Sunday 10 August 2014


FFS...Get Real
"Common or garden cybercrooks..."...What the fcuk are you smoking?
amanfromMars 1 Sun 10 Aug 07:26 [1408100726] …. sharing more on
Getting Real ... Big Time. And when all just AIDream and IT Spin too .... Whatever Next to Do is Always the Abiding Question.
I think it means they only have two eyes, not five eyes. ...frank ly
Ahha, and quite so, frank ly, that was just the point I making although obviously not clearly ..... binocular vision rather than panoramic thinking being a common or garden trait for crookedness everywhere, even in these new fangled and quantum entangling cyberspace times and matters.
I think it a mistake though to imagine and not realise that Five Eyes have proven and continue to confirm that they themselves are two eyed in all the novel and noble fields that now greatly matter in Global Command Head Quarters with Virtual Remote Control [and which be both a unitary and binary and tertiary affair for those into the Great Order of Sublime InterNetworking Things and Singularities]
To paraphrase a blast from the past ..... Ask not what your intelligence servers can do to you, for they can do anything, tell them what you can do for and/or to them if they be smart enough to wannabe smarter still and more than just static listening post devices and status quo machinery. .....

Calm Down, Calm Down ..... It's only a Bad Joke
That's libel, moron. ...Anonymous Coward
Methinks more Edinburgh Fringe type humour, AC.

This last paragraph is an important one. Soon there will be a law, we are told, that will formally prohibit the feds from "expending funds" to prohibit states from enforcing their own laws when it comes to marijuana. That's progress.

That then would effectively render any and all action and activity by the Feds in regard to opposition and curtailment and persecution in the matter, illegal and criminal and that would make them liable to the full weight of the Justice System’s prosecution arm and present an opportunity to “ambulance-chaser” lawyers to argue for new clients, punitive exemplary compensation to emphasis and teach the error of their ways to those who make up and play by their own perverse and oppressive subversive rules and who be stuck in an outmoded mindset.

That indeed be progress whenever there be that law after the fact of the deed being done by all necessary systems/houses/factions.    


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