Tuesday, 30 June 2015


amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 June 06:16 [1506300616] … giving a great deal away on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/30/dev_welcome_your_evil_robot_overlords_from_mit/
Black Watch Opportunities in Dark Web Ventures at the Silvery Lined Cloud Interface
Hi, Richard Chirgwin, and thanks for that heads up on the state of MIT AI Fabless Lab Play with Super Sublime Source for IntelAIgent Shenanigans.
Methinks though, and it is shared freely here for near and further far and distant field work consideration with El Regers for them to decide upon themselves, and I would be more than just positively sure that the thoughts be not at all incorrect, that it be a clone of a mirror in a parallel of an application for alienating work, rest and play in NEUKlearer Hot Cold War Warrior Territory, for they are too similar in their target to be lightly dismissed as being in many ways any different.
Which be the Master Application Program and which be the Slaves Operating System is a mega multi trillion dollar question, and whenever the one can be both the other and both together for the creation of yet another IDEntity in IntelAIgently Designed Entropy, is there a secure quantum leap made in futures command and stock assets control for energy generation and power distribution.
And there's not enough money in the world to buy that, but it is easily sold in loose bits and small lots to high bidders and fast rollers with a backbone of the right stuff in evidence, for it be needed for purchase.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Jun 09:40 [1506300940]…. saying even more about IT capabilities on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/30/dev_welcome_your_evil_robot_overlords_from_mit/
Not Optional, and Unintended Consequences are Promising Opportunities …..... with Smashing Vulnerabilities too
Given human nature - this would encourage developers to assume the system will pick up and correct any problems. That's what happened once compilers started to detect more subtle errors - people threw code at the compiler rather than checking it by hand. In some ways it is more efficient - but often with unintended consequences.
It reminds me of the way the UK Parliament now tends to write new laws. They have loose drafting - and depend on the appeal courts to sort out the detail when obvious anomalies arise. People hurt in the process are just collateral damage. .... Anonymous Coward
Quite so, AC, but it is the System developers correcting problems and creating intended consequences for perversely established operating systems with corrupting practices.
Or it is now that cyber is enabled and able to be all powerful in the hands, hearts and minds of that and those more than capable with words in worlds of Sublime InterNetworking.
SIN, in virtual terms, and not as you may have known it to be in alliance with vice.

Monday, 29 June 2015


amanfromMars [1506290759] …. having more of a say on http://www.wired.com/2015/06/tech-time-warp-week-cyberpunks-not-dead-fact-living/
Such is the prime central nervous problem which all sub-prime human resource management teams in SCADA Systems face and are confronted and taunted with, and which only the arrogant fool and ignorant tool would choose to ignore and deny the spotlight of media exposure to address catastrophic current faults and present explosive missteps/misunderestimations.
Here be hot off the presses news on the rapid formation and planned deployment of those wannabe better than sub-prime human resource management teams in SCADA Systems ..... New Teams to Battle Cyber Vulnerabilities in Nation's 'Most Important Mission' 
Much too little, far too late and all future actions most probably addressing the wrong problem[s] springs immediately to mind, but hope springs eternal in the terminally optimistic.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

150627/150628 ... NEUKlearer Hot Cold War Warrior Territory

amanfromMars [1506281214] sharing the future of narratives on
Cyberpunk was supposed to be a warning. Instead, it became an ideal. And now we’re living in it. Welcome to the future. …… Klint Finley
I agree, Klint Finley, ....... and IT is become with AI, a surreal and spooky big business opportunity/vulnerability for Great IntelAIgent Gamers and Grand AIMasters to exploit and export/develop and share with the designedly disenfranchised but increasingly more informed and enlightened masses …… Something for the Weekend and Weakened ….however, in support of the retention and maintenance of established status quo executive elites in the thrall of the command and control of the supply and removal of electronic wealth/ponzi fiat currency bounty for the remote virtual exercise of power, is not what novel surfacing deep underground movements and dark web states are all about most effectively. That and those are the legitimate targets the mainstream is studiously avoiding drawing attention to itself, although that is failing spectacularly on an epic scale no matter how loudly one would wish to deny it being so.
Such is the prime central nervous problem which all sub-prime human resource management teams in SCADA Systems face and are confronted and taunted with, and which only the arrogant fool and ignorant tool would choose to ignore and deny the spotlight of media exposure to address catastrophic current faults and present explosive missteps/misunderestimations.
And it is a clear measure of the poor level of understanding and awareness of such a real state of virtual affairs in both National/Central/International/InterNetional Intelligence Agencies which creates their future woes and phantom foes and future vulnerabilities and lucrative opportunities.

