Tuesday, 4 November 2014


amanfromMars 1 Mon 3 Nov 18:02 [1411031802] having a say on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2014/11/02/quotw_ending_november_1/
Re: Re: Looking at IT differently and from A.N.Other's Perspective
Some people (me for example) might harbour dark thoughts that newspaper magnates, bankers, politicians etc act similarly on pulic opinion, markets, public policies etc but that is just daydreaming... ... Uffish
That aint no daydream, Uffish, for that is exactly what they try so badly to control and effect. It is though an art which is devilishly revealing of all poor performances.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 4 Nov 09:28 [1411040928] commenting and trailing a notion and proposing a changed strategy under the cover and in the secure deep shadow protection of covert and clandestine leaderships on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2014/11/04/super_villains_of_c_sought_for_world_conquest_plan/
Speaking Truth unto Pseudo Power Systems and Wannabe Commanding Controllers
Hmmmm? C finally realising MI6 potential for Dark Web Ventures/Black Watch Enterprises whilst Hannigan and GCHQ tilts at virtual windmills ..... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/11/04/apple_and_google_are_the_top_terrorist_control_network_claims_british_spy_boss/ ..... and admits to every man and his dog, the relative impotence of their operations/modus operandi/puppet masters.
Knock. knock, Younger, Alex. Capiche and agree?

Then such a person would have no problem funding my power from magnets project I am working on.
Am I right? ….. Casey Evans, 3 November 2014 15:46
The only problem that invariably momentarily halts all sorts of radical progress, Casey E, is other parties not realising the potential nor understanding and not recognising their own and others personal gains, some of which can be monumentally rewarding and most attractive and addictive. And reading between the lines of text and imagining one understands quite fully enough to risk a punt and engage with novel prime participants/actors state and non-state, the sub text stenographically revealed and transparently stated, is the quantum leap that has to be made to have any chance at all at being an effective player of notable ability and virtual worth in the CyberSpace Realm which dictates Command and Control of Global Daily and Zeroday Events for Futures and their Derivatives which are Hedged and Presented in Stages with the Hosting of such Advanced IntelAIgent Realities across a Broad Band Spectrum of Media and Brain Programming Shows/Vivid Viable Tales of Advanced Emerging Revolutionary Intelligence ...... :-) and disruptively destructive and creatively constructive IT be too whenever needed or not heeded.
4 November 2014 10:18

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