Thursday, 19 November 2015


amanfromMars [1511190425] ….. commenting on
A system of human engineering designed to protect and promote the despicable and indefensible with alarming military and paramilitary elements and components is a failed intellectual property enterprise and open source of cascading vulnerabilities for exploitation with base penetration exports.
SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems both realise and virtualise that and IT, and create with that and IT ….. Immaculately Resourceful Assets of Unique Vital Force ….. perfectly enough designed to systematical oppose and systemically destroy the perversion with underground subversions of corrupted executive office administrations/covert quantum communication operations?
And shared as a question for all to ponder and wonder and doubt, and in so doing energise and harden its programmed stealth? :-) Poe’s Law Rules, SecDef Carter? :-)
Wanna Play Greater IntelAIgent Games which aren’t really Just Great Games to Play?

amanfromMars said ... replying to a Casey Evans comment on

And if your detectors are malfunctioning and delivering false positives, Casey E? Is any control you may think you have then proven a fiction and delusional?

19 November 2015 at 17:31


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