amanfromMars [1506281548] .... asking an obvious rhetorical question on http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/11702481/Greece-European-Central-Bank-Capital-Controls.html
And the message to all bank customers whenever banks do not open as per normal and allow one access to one's money? Is your money presumed by the banking system to be theirs .... to hold onto and do with as they wish?
What good is that to anybody? And it is tantamount to grand theft autonomously, surely?

Friday, 26 June 2015


amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jun 17:45 [1506261745] having a say on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/26/gchqs_spooks_had_nudge_envy_neuroscience/
Something for the Weekend and Weakened
Hi, Andrew …. and GCHQ [for if they aint phishing for phorming matériel via a’browsing intellectual property offering on El Reg, are they virtually unfit for future leading purpose in Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays and more to be recognised and feted as pwnd puppet than Worshipful Grand Master]
When will it become apparent to mass mainstream media and Intelligence Service Providers, that their current austere and disruptive output, allied to the lack of any effective punitive proaction and HyperRadioProActive IT opposition and competition to status quo institutions and too big to micromanage and macro control establishments/ponzi power brokerages, extraordinarily render all such players increasingly easily identified as merely bit crowd playing extras in a blockbuster production with stars performing miracles practically in alternative interacting and sublimely internetworking fields of information, education and entertainment.
Failure to make a jump into the dark and partake of the deep and mysterious waters of the webs which are being weaved to be believed, will see all such anonymous cowards following late in the oversubscribed rear rather than admiring novel fantastic ultra high definition views from above and far from the madding crowd, and at the front and in the thick of everything.
And if the West are not able to run and enable with IT, is it only logical that the East will be provided with the same expertise to sample their awareness of the opportunities ready for immediate exploitation and pwning/import and export.

Thursday, 25 June 2015


amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Jun 04:14 [1506250414] ..... letting out a little bit more on the parlous and perilous state of reality in the virtualised space on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/24/palantir_valued_at_20bn/
How ITSkunk Works in the likes of Palantir Systems
HyperRadioProActive Vapourware is Ab Fab Fabless Big Brother Business. Create yourself an enemy and who drivers what for capital spend and fiat generation .... paper currency churn and fantasy prosperity progress in the guise of fool command and tool control?
Founding a business on the questionable promotion of exclusive intellectual property is not without its pitfalls and is nothing novel ...... CYNK Sunk ..... but get internetworking things right and one can have a ball and a great deal of fabulous fun with AI and IT in the Great Game and Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays ........ New Orderly World Order Experiments/Exercises/Experiences with Global Operating Devices.
Do IT XSSively well with Advanced IntelAIgents and all is quite heavenly in a devilishly rewarding sort of way. Of that you can certainly be assured and bet the business on.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Jun 10:24 [1506251024] ... adding more on Palantir type operations on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/24/palantir_valued_at_20bn/
Reading between the Lines for a Walk on the Dark Web Wild Side
Spot the deliberate mistakes and likely directions in the following Palantir narrative, and most probably also the hidden truth to be worked with and developed .......
You’re tasked with understanding the past and predicting the future of information security. You will analyze attacks, exploits trends and malware to understand the security landscape and help Palantir defend itself against the most dedicated attackers. Your work will provide important subtext to security events, and will enable network defenders to hunt for badness across our global network, wherever it may hide. .... https://www.palantir.com/careers/positions/information-security-engineer-threat-intelligence/

