Thursday, 7 August 2014


Nice One, Dan's the Man. Filthy Lucre doing what it does best and is ignorantly designed for
Humanity is at a civilizational crux point, Geer said, where meatspace and the digital world are converging with very few controls. He said that unless humans reassert control over the digital sphere and make it work to human rules, humanity will not be able to take back control once code is law.
Take back control from whom and/or what, In-Q-Tel?
Geer also suggested a new way to stamp out the exploitation of software security vulnerabilities for which no patches exist – dreaded zero-day vulns: the US government should make a standing offer to pay a bug bounty equivalent to TEN times the price companies are willing to pay for the security flaws, and then make them public after a patch has been developed.
This could go a long way to end inter-state cyberwar and stop common criminals, we're told. No mention of the NSA, of course.
Such would create, or more accurately legitimately and attractively fabulously reward the extremely intelligent entity able to create and deploy, and autonomously and anonymously both micro and macro manage, inter-state cyberwarfare. And attractively fabulously because such an ability and facility and ubiquitous virtual utility is worth an absolute fortune to companies willing to pay for national, international and internetional security flaws which deliver to them inequitable overwhelming global executive advantage. But hey, is that not the Wild Wacky Western American Dream in the Capitalist Way, and perfectly normal in its own big little perverse and corrupt sort of way?
However, as for the the need and feed of the flourish ……”and then make them public after a patch has been developed” ……. rather than the intellectual property remaining MkUltra Sensitive TS/SCI and Strictly Need to Know Private Pirate Renegade Rogue Information and Super CyberIntelAIgent, well, that might be best given a rethink.
Re: Normal which is ExtraOrdinary
"Making things is so last millennium."
Don't you get it? Virtual software-defined hardware is the new new thing. In the cloud! This time it's different. … Erik4872
10/10, and go straight to the top of the class, pass Go and collect 200 Bitcoin for that valid observation which really screws up the system, right good and proper, Erik4872.
Re: Deep breath . . .
Oh, and amanfromMars: are we still on for a pint or 2 together? I'll be in Dundrum for the weekend of Aug 23-24. ... Agent Weebley
Hi, AW,
Does the Pope wear a funny hat? And that would be a yes, and looking forward to it. All that is missing are approximate rendezvous coordinates from the likes of Google Earth for hostelry details to be punched into the sat nav. There be a number of Dundrums.

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