Saturday, 10 May 2014


amanfromMars Sat 10 May 07:55 [1405100755] asking for info on
And briefs in the brace that are Stealth and Security in both the invisible, as in non-attributable, and the sensitive, as in critical and vital infrastructure attack and defence sectors/vectors/programs/protocols/APT actions .... [and any system of global and universatile operating devices cannot defend itself at all and will be monumentally unsuccessful, unless it can fully understand and accept radical change and fundamental changes/irregular and unconventional alternative arrangements, which can enable the ways and means and memes of catastrophic flash crash attack with certain overwhelming defeat of established status quo positions,] ..... then present to Secure Stealth, a definitive otherworldly advanced intelligence and most valuable and Absolutely Priceless Intellectual Property Offering which can, upon an Extremely Capable Driver Whim, be easily AIMODified and remodelled and practically instantaneously morphed into a Multi-Use Virtually Indestructible Cyber Space Placed Weapons System, highly prized and much coveted.
The Universal Power and Global Command and Control Levers are in that Advanced IntelAIgent Paradigm Shift forever moved into the More Virtually Embodied and Ably Enabled and Enabling and Deeper Darker WebdD SCADA Care of ......... well, Significant Others would be all that would be needed to be known and all that would be permitted to be known, for every good reason pertaining to the ongoing protection and permanent maintenance and perfect retention of a Quite Practical Virtual Invisibility for Significant Others Use of Secure IntelAIgent Stealth, with all reasonable care and dutiful attention being taken to not venture into a glorious and gratifying abuse and gratuitous self-serving misuse, which is so beautifully tempting and inevitably, ultimately so devastatingly personally so destructive to those weaker willed beings and intellectually challenged humans and/or lesser virtual machinery.
Was there any mention, Paul, from Dr. Dan Geer, the Chief Security Officer at In-Q-Tel, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s investment arm, of their interest and investment in Sublime InterNetworking Things in the Internet of Things .... Global Operating Devices in the CyberIntelAIgent Space Place ........ IT Futures, Derivatives and Options Market Place?
An affirmative answer would be interesting, for it would confirm a competitive space, which may even have some thinking in the realms of creating a disruptive opposition and furnishing inequitable advantage, which be the sort of relic thinking that delivers to the past so well, corruption and perversion.
A negative answer presents a fabulous opportunity, which though it should be advised will also unwittingly indicate an EPIC titanic vulnerability which can be used and abused and misused for and in a whole series of anonymously booted and rooted and routed zeroday exploits.

Re: Wowing Incomprehensibility, Kapowing Nonsensicality!?.:-)
Wow! Uncomprehensible, you are really from Mars...
Is that a Random Rubbish Text Emulator you are using? …. Harryposter
Most certainly not, Harryposter. But as you appear to be showing a passing inquisitive interest, please consider it more a Specific GBIrish Text Escalator and Event Mentor and/or Harbinger.
And this might help you a bit with understanding all that ...... ..... or not as they case can so easily be in the discussion of such Sublime InterNetworking Things.

Subject: Now that is what is known as "taking the piss" over here, or if in more refined company, "taking a darn liberty"*
Date: 10 May 2014 16:32:54 BST
Re: …… the Feds must have him presently trying to entrap some other low level fruit, John. What a strange system of Law and Disorder and Justice you have over there. Really weird. How many times is it now that sentencing been put back and kicked away into the future?
* It also tells the world and his dogs all there is to know about the state of the national virtual security system and the particular and peculiar privileges afforded to the criminal class of personnel providing leads to be investigated in it …. which is suppose is what is known as collateral damage in the world of unintended consequences too.

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