Take a Wild Wacky Walk and Run with Exotic Erotic Encounters …. with Dark Web Ventures and Black Watch Enterprises in Global Operating Devices guaranteeing Safe and Secure Delivery of Future FailSafe Content Reality via Remote Control and Virtual Command of Creative CyberSpace and Computers Communicating …….. and via Chips and Chaps and Chicks Chittering and Chatting. No Mean Alien Memes there to Generate Madness and Mayhem in the Space and Place of Perfect Peace and Surreal CHAOS ….. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems, although that is not to say that such an Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Defence and Crazy Attack Force for Conflict and Confusion, Terror and Personal Enrichment is not also readily available from Stored Stock and Advanced AIResearch and digital Development Facilities/Utilities.
amanfromMars [1411291255] stating the bleeding obvious on http://thedailybell.com/news-analysis/35868/Big-Banks-What-Happens-When-Customers-Cease-to-Believe/
In England they are testing a new payroll check system where companies submit your pay to the tax office and after deducting the required taxes your check is re-issued to you from the government. This puts all money generated by labor into government coffers for some limited time period allowing, if they then create a Social Security stock trading fund, the government to hire Goldman Sachs to flip said monies in the market for said period of limited time and potentially generate, or lose, serious amounts of general revenues for Congress.They intend right now to turn our government into a wall street bank. ..... David Mowers
Methinks then would that be considered just cause to celebrate with a French style revolution which didn't end at all well for the rich and infamous, DM. And this time would it be no better and much worse for such as be fools have much smarter beings confronting them everywhere nowadays.
Can idiots who be also great fools on a series of follies not learn from the error of their ways, or are they always to be vanquished with virile and viral violence which cares not for dumb ignorant arrogant prisoners who should have known better than to sell themselves as servants and masters of greed and trash feeds with rotten seeds.
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