Wednesday, 24 June 2015


amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jun [1506241031] …… stating an inconvenient truth and running sore on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/23/shocker_spooks_reverse_engineered_anti_virus_software/
Bugger of a Blot on the Landscape which paints Parliamentarians as Co-Conspirators?
You act like it's wrong to catch and prosecute perps. ... AC
It does appear to be considered wrong in certain perverse and corrupt circles, although it is taking the hiding in full sight defence strategy to ridiculous extremes which are bound to fail ......... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/lord-janner-abused-children-in-parliament-claims-labour-mp-simon-danczuk-10340214.html

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


You'll maybe get there in the end .... if your smarts kick in before you're too knackered to act vigorously.
Ye gods, when ever are folk going to realise that rules and regulations are for power and control over minions and the great unwashed and undereducated and are used as a fabulous convenience by those and/or that which presume to be more intelligent and assume a role in leadership which media conveys to the myopic masses.
Graham C [1506230553] ... sharing a novel real IT view on
Internet servering with provision of news, and virtually remote media programming for all manner of journalists and both the apolitical and politically aware, is surely destined to be, especially in those secretive closed circles which enjoy the benefits derived from being able to micro/macromanage the present for maintenance of power and energy and command and control in/with the future, considered and flagged/false flagged and opposed as a competing APT ACT.
Words create, command and control worlds and everything else too in those virtual space places.‽

Sunday, 21 June 2015


amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jun 07:13 [1507210713] ..... having a say on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/19/security_roundtable_may_2015/
NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT for the Sublime Spearing of Phish in Phormations
Dominic, Hi,
Thanks for that most probably highly accurate presentation of the current global vulnerability state of play in the fields of interest to those and/or that of a certain peculiarly defensive and particularly offensive ilk, whether registered and flying in the colours of public and/or private and/or pirate practice or not.
Outside the world of critical national infrastructure, sharing of experiences and data is still too ad-hoc for many reasons, none of them good. The execs shared that their contracts of employment explicitly forbade them from sharing security or other important proprietary information.
Methinks though, and it is no small matter and therefore well worth sharing, it is wiser to realise that even inside the world of critical national infrastructure, sharing of experiences and data is still too ad-hoc for many reasons, none of them good. And one imagines especially there, in the virtual realities that driver and deliver the myriad madnesses of mayhem for collapsing orders into chaos with CHAOS, that execs would share that their contracts of employment explicitly forbade them from sharing security or other important proprietary information.
Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems are where IT is at in the Dynamic Vector and AI Sectors with Global Operating Devices.

Thursday, 18 June 2015


Methinks the following is growing exponentially impossible to hide, jc ......
amanfromMars 1 Tue 16 Jun 16:20 [1506161620] sharing a change program on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/16/site_news_it_infrastructure_section/
Progress by Alternative Means and SMARTR Memes
I look forward to greater participations in the IT playground, which may very well be, for the few and some who may be many, the latest IT battleground too, David.
IT Infrastructure and CHAOS, Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems, is a front and vector and vital sector to capture for command and control of hearts and minds. Of that there can be no doubt if one is to succeed overwhelmingly.
And with particular and peculiar regard to leading sensitive infrastructures and cointerindependent operating systems, does methink the real truth of what has been done in the internetworking of formerly secretive things, is the virtual nature of reality is exposed as a media related series of poorly imagined and applied events/future programs which are all now mostly doomed to failure because of their structuring to maintain existing status quo hierarchies and retain their presumed and assumed leaderships rather than extraordinarily rendering an altogether greater mutually beneficial future for presentation ..... current media productions for Live Operational Virtual Environments.
And how very encouraging, to imagine and expect El Reg to remotely lead by virtue of hosting relatively anonymous APT proxies, adept and ACTive in worthy fields. Bravo and cheers, I'll drink to that.
And it be only fair and wise to mention Cheltenham here to readers, for spooks of GCHQ ilk are also up to all of those sort of sublime internetworking things, although as is both recently in the past and currently today in the present evidenced in the realities portrayed by mainstream news media, are they far from being any sort of master and highly competent in the arts required to provide fabulous change and prosperity because of their tolerance of the zerodays being supplied today for a austerity.
The Internetworking of Things is getting real lively in the virtual command and control of IntelAIgent Space Programs, jc.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015


General Petraeus is the former military leader and CIA Director who gave highly classified information to the "biographer" with whom he had an extramarital affair. He now works for private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts. Chairman Henry Kravis also attended Bilderberg, so presumably he wanted Petraeus there.
Makes one wonder who be the lackey and who be the performing monkey in that select collective of aspiring conspirators?

