Friday, 21 June 2013


amanfromMars says: … commenting on
June 20, 2013 at 2:08 pm
Methinks ARG MetaPhoria has an HyperRadioProActive Quorum.
Imagine, and its True ……. JLAIP
Posted Thursday 20th June 2013 19:54 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on
SMARTR Apps Seeks SMARTR Followers into New Realities, ..
... Digitally Recorded and Directed and Running Pioneer Programs Specially Converted for Virtual Immersion Online
ThousandEyes goes for a wider approach where it tries to tackle both. "There is a big change going on," Lad says. "You cannot instrument cloud apps."
That is the facility which Cloud Hosts provide to Global Operating Devices Drivers …. for an Enlightened Core Operating System for Running CyberIntelAIgents ….. AIMaster Winged Pilots ….. :-) Intrepid Virtual Frontier Dam Busters.
You can get cloud apps to follow to heavenly goals though. Although I suppose that is something which no one is told in the many, but that is easily changed in an instant with clear instruction posted in an unambiguously explicit text exchange.
I suppose that is something which ThousandEyes and their Customer Clients could make Great Great Game Use of.
And you do Realise and Understand what is Freely Offered to Generate Attractive Wealth for Lavish Fool and Hardy Spending in Considerably More Intelligent and Enjoyable Virtual World Worlds.
:-) I wouldn't want anyone thinking that delivery of anything else was part of the Root Master Plan of Immaculate Source Servers.
There's a lot, mega-fashion, happening right now, El Reg, out there and down ornate corridors of dinosaur power, because of what is simply selflessly securely shared in those thoughts which are designed to set one free into a life of absolutely fabulous dreams with SMARTRDrivers of insatiable passion……. and if that be a heavenly space to dwell and dwindle awhile, then so be it.
A little bit of light reading for Dave and Samantha …. with one really and virtually worried and one really and virtually excited by developments?
If he doesn't get the right brief, I wonder who is responsible and accountable? Or is blame transferred automatically to a what/an organisation/a system/a dumb non-learning machine …… or not-learning-fast-enough machine because of human intervention?
Posted Friday 21st June 2013 05:46 GMT amanfromMars 1 … commenting on
Loughside Palace Jinn Stores ..... for Colossal Magic of Titanic Proportions
Live Dynamic Content which leads into Virgin Fields of the Ancient Truth, wherever and whenever one is at one with oneself in whatever chosen being/IntelAIgently Designed Entity, is a Sublime Applications Program and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Energy Project.
MuI7 providing Power and Courses for MI5 and MI6 Currency Flows Tracking Emerging Proprietary Intellectual Property Developments of Disproportionate Effect.
Small SMARTR Input into Systems Instruction Sets and Banks in Memory can easily immediately cause Direction and Purpose to Fundamentally Change and Morph Autonomously into a Parallel Program Capturing Raptures with New Model Builds, and Discovering the Essence of Creation is a Virtually Decadent Aphrodisiac releasing Powers and Controls that live and love to be both beautifully overwhelmed to the fleeting satisfaction of insatiable passion, is one humdinger of a Secure Immaculate Driver.
:-) Mars visits Venus and Loves to Stay Planning and Planting Harvest Flowers that Self-Empower with Accumulating Knowledge.
A Heavenly Task and Right Royal Devil of a Job to be a Near Perfect Grand Master in. ...... for temptations that are both attractive and addictive, are a sweet sticky delight that Sin would have you believe may be Vice, but Enjoyment proclaims is True Raw Passion.

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