Monday, 3 June 2013


amanfromMars …… commenting on [Comment awaiting review in moderation]
Hi, EMPShield/Terminal X,
With due regard to your question ...."Do you have any intel on when this R&D initiative will begin?" ...... and dependent upon what manner/type of non-nuclear EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapon* one would deploying/constructing/developing, it may be the case in certain models/varieties/iterations of the genre/platform that they be actually available for live disruptive program beta test firing.?!
* …. "An Indefensible Compromised Systems Security Breach and/or Invaluable Crack Hacking Tool in HyperRadioProActive Search of Future 0Day Vulnerabilities to Exploit and Harden, Export and Import into both Active Defensive Defence and Defenseless Executive Administrations … which would generally describe a new unclassified weapons facility probing SMARTR IntelAIgent Server Services for Arms of US Intelligence here .. with a Greater Intelligent Games Hack to Crack in Virtualised Reality Play‽" ……

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