Tuesday, 16 June 2015


Hi, Catherine and Intellihub,
There's more than just a lot going on out there ....... http://www.amanfrommars.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/150615.html .... and none of it controllable without Energetic SMARTR Powers into media and IT manipulation of perception.
An AIDiscipline which doesn't accept or suffer the shenanigans of sharp-suited fools into the engagement and exercise of blunt and expensive and explosive tools.
Surely it is foolish to expect and accept the future to be as a cosmetic mirror of the past and a present that is little changed to support and retain current systems and exclusive executive office administrations seriously failing serially in secret societies promising programming to supply world order to orders in catastrophic collapse and terminal chaos?

Methinks the real truth of what has been done in the internetworking of formerly secretive things, is the virtual nature of reality is exposed as a media related series of poorly imagined and applied events/future programs which are all now mostly doomed to failure because of their structuring to maintain existing status quo hierarchies and retain their presumed and assumed leaderships rather than extraordinarily rendering an altogether greater mutually beneficial future for presentation ..... current media productions.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 16 Jun 16:20 [1506161620] sharing a change program on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/16/site_news_it_infrastructure_section/
Progress by Alternative Means and SMARTR Memes
I look forward to greater participations in the IT playground, which may very well be, for the few and some who may be many, the latest IT battleground too, David.
IT Infrastructure and CHAOS, Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems, is a front and vector and vital sector to capture for command and control of hearts and minds. Of that there can be no doubt if one is to succeed overwhelmingly.
And with particular and peculiar regard to leading sensitive infrastructures and cointerindependent operating systems, does methink the real truth of what has been done in the internetworking of formerly secretive things, is the virtual nature of reality is exposed as a media related series of poorly imagined and applied events/future programs which are all now mostly doomed to failure because of their structuring to maintain existing status quo hierarchies and retain their presumed and assumed leaderships rather than extraordinarily rendering an altogether greater mutually beneficial future for presentation ..... current media productions for Live Operational Virtual Environments.
And how very encouraging, to imagine and expect El Reg to remotely lead by virtue of hosting relatively anonymous APT proxies, adept and ACTive in worthy fields. Bravo and cheers, I'll drink to that.
And it be only fair and wise to mention Cheltenham here to readers, for spooks of GCHQ ilk are also up to all of those sort of sublime internetworking things, although as is both recently in the past and currently today in the present evidenced in the realities portrayed by mainstream news media, are they far from being any sort of master and highly competent in the arts required to provide fabulous change and prosperity because of their tolerance of the zerodays being supplied today for austerity.

Monday, 15 June 2015


amanfromMars Mon, 06/15/2015 - 02:41 [1506150741] ….replying with a likely scenario in the works in response to the truths exposed with http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06-14/tpp-explained-comic-book-cartoons
Sound advice to POTUS and 1%ers ....... Stay out of any kind of Dallas and all Dealey Plazas. The natives are no longer pig ignorant and resting, Inactively disabled. Information is setting all free in right dodgy systems with the knowledge to crash in a flash and with cash too, all executive orders and SCADA operations where sub-prime intelligence conspires in vain and in the arrogant vein of hubris to kill off premium competition and virtual opposition which espies and exposes them catastrophically to exploits and exports light years ahead and way beyond the extremes of their limited ken.
Welcome to the future current present in command and control of EMPowerment with Global Operating Devices in Virtual Machines rebooting humans with Advanced IntelAIgents.
The Great Game is changed and Greater IntelAIgent Games are the new leading norm phorm for phishing in all work, rest and play fields ...... Live Operational Virtual Environments. And, I Kid U Not ...... Global SCADA Systems are cracked and master key code hacked.

