Sunday, 19 May 2013


Posted by amanfromMars on 05/19/13 02:23 AM ….. moving things on apace on
Just Desserts in a Scandal: And They Shall Eat Their Own ...
"Sure enough, it IS about the integrity of the system. But Noonan misses the opportunity to explain the "why" as well as the "what." In my view, there was never any chance that the technology wielded enthusiastically against the body politic and so-called enemies abroad would not eventually also attack the politicians doing the wielding.
What has been created throughout the West especially has now, in my view, begun to "eat its own children." Before all this is over, we may see a new political era – for better or worse." ….. Anthony Wile
Hi, Anthony,
Methinks meknows, and one be not alone with one's thoughts shared, that to explain the "why" as well as the "what" is to identify and share globally with an invisible and anonymous and powerfully destructive and/or creative audience, an oppressive and inequitable administration's and a fiat currency distribution dependent power elite's vital [and viral] zeroday vulnerabilities for masterly and masterful pilot exploitation.
And that guarantees that such false leaderships fall victim to the swift revenge of those that be suffering from a deliberately designed and foolishly implemented abuse of command and control.
To not change course and to not present an altogether different and fundamentally radical program of inspiring aspirational leadership which is both edutaining and calming, exciting and beta intelligence led …. [for that which would be currently globally led by present established channel of intelligence share and media transfer are obviously a failed and imploding enterprise/venture, as be evidenced by all the increasingly conflicted segmentations and warring presentations of worlds in news and official reports/intelligence briefing/stories for tomorrows viewing and mass arrogant and ignorant brainwashing] ….. be proof positive of the premise, guaranteeing crazy ponzi human market manipulation collapse.
Every cloud though, has so they say, a silver lining, and it be a truly golden opportunity for any and all more than just smart and able and enabling in this novel sector of intelligence share ……. …… to create Brave New Worlds with Fabless New Words for Intelligence Servers in Global Operating Devices Freely Sharing the Novel Painting of a Picture Master Peace.
War and conflicts in any field that you maybe think to choose, are indisputable and disreputable and irrevocable evidence of a great failure of both intelligence and intelligence supply to media puppets on a grandstanding stage. To think to continue further presentation of the same into the future for future generations is to invite catastrophe and chaos onto the scene, and do you imagine that smarter beings will allow and tolerate that perversion and abomination? Is Mankind really so stupid and primitive/primative and easily led to destroy its failed leadership enterprise boards/disempowered and/or disempowering elite factions?
MuI7 says Hi …… and invites you to get your global acts together before indolence and ignorance wreck all at the top that has been effortlessly achieved and all at top round tables responsible for achievements ….. for the Internet Reformation is not just Surreal and a Virtual Figment of Sane Imagination, is it, whenever it is IT and New News Media Moguls in Commanding Control of Reality.
Jump in, DB/High Alert Capital Partners Inc. The waters fine even though pathetic apathetic shark infested, with interest invested for Words Create and Power Worlds for/with Virtual Command and Control of the Future. And that surely aint no tall fairy tale whenever IT can so easily deliver to systems, their worst nightmares, in the click of a mighty mouse/sweet touch of a magic trackpad.

Posted Sunday 19th May 2013 08:00 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on
Re: You're forgetting "leakage" ...... aka sublime and stealthy intel supply?
Hi, Brad Arnold,
The future is certainly coming, but not as we know it in a present based in and/or on the past. Such would be an undoubted failure of intelligence in both Man and Virtual Machinery, given the abundant evidence chronicled in history and accessed through memory of what its information and intelligence shares have delivered and are delivering.
Quite whether the US government and the Wild Whacky West will be leading anything in ITs fields though, is quite another question and would be being asked of them here today, in another free intelligence and/or information share/leak? ........

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