amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 May 19:30 [1405271930] commenting on
Pouring snake oil on the fire.
Due to the numerous weaknesses in critical machines, from those managing traffic lights to those helping to run the power grid, many security experts believe there will be an increase in digital attacks with a real destructive effect.
“There are those threats which kind of drop off the radar and no one is really quite sure how they are being used or if they have been used at all because they don’t need to be used en masse,” says Malik.
“For example, industrial control systems have been shown to be vulnerable but there isn’t enough public data available to show that they have been actively exploited.
Well now, you surely cannot expect the system to admit and own up to its systems being penetrated because they are systemically flawed and unpatchable unless reconfigured to support and driver an altogether quite different program of revised protocols/smarter algorithms.
And the following, which in this case is in the form of an email, is the sort of thing to be expecting to flood the mainstream as status quo information dumps prove themselves to be selfishly self serving to a very few rather than broader enlightening to humanity, and that has those few becoming persons of mad interest to increasingly restive disenchanted mobs and yobs/hoi polloi, which is not at all comforting, but it is inevitable unless there be a radically fundamental change in present behaviour for continuing future wellbeing and prosperity ......
Subject: Keys to Failure Remedy and Failed Futures Option Dealers/Virtual Reality Pimping who be Sub-Prime Intelligence Dumping and Pumping/Mainstream Media Polluting
Date: 27 May 2014 08:57:03 BST
Date: 27 May 2014 08:57:03 BST
Delete and Remove to Eliminate and Eradicate the Problem when Changing the Problem Normally can’t Solve it, is a Novel Noble but Not New and Ignoble Solution to Persistent Unpleasant Problems in Real Worlds and in IT and MetaDataBase Command and Control Systems of Operation too.
Hi, John,
To be forewarned is to be forearmed, and also allows for the smarter being to consider more desirable and adventurous courses of action in proaction and in AI NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT, for they will be infinitely more attractive to supporting creative ventures than anything else which could be considered negative and destructive because it delivers competitive and opposing conflicts.
“You normally change the problem if you can’t solve it.” …. David Wheeler
Insights from research in security economics have taught us that many real-world security systems failed not for technical reasons, but for a misalignment of incentives. If the party that is in the best position to protect security is not liable for the security failure, it will lack the incentive to invest in improving security. Consequently, the security of the overall system will suffer and eventually fail. ….…. “Deleting Secret Data with Public Verifiability”…. Feng Hao, Member, IEEE, Dylan Clarke, Avelino Francisco Zorzo
The fiat capitalist system base root Catch 22 which guarantees exponentially increasing catastrophic failures and monumental losses ….. and in a smart information and getting smarter intelligence environment, delivers the virtually certain possibility and therefore the very real active probability of both the secret private and populous public sector targeting of responsible key systems administrators/head honchos/bank bosses/treasury officials/chancellors of exchequers/chancers in office for requisite treatment?
amanfromMars 1 140528 05:31 [1405280531] commenting on
Wild educated guesses on one side of the weapons of mass disruption fence?
John (Leyden), Hi. You sure do make a lot of malicious assumptions/speculations in that report.
:-) You may like to ponder on what that reveals to one and all. And you could be perfectly enough correct too in your thoughts, given the frailties and temptations which so easily corrupt and defeat humans being humans.
amanfromMars said... in a reply on
Just for now, don't believe everything or hardly anything you read or see in the mainstream media, Casey E, for invariably it is not based on widely shared facts for a presentation of more truthful alternative virtual reality programs but on sub-prime fictions which do not stand up to close analytical inspection and critical forensic examination.
Thus does the world and his dog and the dogs and cogs of war exist in a dream like state which has degenerated into a self-defeating, catastrophic nightmare ...... a virtual holocaust.
And all due to a lack of advanced intelligence application?
28 May 2014 06:41
amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 may 08:41 [1405280841] adding more on
Truth sets all free and condemns identified oppressors to vain fight and/or wingless flight
Oh, and here be future nasty and present dilemma to ponder on, which reveals in all ITs glory to both friend and foe adversaries and/or competition alike, that which is a systems indefensible achilles heel problem .......... the free sharing of information over networks with the full and normal expectation of wwworld wide web publication which doesn't get published, and shared with an intelligent global crowd.
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