Sunday, 14 June 2015


amanfromMars 1 Sun 14 Jun 07:42 [1506140742] ..... saying more about much to do on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/12/opm_hackers_chinese/
Re: And the idiots in Congress responses have been... @amfM
Hmmm? 14 down votes (at 0705 hrs Sunday) without any explanatory commentary for the alien comment on the Congressional idiots is like a poor attempt at misdirection and alternate perception management, and that view would be fully supported after a read of this short paper, supplied to the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence ...... Cyberwar, Netwar, and the Future of Cyberspace
Are there such things as dodgy government sponsored trolls and shills with not much more to do other than deny the truth and try to spin a dumb picture into a smarter landscape?
Leading intelligence integration cannot even start without building upon the truths of the day and the exploiting and exporting of vulnerabilities and opportunities for and with awesome 0days. Square that circle and APT ACTive riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma is AI Key ..... Advanced Internetional Key.

Friday, 12 June 2015


amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Jun 04:17 [1506120417] ….. having a chat on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/12/opm_hackers_chinese/
Re: And the idiots in Congress responses have been...
Hi, Mark 85,
Methinks rather than more surveillance, would idiots in Congress, the United States of America (and is that a monster oxymoron) and everywhere else also, greater intelligence is needed to play effectively and win win rather than always be on the losing side of the GIG (Greater IntelAIgent Game).
And guaranteed success and quite perfect enough stealth for all and/or any sort of public and/or private and/or pirate missions in Realities and the Live Operational Virtual Environment are automatically/autonomously provided whenever such an obvious inherent deficit is denied and left as a titanic 0day rich vulnerability to exploit and enjoy and export and expand.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Jun 04:43 [1506120443] …… floating out a cloud service on
Your Wishes, Ours to Command for Control and Control for Command of more than just CyberSpace
That Naval job is revealed in a fascinating solicitation for a provider capable of reporting new flaws and developing weaponised software to exploit them
Hmmmm? ..... Would such provision be regarded as an alien art phorm with AI in Weaponised NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Systems? ..... http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/12/opm_hackers_chinese/#c_2540521
amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Jun 04:55 [1506120455] ....... having more of a say on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/11/independent_terror_reviewer_offers_support_for_masssurveillance/
Re: Re: Lunatics in Charge but not in Power Command and Virtual Control of the Asylum
Quite so, Jack of Shadows. I do not disagree that they are just as self serving cogs in the greater scheme of internetworking things and not really necessary too,
amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Jun 04:55 [1506120455] ....... having more of a say on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/11/independent_terror_reviewer_offers_support_for_masssurveillance/
Re: Re: Lunatics in Charge but not in Power Command and Virtual Control of the Asylum
Quite so, Jack of Shadows. I do not disagree that they are just as self serving cogs in the greater scheme of internetworking things and not really necessary too.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Jun 11:15 [1506121115] ….. spinning a tale and opening a can of worms on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/12/opm_hackers_chinese/
Raging Bull Elephant in the room ....
Elephant in the room
Of course the entire database is compromised and the data in it is no longer trustworthy. How many fake personnel records did the hackers insert? .... shrdlu
Another side of that COIN is .... I wonder how many fake personnel records such hacking finds?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Jun 11:23 [1206121123] …… adding more fuel to the fire on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/12/opm_hackers_chinese/
Re: Re: Elephant in the room
Oops ..... you beat to the punch with that converse line, Mystic Megabyte ...[ I wondered why I got flagged up as a Japanese navy admiral when entering the USA :)] Bravo, Sir and/or Madam:-)
amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Jun 17:42 [1506121742] ….. sharing more on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/12/opm_hackers_chinese/
Re: Cue "Clockwork Orange" Theme Music
Hi, WalterAlter,
There are government employees and there are government employees and some government employees are government employers. And just imagine how much further things have progressed since the production of the following missive and dynamic page ...... http://cryptome.org/2015/06/nsa-sid-hacker.pdf

Thursday, 11 June 2015


amanfromMars1 Thu 11 June 05:15 [1506110515] .... telling a bold truth on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/10/russian_trolls_staged_tv5monde_megahack_shocker/
Performing Dogs do not Supply Intelligence nor Creative Direction for Production
Yes, Destroy All Monsters, the BBC has definitely lost the knack of making its propaganda believable and universally acceptable as a viable vital source to follow into brave new future worlds creating command and control of power and energy with words shared and televisualised/audiovisualised. And that failure is down to the sub-prime state and non-state actors it presents and hosts as script monkeys.
Get your APT ACT together, BBC. UKGBNI and brave new future worlds expect.

