Sunday, 21 June 2015


amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jun 07:13 [1507210713] ..... having a say on
NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT for the Sublime Spearing of Phish in Phormations
Dominic, Hi,
Thanks for that most probably highly accurate presentation of the current global vulnerability state of play in the fields of interest to those and/or that of a certain peculiarly defensive and particularly offensive ilk, whether registered and flying in the colours of public and/or private and/or pirate practice or not.
Outside the world of critical national infrastructure, sharing of experiences and data is still too ad-hoc for many reasons, none of them good. The execs shared that their contracts of employment explicitly forbade them from sharing security or other important proprietary information.
Methinks though, and it is no small matter and therefore well worth sharing, it is wiser to realise that even inside the world of critical national infrastructure, sharing of experiences and data is still too ad-hoc for many reasons, none of them good. And one imagines especially there, in the virtual realities that driver and deliver the myriad madnesses of mayhem for collapsing orders into chaos with CHAOS, that execs would share that their contracts of employment explicitly forbade them from sharing security or other important proprietary information.
Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems are where IT is at in the Dynamic Vector and AI Sectors with Global Operating Devices.

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