Sunday, 23 November 2014


amanfromMars Sun, 11/23/2014 - 11:56 ….. having a say on’ve-gone-full-plato
Be suitably heartened, or rightly justly terrified if fully cognizant of ones own guilty self-serving and inequitable puppet philosopher king actions and their inevitable consequences, to know that some which may the few and many are not helpless or petrified in inaction and would be extremely active in sowing the seeds and feeds and needs of remedial action and the future supply of quite revolutionary securely compartmentalised proprietary intellectual property ..... which wont be bothered by, or be botherng itself with any fluffing entanglement and sycophantic lip service to mangled mainstream sub-prime server service channels with compromised covert and clandestine communications chunnels..... with the knowledge that new knowledge is appearing everywhere all of the time and for everyone who is able and/or enabled to make great and free use of to make for themselves and their friends, obscene fortunes and/or hold a Wild Wicked Wacky DODgy MODified systems and muppet manipulators to perpetual perpetuating Danegeld ransom ? .......
And yes, one surely does expect such a service to be one which is the pride of a nation and nations, doesn't one, even if it is just the private pirate sector doing its Renegade Rogue IT Command and Control thing and warning the markets of strange goings on to monetize and factor in to risk assessments and future hedged options/derivative cyber paths of real travel and/or virtual perspective. Is it to be an Eastern confection or Western delight though?

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