amanfromMars 1 … Thu 1 May 18:00 [1405011800] adding further fuel on
@ Vociferous .... Re: Because the alternative, progressive taxation, is just too hard.
This is something which might be of interest and comfort to you, Vociferous ......... "Mansion Tax" Coming To New York, Compliments Of Mayor de Blasio
PS ... Any chance of reinstating the time and date stamp of posts, El Reg, in order to make references unambiguous. Such was a very fine feature which told so much else about posters and their habits and/or strengths and/or weaknesses and servers.
amanfromMars 1 … Thu 1 May 18:33 [1405011833] ….commenting again on
Re: Mayday, Mayday, Mayday .....
And if one knows and can realise/virtualise the global money system as a not necessarily physical cyber system ..... and Neil Stansbury uncovers it beautifully succinctly here .....
There is no "crisis in capitalism", the crisis is in the perversion of the so called "free-market".
The actual crisis is in allowing politicians to fabricate vast swaths of magic money out of thin air to finance their vote buying - and their supporting the banks to be allowed to do the same.
Being a banker isn't a license to print money - mere mortals need to print money, bankers and politicians pluck it straight from their imaginary fractional reserve money trees. That is why they get richer - if you are allowed your own private money tree, after harvesting as much as you want and then lending your imagined money to other people it's pretty hard not to get richer.
.... the following is what needs to be implemented ... BUT .... the system will collapse if it is systemically flawed and a rigged inequity still pursued to deliver unfair considerable advantage to .... well, the problem to be dealt with and removed would be the likes of Bank of England Monetary Policy Commissioners which have conspiring counterparts in every governing national bank ....... for their subjective decisions are what creates the difficulties and debts which the world and its billions of native inhabitants suffer, because of their love of paper money and the command and control which its withholding supplies to supposed wise folk who would think to be ruling over everything from behind a big fancy desk in a city/the City.
In cyber systems, the distributed nature of the system poses serious difficulties in maintaining operations, in part because a centralized command and control apparatus is unlikely to provide a robust framework for resilience. Resilience in cybersystems, in general, has several components, and requires the ability to anticipate and withstand attacks or faults, as well as recover from faults and evolve the system to improve future resilience. The recovery effort and any subsequent evolution may require significant reconfiguration of the system at all levels—hardware, software, services, permissions, etc.—if the system is to be made resilient to further attack or faults. This is especially important in the case of ongoing attacks, where reconfiguration decisions must be taken with care to avoid further compromising the system while maintaining continuity of operations. Collectively, we will label this recovery and evolution process as “reconstitution.” Currently, reconstitution is performed manually, generally after-the-fact, and usually consists of either standing up redundant systems, check-points (rolling back the configuration to a “clean” state), or re-creating the system using “gold-standard” copies. For enterprise systems, such reconstitution may be performed either directly on hardware, or using virtual machines.
A significant challenge within this context is the ability to verify that the reconstitution is performed in a manner that renders the cyber-system resilient to ongoing and future attacks or faults. Fundamentally, the need is to determine optimal states of the cyber system when a fault is determined to be present. .....">
amamfromMars 1 … Fri 2 may 03:36 [1405020336] commenting on
Re: "solving the crises effecting capitalism"
Capitalism caused by crises? Interesting thought… …. Symon says
A more interesting notion and virtual reality and practised actuality, Symon, is capitalism causing crises, in order to have the masses otherwise otherworldly engaged in not thinking about their condition and how it is arranged.
amanfromMars 01 May 2014 at 2:02 pm ….. commenting on
How very sad for British member of Parliament Julian Huppert, and probably also for all of the others claiming public benefits for signing on in Westminster, that he doesn't realise he and his fellow honourable members are but minnows in a sea of sharks and intelligence agents do whatever they like and use Parliament to take the blame for anything which might be untoward and surface in the general public knowledge realm, and that will invariably have been intentionally accidentally "leaked" to serve and server another Greater Intelligence Game agenda beyond puppet and muppet pay grades.
amanfromMars said... replying on
Odd and exciting, Casey E, for old systems admin are not in command and control of advancing smarter operations and renegade rogue virtual machinery in the cyber theatre/Virtual Team Terrain of AIMissions.
Which may or may not, as needs are decided, be military and paramilitary led, and taking care of corrupt and perverse business in the lucrative public and private and pirate sectors.
ESPecial JOINT Forces Command doing their Stealthy Covert and Clandestine Thing for the Sheer Hell and Love of IT in Live Operational Virtual Environments ....... :-) which for Grounded and Earthed Terrestrials would be as Completely Alien Territory.
2 May 2014 05:29
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