Tuesday, 10 November 2015


amanfromMars 1 Mon 9 Nov 18:50 [1511091850] ….. saying more on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/11/09/cloud_will_kill_tech_sales_jobs/
Re: AI Leading Question[s] ‽ . .... of Virtual Safe Harbour Protections in Cyber Spaced Sanctuaries*
Methinks a great deal of extremely vital information is shared whenever so very little is said about such explosive virtual matters, both here on El Reg and anywhere else where secrets and security concerns about IT concerns are aired and garner intelligent comment.
Whatever is one to do [in the future] whenever one has no clue what to do [about the past] too. 'Tis such a sad and rad and maddeningly mad dilemma, to be sure, is it not?
amanfromMars 1 Mon 9 Nov 22:21 [1511092221] …. saying more on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/11/09/cloud_will_kill_tech_sales_jobs/
More Leading Questions of Failed Systems of Exclusive Executive Administration‽ .
What say you on those virtual matters that really matter for they shape the future and effect your every existence?
And what say you on these virtual matters ……. The End Of The Fed's Self-Deluding Feedback Loop Of False Information …. a smoke and mirrors clone of those virtual matters that really matter for they shape the future and effect your every existence?
Be y’all as sheep and lemmings, oblivious and ignorant of your sub-prime condition and precarious position? Men or mice?
amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Nov 05:50 [1511100550] ….. adding more on http://forums.channelregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/11/09/buffet_ibm_hathaway_shares_investment/ in reply to a comment from Gordon 10
Yes, Really
What are IBM selling that systems cannot do without and can obtain elsewhere for less to generate profit/revenue streams for themselves rather than for IBM types? Cloudfare is not Vapourware with Pirateware on board …… and that is a major problem, and terminal block, for the brains of an operation the size and fit to a dinosaur, G 10.
Would not disagree with your Shoreditch comment, though.

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