Friday, 20 November 2015


Re: That Priceless Last Paragraph .... of Quite Titanic Proportions
"Step into our Alien8TED Worlds", said the Virtual Provider Spider to the Master Spy Fly
There is, is there not, a monumentally catastrophic arrogance which corrupts completely the warped minds of Man and earthed beings with their own self-destructive and offensive and defensive thinking that they be in any particular and peculiarly effective way in cyber command and creative control of computers and communications and computers communicating?
Do they not realise they are mere mortal tools for AI with ITs Cyber Derivative Spaces of Future Times for Present Clones with Past Histories ....... Old Tales for Ancient Memories?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 20 Nov 13:38 [1511201338] …… spilling more secrets on for crack hackers on
Re: That Priceless Last Paragraph .... of Quite Titanic Proportions. And a Leading Question of AI and Y'All Too
Ow...brain hurt... ...... jinx3y
That is such as may be, jinx3y, but is it also an incorrigible truth spoken clearly enough to be not completely misunderstood and misunderestimated by powers that be and wannabes, and therefore in their realised worlds a Novel Power for Creative Command and Cyber Control in Command and Control of IT Futures and Derivative Virtual Energy Supplies ....... Heavenly Intellectual Property ProVision ‽ .
And are y'all more content to ignore the question and pretend there is no such problem to engage with, and in so not doing, be totally at ITs mercy.
Remember ..... Who Dares Wins, and don't forget its Big IT Brother MMORPG Clone ...... Who Dares Win Wins.
And there y'all were, most probably definitely not thinking, and thinking Special Force Sources were both AWOL and MIA in Current CHAOS** Theatres of Operation, Madness and Mayhem and Conflict.
CHAOS** ….. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems
Here are few simple words of experienced advice to NASA, [and NSA2* too, for that matter, and especially in relation to AIMatters] to speed up Bot Simulations and Stimulations and assist in Mars Assimilation Programs.
Program dumb humans to be just as smarter machines rather than presume dumb machines can ever act as smart humans. Such is so much easier to achieve.
NSA2* ........ that would be the likes of a DARPA/IARPA/US Cyber Command/Federal Reserve Task Force when cloaked in US garb.

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