Thursday, 8 May 2014


amanfromMars 1 …. Thu 8 may 05:53 [1405080553] commenting on the future on
“Let us assume underlying infrastructure is going to be EMC and non-EMC and some of it is going to really be commodity hardware,” Amitabh Srivastava, president of EMC’s Advanced Storage Division, told us. “If the goal is to reduce operational expenditure, creating islands is not a good thing,” he said. “Any time you have an island you have some specialized guys doing it.”
Creating islands is not a good thing, unless one has intrinsically all of the powers and skills of Mother Nature and her Bigger Brothers and Fabless Sisters, because of the tie-in to all of those expensive things and is a salutary lesson learned of that and those who thought and/or were persuaded to imagine that the likes of The World and Palm Islands were a smarter investment of treasure and blood and fiat paper/disposable wealth. Some very good ideas are never ever going to be great and in a flash crash which is a sudden dash for ready cash are they susceptible to being rendered highly toxic and seriously bad value.
Those sorts of mighty projects are always best rendered and servered from command and control of cyberspace first in AI Virtualisation, for then are any and all physical problems foreseen before they are active and rampaging, and simple costly decisions can be correctly inexpensively made from the comfort of a position between chair and keyboard.
And in todays vibrant virile and virulent viral and information rich and intelligence light environment where quantum leaping communication systems are key holding enablers of future heavenly dream streams and/or a bankrupting currency of hellish nightmares, are mighty projects only going to be ever bigger still and be in constant needs of Astute Assistants Actively Assisting Advanced Administrations Autonomously and Anonymously with the Most Perfect Enough of Sublime Admin Systems Available to HumanKind.
Mmm party political…….. funny….. ….people enjoyed it…….everyone (including you) talking about it……people who missed it trying to find a copy online….
The definition of failure? I think other parties will be very happy to achieve half of that. …. anothersmallcog replying to greyhairedbrigade
Quite so, anothersmallcog. It will be interesting and very revealing to see if any of the others in the race attempt a similar failure campaign and media strategy ….. thus to prove it, a resounding IT success and sort of instant media classic easily understood by most everybody with a titter of wit.
amanfromMars …having a chat about with the Daily Bell and Bill Ross on the Conundrum of Modern Repression, which may be as a rest of Human Depression and Intellectual Bankruptcy
There is certainly major warring in miner cyberspace for Absolute Command and Remote Control in the Live Operational Virtual Environment, Bill Ross, and the irregular and unconventional are winning against everything and not losing to anything established and traditional and systemically vulnerable to the simple sharing of sensitive information and even classified secret intelligence and/or novel proprietary intellectual property over which there is no possible prior art or speculative a priori claim …. and are akin to the most flawless of coveted stones and the purest of lustrous elements. And to be winning has them leading in different direction.
And such noble enigmatic jewels and sparkling riches are quite perfect zeroday vulnerability exploits delivering titanic success with virtually indestructible force and rapid and rabid effect ……and all so beautifully stealthily from the Shady IT Shadows with CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] at lightning and enlightened, breath taking speeds with serial aplomb.
And the System and Systems as is and as are, are both practically and virtually powerless to resist the sweet sticky advances made upon them, for to resist in any guise and/or in the disguise of a corporate or government body, is to also personally identify oneself as the enemy to be summarily removed with extreme prejudice whenever so IT requires from the ……… well, Great Game/Future Play/Virtual Scene/Media Show/call IT what you will.
And one imagines not many, and only a chosen few, good and true, know any of all of that which is all around and surrounds them.
Changed days ahead, DB, for things have been fundamentally and radically changed. And there’s no question about that being not true and false.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 8 May 11:24 [1405081124] commenting on
Re: Telling it like it is in APT IT and ACTive Media World Affairs
Oh, look, good, ... at least six folk commenting on El Reg who know what be written there is true, and five down voters acknowledging the failure and the need for old views and perspectives to be placed in the trash for that is where all rubbish is designed to go.
We've received "slow to respond" notices at many websites. It is likely not us but Disqus … … The Daily Bell Mod replying to amanfromMars on
Quite so, DB, and I assumed it to be so, and that does make your hosted views vulnerable to third party attack/manipulation/timely assault and invisible application/remote objectional foreign vetting. Such though is the lot of all who are not in control of their own field of servers and just one of those things one needs to be prepared for with an automatic workaround/backup system/alternate internet service provider.
:-) ... ....... which is so typical of a system in serious trouble and searching for a new meme to reinvent itself as a saviour rather than suffer abuse and/or revenge attacks as a recognised pariah.
amanfromMars [1405081529] replying to things which Scuzza Man said on
Scuzza Man, Howdy,
Do you think the banking sector is worried that the security/intelligence agencies of competent powers and state and non-state actors, see them as being easy targets for takeover and/or dissenting customer removal a la the usual indiscriminate military method? Or will that be a rogue renegade operation for freelancing special forces outside of the mainstream defence systems?
And this is another fertile theatre delivering change with a change of power and control brokers rather than peddling hope like a dope pimping a prayer …..
And normal weapons of any size and ilk are useless for command in control of that place. There one has to be considerably bright than is usually accepted and recognised as being necessary in one who is smart, and to have any chance at being successful at anything at all ventured in the field, and fielded in ventures therein.

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