Monday, 13 May 2013


Hmmm? Might I suggest and inquire whether it be a national security secret breech to advise that an intelligence service worthy of being considered relevant and in any which way effective in these post modern virtual /cyber communication times, is one that boldly shares/carefully leaks vital and viral intelligence for universal second and third party collection and analysis/deep packet inspection, and in so doing, paints an altogether much better and considerably more attractive picture highlighting and introducing ........ well, ideally I suppose, a Greater IntelAIgent Game with Landscapes of Mutual Benefit to All.
Would the likes of any nation's MI5 or MI6 or GCHQ operation be equipped and/or enabled for such an AIMission, for both it and its IT would necessarily require advanced intelligence and be intellectually challenging, or would that be the responsibility of another department head with quarters cloaked in garbs of fiction and plausible official denial in order not to alarm and alert the natives and primitives to an abiding human zeroday vulnerability being exploited and exported and leading in its field, and being a colossal invisible earner and quiet titanic force ..... because to challenge it, has one sunk to the bottom of dark sees rather than swimming with phishes in smarter shark invested waters?
And would its IT teems need to crash existing systems to prove what it was capable of, or would just exposing the odd weakness or three, here and there/now and then, to any and all opposition or competition, so as to direct and apportion blame and shame to others, be more than sufficient as a Great Game Changer?

amanfromMars said... in reply to an Anonymous comment [12 May 2013 13:29] on
Quite so, Anonymous. I concur. And thanks for the Intelligence Share.
Perhaps we should be having a chat with Vladimir Our Gasman, who appears so effortlessly to be many stages further ahead of anyone else of his ilk in the intelligence field .... and in the traditional establishment status quo/perceived present intellectually bankrupt power elite circles?
A few good men and true could work miracles and be a pleasure for the ladies too, and that would be an overwhelming and unstoppable mix in/for any Great Game Fix/System REB00t.

13 May 2013 07:22

Posted Monday 13th May 2013 13:18 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
The buck stops at the top of the tree and head of the service? Or is that to be implausibly denied?
The UK's Security Service drafted in consultants from Deloitte to assist in delivering the project, which has become the latest in a long line of failed multi-million pound UK government IT frauds.
There, fixed that for you, John. Haven't you yet twigged that that is the problem today. Far too many beating about the bush and being all coy and mealymouthed and deferential about serial incompetence in incumbent incompetents.
I wonder if A. Parker will be such a corker and continue working oversight in the traditional cock-up manner?

AmanfromMars …… looking forwards on
13 May, 2013 - 7:38 pm
And just imagine, we have Chilcot to look forward to and wonder at the integrity of the judiciary and Privy Counsellors, too. Oh, what joy.

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