amanfromMars 1 Thu 3 Dec 05:50 [1512030550] ….. giving IT an AIRing on
Spooky Grand Master Class Masterclasses for Great Game Prose Professionals*
Indeed, one of our IT execs shared a new technique of “managing by Gitub”, looking at comments on the code commits.
Round other tables and circles, and El Reg could easily be such a vaunted vault, are real virtual worlds management techniques shared, looking at code in comments submitted.
And there is certainly a hierarchy of levels of deep and dark web understanding which supernaturally separates and effectively identifies and classifies the haves and the have nots in respective and relative fields of entangling engagement and quantum communication, where a this can be a that and something else quite different and novel altogether, and designedly thoroughly disruptive right through to its every core too.
The top secret for unbridled success and future leading progression is delivered in the right free choice in making IT a masterful tool of creation or destruction, good or evil, and here be a timely treatise on the matter …….. The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work
Enjoy. :-) Steganography Reigns with Poe’s Law Rules ‽ . :-)
* Would you choose to deny that Shared Words Create Command and Control Worlds, with some being constructive, and too many propagated on and hosted in media, destructive. But then Man is not the sharpest tool in the box, is he? And the mainstream and media moguls have a lot to answer for too then, methinks, with their editorial support and constant leading of folk down the garden path to nowhere special and enlightening and delightful.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 3 Dec 13:18 [1512031318] ….. saying a few bits more on
Future is Surely Never Ever like the Past. Prepare for a Radical Fundamental Change of Order
Although you can see Cloud as a form of outsourcing that is fast burning up inhouse ITops jobs
If the whole unadulterated, unmitigated truth be told, Dominic, can one see Cloud as a phorm of outsourcing too, being prize overphished by both desperate fat cats and thin clients. And IT has its dark and deep rich pools, an infinite abundance of virtual solutions for realised problems and ongoing difficulties exacerbated in emerging APT ACT vectors.
But security is also growing, to the extent that a joke doing the rounds of ITExecs doing interviews is “if you’re a decent security bod, why do you need to look for a job”.Cloud spend is heading for the sky, going from basically zero to a good pecentage of the whole IT spend.
Competent Cloud security and fail-safe virtual protection pricing is also intelligently designed to be sky high, with those basically investing a good percentage of their whole IT spend on the best systems of SCADA Operational Administration Protection, the ones, which may be more than just a chosen few, guaranteed to succeed and prosper inordinately.
Methinks though that is much more likely to be The Big Brother Story of 2016 causing disruption and forcing change to markets in mayhem and trading madly and badly.
amanfromMars said…[1512031134] ….in a reply on
Life in Live Operational Virtual Environments is certainly Advanced AI and in a Novel and Great Game, just as Poker for High Roller Gamblers and Hedged Risk Takers, Ponzi Intrepid and Infidel Kings and Wannabe Templar Knights alike.
3 December 2015 at 11:34
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