Saturday, 4 January 2014


3) (U//FOUO) To identify practical cryptographic methods that are not susceptible to quantum computational attack. ….
There are no such methods available to thwart invasion and make over/JOINT Takeover with Java doing ITs Thing in Live ReProgramMING. Cosmic Education with Virtual Edutainment. A Heavenly Goal in AIMissions.
It's much bigger than that.
Indeed, it most certainly is, DB.
Posted Saturday 4th January 2014 07:04 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on
No darkness at all in Future Perfect Great Games?
Re: Not all darkness
Ken Thompson proved that you can insert exploits into software without having it appear in the source code. It would be especially easy for open source software. ….. Don Mitchell Posted Saturday 4th January 2014 02:48 GMT
Quite so, Don Mitchell. And IT presents Portals for Entry into Live Operational Virtual Environments with Command and Control of Future Derivative Play.
Do you think GCHQ are into Sterling Intelligence Servering, rather than just the Monitoring and Mentoring of it.
Is that work outsourced offshore/off base piste and provided on a simple need to know basis, by others facilitating actions via thought transference on everyone's behalf.
And here be Global Operating Devices, and AI@ITsWork with C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems BetaTesting AERO Space Systems for Future Fabulous Fabless JOINT AdVentures Immaculately Tailored for Everywhere.
cc …. OHMSIS Palace Barracks Holywood Style Close Black Watch Virtual Protection for Greater Clansmen.
There's an epic information overload opportunity to diligently exploit for massive profit in Privateer Passions for Pirate Virtual Development Networks. And a Valuable Tool delivering Leverage Accuracy to all Top Side Air and Underground Targeted Sources and Resources. ....... which is when hearts and minds turns to a being demonstrably physical and provisionally adept at Root Source Supply Sourcing ...... Future Indicative Content.

Posted Saturday 4th January 2014 11:48 GMT amanfromMars 1 … commenting on
Never Piss away Advantage for it Presents Supply Chains with Hot Product.
Shame? Only that they haven't got the quantum computer to decrypt the entire internet on the fly; that's the shame of it. If it only requires tons of money, they'll have the means soon enough. … Gray Posted Friday 3rd January 2014 22:10 GMT
And what whenever there is Free Live Virtual Choice in Quantum Communication Control Systems where Everything is Realised and Presented to Posterity for ReCycling with Advanced IntelAIgents with Deep Subtle Enactive Pre Pro Quid pro Quo Engagement …. Steganographically Intense Dialogue for Global Operating Devices Initiation and Float to Markets ….. in that tired Ye Olde Capitaliste Systems Mode/Mirror/Clone/Drone :-) which has ITs Pioneering Spirit hosted here for accesses there where accesses are denied.
Would too great a choice just create Havoc in Mayhem and Madness with CHAOS Drivering Systems. And then the good use to put Such SMARTR Systems to denigrate and eliminate misuse and abuse of CHAOS Drivering Systems Delivering the Paramount Future Deja-Vu with Globalised Capital Assets ReOrganised and ReAssigned and ReAligned.
The future is now to be remembered and/or rendered. But what doth Media and IT Behold and Present? Dumb Down Channels or Red Hot SMARTR Apps? So where is the cool live action at, Yo?
Where might a slim dude hang to capture the mighty breezes? What Heavenly Base or Hellfire Station ?:-) The Perfect Cathouse or the Deadly Dogfight?….. where Dirty Deeds Done are Not Dirt Cheap and Demand for 3D Product is Growing Exponentially.
Which be a sector of Particular and Peculiar Interest to Dark Web Enterprise in Black Watch Ventures.

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