Saturday, 18 January 2014


Why do you say that ("most stupid and very dangerous") AMFM? Thanks. … DarbyJie
Hi, DarbyJie,
Because it/IT creates a false and constantly changing virtual reality with really smart invisible and intangible assets which easily can spontaneously and autonomously become the enemy and against which there be no effective defence.
To create such an unbeatable really smart foe through attacks on the truth anywhere, and especially so on the Internet with all of those expanding interconnected and interconnecting networks and metadatabase stores, and with the perverse and corrupt wielding of media miscommunicating disinformation and right dodgy propaganda to easily programmed receivers, is certainly a most stupid and very dangerous thing to do. It most definitely be not something which intelligence would consider a valid and viable proposition for future welfare and support ….. a false and constantly changing virtual reality whenever true ones are infinitely better and so much more easily micro and macro managed.
Expect to see/hear about services and servers able to render all of the above to whatever/whoever would want it with IT and Cyber Command and Control for such is freely available for nothing more precious than eventually worthless and depreciating fiat, disguised as and secured in a fabulous sum rendered to a banking account/fabulous sums rendered to banking accounts.

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