Wednesday, 15 January 2014


Re: Patched in the future even if the exploit isn't used
Patched in the future even if the exploit isn't used
Yeah, like that happens... ... Crazy Operations Guy Posted Tuesday 14th January 2014 17:58 GMT
Yeah, that easily happen, COG.
Posted Tuesday 14th January 2014 17:59 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. spilling more cream on
Quit fucking about and get your acts together
Cats got your tongues? ... or do you finally realise what you be confronted with?
And that is me being kind and not putting the boot and reboot in ........for now?
Posted Wednesday 15th January 2014 16:50 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on
Re: NSA and GCHQ
All generations of the threat bear the hallmarks of state-manufactured malware rather than something geared towards conventional cybercrime but Kasperky Labs researchers are not speculating on its possible origins.
Maybe some of the folks who comment on NSA, and GCHQ activities should bear this sort of thing in mind. ....Titus Technophobe Posted Wednesday 15th January 2014 13:20 GMT
Right on, TT, methinks you can be sure that such things are always of interest because of what can be done so easy remotely and relatively anonymously with these novel emerging and evolving and revolutionary skills.
But to think that the likes of an NSA or GCHQ type operation be actively responsible and leading in the field, would have one having to accept that they be gone rogue and renegade and free-lancing in the lucrative private and pirate sectors, which admittedly be a huge attraction to anyone with intelligence searching for ..... well, greater intelligence will always find one leading others to domains and dominions in which they be pawns for sacrifice rather than powers that be. And that be a real and present danger to any politically corrupt and inept and self-serving government requiring intelligence to function and provide protection.

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