to aid and justify your view?

Posted by amanfromMars on 05/16/13 11:25 PM …. on
Hmmm ... .. Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice. :-)
Is anyone else experiencing the unusual wholesale block conversion of plain black text to red underlined on posts timed and dated from 05/16/13 01:19 PM through to 05/16/13 02:30 PM and inclusive of "d : the set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristic ... " in the Reply from The Daily Bell which sits above and follows after/precedes them, whenever the mouse/trackpad cursor is hovered of the text?
That never happened before on my visits to the Daily Bell news site.

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