amanfromMars …. casting PERL and pearls before swine on
Ah, so we are really a Colonial power masquerading as an alternative media 'Net website? ... The Daily Bell
Well, in these strange days, DB, whenever the management of memes for universal command and control is all the rage for powerful generation of future likely events, there be no reason at all why you couldn't be ....... especially so whenever you have touched on the subject/objective yourself with the free sharing of the thought.
And of course, it is not as if you would toiling away and rearranging everything alone, for in that/those particular and peculiar fields are there more able and enabling and at play than the system imagines, or will ever know or learn about .... for such is certainly made only available to that and/or those with a need to know, given how damaging use whenever it is misuse and abuse will be.
And I'm sure just how lucratively rewarding such an ability and/or facility would be, would never be lost on highly alert astute active adventurers in capital markets for it is practically impossible for it not to be akin to having a license to print money for global spending.
An alternative, and favourite approach for those who and that which are more comfortable sitting on the fence and reacting to other party leads, is to do nothing effective about any of that and just watch it be servered and taken full advantage of elsewhere, and everywhere else, by others who would remain virtually anonymous and practically unknown ........ which does sort of destroy the old maxim which blights and makes legitimate targets of all old regimented and politically inept players and their interdependent support structures..... "By their thoughts and deeds, shall you know them"
amanfromMars ….. sharing a sterling view on
Hi, Cassanda is Still Trying,
The real secret to a great life in a made increasingly complex virtual world order is keep things simple and the following one minute message more than adequately regales the $ problem and the fix and black hole that Uncle Sam and the puppet masters of Uncle Sam have landed themselves in …… with more than just a little help from all of their crony crooked friends ……. How Much Is a Trillion Dollars?
And there’s no way that that can ever be fixed or will ever be repaid in any fashion that be considered normal and traditional, ergo ……. ?
Well, as intelligence and information sharing becomes evermore widespread and invasive, what do you imagine will happen in the near future to those and/or that responsible and instrumental in delivering the present all of its woes with the simple invention and printing and manipulation and supply and withholding of reserved federal fiat?
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