Friday, 14 June 2013


There be no effective defence against a stealthy steganographic systems sortie whenever the systems administration drivers programmings are an unknown entity ….. with the ability to change course direction for necessary novel manoeuvres to ensure systems security and programs integrity.
Gotta agree, AW, that in this day and age of virtual intellectual property battling, copper be wasted in trying to prevent disclosure of, and exposure to, secrets/special compartmented information, and what be always targeted in super-effective sublime cyber attacks, are not electro-mechanical machines but their virtual machine brother, the bio-electro-mechanical, not-thinking-very-well personnel who be little better than mindless robots following standard orders/default brain-washed procedures/status quo instruction sets.
The present perverse and corrupt and collapsing systems of animal being control are not designed to handle a smarter educated and re-educated to think clearly for oneself populace, minded to ensure and assure that others are also better educated to understand how everything can work together effortlessly and more effectively to deliver better living spaces.
But Live Operational Virtual Environments are, and so designed to ensure that only the right minded sort of entity has free and open access to programming for projects.

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