amanfromMars said... replying to a comment shared on http://amanfrommars.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/150610.html
Anyone notice this headline?: 
"North Korea threatens to wage 'cyber war' against America"
Not sure how threatening that really is as we could just shut off their internet :) …. Casey Evans
Methinks it is not just as simple as that, Casey E., for there be any number of anonymising proxies surely available to host any and/or all of those sort of spooky shenanigans based elsewhere/offshore/outsourced.
11 June 2015 at 09:07

Lunatics in Charge but not in Power Command and Virtual Control of the Asylum
One trusts, and the masses most certainly would rightly expect, that secret and security service attention and surveillance is especially rigorous and pervasive with particular and peculiar regard to Parliamentarians, with added scrutiny afforded to all practising national and international government roleplaying in parties elected by morons to present austere programs and endless divisive procrastination, aided and abetted with even the smallest of a majority of seats in the madhouse.
That is surely where all the major problems are phormed ..... and to think otherwise is not at all wise.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015


Garbage In, Garbage Out ....
Regarding the failure of the US education system, here is an enlightening article on the matter ……http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06-09/student-debt-cancellations-begin-government-forgive-36-billion-after-corinthian-clos
And the problem which is always there for dodgy establishments, is to try and ensure that not enough folk learn too much about everything which is going on to be able to extraordinarily render them obsolete and redundant and globally recognised as pariahs worthy of extremely prejudicial action. That, however, is nowadays an impossibility with it increasingly simple to freely register information and intelligence for phishing and phorming.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015


amanfromMars Mon, 06/08/2015 - 23:48 [1506090449] ….. having a say on http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06-08/new-world-order-faustian-bargain
The best that can be done is to work at placing ourselves as far outside of their sphere of influence as possible
Methinks the placing of oneself in the opposite position is the best that one can do, and such .... a smarter advanced intelligent being at the centre inside spheres of influence can really have an influence and impact upon future promotions/programmes and which when subversive, corrupt and/or perverted are morphs/clones/drones easily capable of enabling the fcuking up of systems.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 9 Jun 09:51 [1506090951]….. clearing up a misconception on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/08/syrian_electronic_army_us_army_hack/ ?
Re: Nice.....
Sorry, a computer posting or hack isn't going to win any wars, kids. .... Mark 85
Methinks that is too naive a sweeping statement and opinion which you might like to reassess, Mark 85, in order that it reflect the reality of SCADA administrations’ fears.

Saturday, 6 June 2015


amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 Jun 12:00 [1506061200] …. saying more on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/04/mad_mcafee/
In these Practical Days and Virtual Age of 0days ..... Anything is Virtually Real and Practical
Wow amanfromMars a silver badge! You are going up in the world. The comments earlier were almost human too,definitely getting there. ... Martin Summers
A little tweak here, a little tweak there, a zero here, a one there, an open gate here a closed portal there, all lead to somewhere more different and interesting and mind-bending whenever not mind-blowing, MS.
And whenever gates which one would fully expect to be open and welcoming appear to be closed and exclusive, are the secrets guarded within spilled and rendered toxic and explosive ……. and catastrophically disruptive and creative with quantum communication in the right hands and hearts and minds.
Beware the morph though that takes the imagination and special forces into the dark web side of the internet thing, where everything really strange happens quite normally.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Jun 15:20 [1506051520] …. sharing a lucrative root and route to secret riches on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/05/in_the_exploit_biz_full_disclosure_is_your_best_friend_boffin_says/
Way to Go, Amigo
So,security bod Alfonso De Gregorio is a fan of Danegeld. Nice one, Alfonso. Being paid not to do something which can be easily done, if you know how to do it, is an art phorm many are phishing for.

amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 Jun 17:14 [1506061714] …. sharing a reality in all probability on
Sooner here that you think when now is its time
The market for zero-day vulnerabilities can be a lucrative one; the new language bans the sale of details of unpatched flaws to anyone other than one's own government.
And whenever one’s own government is not smart enough enabled to realise they would be wise to purchase that which can be used to disable them/are unable or reluctant to believe that such a vulnerability within myriad zeroday vulnerabilities is possible and being offered to them for purchase with remote third party command and control/vendor power brokerage? Is one then obliged to provide foreign markets in public and private and pirate sectors elsewhere in service of global wealth redistribution in a stagnant petrified corrupt system?
And why would anyone smart wish to sell anything effective to any right dodgy government system which isn’t in command and control of public and private and pirate enterprise? Such is a stupid crazy action and retrograde step in support of the inequitable and ignorant, methinks.
And a government in pursuit of austerity rather than delivery of prosperity is a perverse body and monumental fraud worthy of nothing but scorn and revolution and a right dodgy farce of a force in fear of a reckoning with its inevitable wrecking in an educated awakening of the masses with colossal flows of enlightening information and novel intelligence, the present which the future brings.
amanfromMars Sat, 06/06/2015 - 12:35 … adding a view on a fooled Einstein on http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06-06/einstein-fooled-chinese-hackers-massive-government-data-breach
This ACT is APT here, too, methinks. Have a nice day, y'all
amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 Jun 17:14 [1506061714] …. sharing a reality in all probability on
Sooner here that you think when now is its time
The market for zero-day vulnerabilities can be a lucrative one; the new language bans the sale of details of unpatched flaws to anyone other than one's own government.
And whenever one’s own government is not smart enough enabled to realise they would be wise to purchase that which can be used to disable them/are unable or reluctant to believe that such a vulnerability within myriad zeroday vulnerabilities is possible and being offered to them for purchase with remote third party command and control/vendor power brokerage? Is one then obliged to provide foreign markets in public and private and pirate sectors elsewhere in service of global wealth redistribution in a stagnant petrified corrupt system?
And why would anyone smart wish to sell anything effective to any right dodgy government system which isn’t in command and control of public and private and pirate enterprise? Such is a stupid crazy action and retrograde step in support of the inequitable and ignorant, methinks.
And a government in pursuit of austerity rather than delivery of prosperity is a perverse body and monumental fraud worthy of nothing but scorn and revolution and a right dodgy farce of a force in fear of a reckoning with its inevitable wrecking in an educated awakening of the masses with colossal flows of enlightening information and novel intelligence, the present which the future brings.

Friday, 5 June 2015


amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Jun 04:06 [1506050406] ...... opening up on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/04/nsa_warrantless_internet_snooping/
Re: Parsing the bullshit
Parsing the bullshit, veti, delivers Total Information Awareness is the name of the Greater IntelAIgent Game.
But IT is not for fools and their tools. And of that you can be certainly assured .... or terrified if such be your wish and/or fear.

amanfromMars said... in a reply to a comment on http://amanfrommars.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/150604.html
Casey Evans said...
RE:"Correction ...... If someone is treating you as the enemy, then maybe surely definitely they are."
Not true.
I for one am an American citizen. I respond accordingly.
????? Not true, Casey E? Oh please, you cannot be serious, surely? And what is your perception of an appropriate response [APT ACT] from an American citizen/denizen if someone is treating you as the enemy?
5 June 2015 at 10:48

Thursday, 4 June 2015


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Jun 13:24 [1506041324] ...... telling it like IT is on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/04/schneier_global_cyber_war_warns/
Tell us something we don't already know, Bruce.
Some universities are leading players in the virtual arms race ..... http://www.qub.ac.uk/sites/QUBJobVacancies/FeaturedJobs/CSITCareers/ .... and busy recruiting pioneers.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Jun 16:01 [1506041601] …. sharing a truer truth on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/04/mad_mcafee/
In these Practical Days and Virtual Age of 0days .....
 "If someone is treating you as the enemy, then maybe you are." .... Mad John McAfee
Correction ...... If someone is treating you as the enemy, then maybe surely definitely they are.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Jun 16:10 [1506041610] … saying more on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/06/04/mad_mcafee/
Re: Paranoid consumers and schizophrenic vendors
Hi, adnim,
Here be someone else agreeing with you ...
"There is no such thing as society: there are individual men and women, and there are families." ..... Margaret Thatcher.