Saturday, 19 December 2015


Quite so, Anthony. There is a silent revolutionary shift in media management of perception for practically remote and virtually anonymous and increasingly autonomous executive administration of current affairs and present events creating bases in which futures are phished and phormed/realised.
Is the Daily Bell content to be just as an honest reporter of such as is the growing fact and absolutely fabulous fiction, or pleased to be much more an astute active proactive leader in the genre/meme?
Future builders, your readers and supporters would surely like to know, for there is infinite strength available for sharing in that knowledge.
And many thanks for the great quality editorial provided from The Daily Bell, a veritable flourishing oasis in an otherwise parched desert. ….. EUbrainwashing 2015
That sentiment is heartily seconded from this space, EUbrainwashing 2015.
Many people believe that the restriction on free speech, the rise of the PC movement, the talk of microaggressions and safe spaces are about protecting marginalized minorities when in fact they are nothing more than tools used to entrench the positions of power, to eliminate resistance to their aims and objectives and to silence, once and for all every voice that fails to sing in the chorus of the State. The reason men like Cass Sunstein are employed by the State is because the veil has begun to fall. When people begin to question the veracity of the government, the next step, logically, is to question the legitimacy of the institutions that keep it in power. It is not a safe or reassuring thing to believe that your government is capable of plotting to kill you or those you love for it’s own ends, it is frightening, and demoralizing. It is also the first step in reclaiming our sovereignty. Just as no rational person would want to remain in a relationship with someone who repeatedly lies and cheats, neither would they be expected to offer allegiance to a State that would do worse. …. The problem when conspire usurps aspire
Whenever a presumed dumb people, and easily enough led by media people, become significantly more intelligent than was ever previously thought able, do the heads of failing controlling organisations heed and rightly need to fear for their very own personal and institutional existence and the lives of all around and dear to them? Does the system turn grindingly slowly but ever more surely against them, and deliver them as valid targets, in order that command and control systems survive differently in the future in a brand new phorm phished from the ether?
Or is that put in place by other men and/or smarter beings, with systems just doing their bidding in revised programs?

amanfromMars 1 Sat 19 Dec 10:39 [1512191039] ….. spreading the gospel on
Re: My outrage fuse blew out long ago and was replaced with a circuit breaker trip switch
Hi, Suburban Inmate,
Take heart. The natives are revolting and evolving everywhere .......
Many people believe that the restriction on free speech, the rise of the PC movement, the talk of microaggressions and safe spaces are about protecting marginalized minorities when in fact they are nothing more than tools used to entrench the positions of power, to eliminate resistance to their aims and objectives and to silence, once and for all every voice that fails to sing in the chorus of the State. The reason men like Cass Sunstein are employed by the State is because the veil has begun to fall. When people begin to question the veracity of the government, the next step, logically, is to question the legitimacy of the institutions that keep it in power. It is not a safe or reassuring thing to believe that your government is capable of plotting to kill you or those you love for it’s own ends, it is frightening, and demoralizing. It is also the first step in reclaiming our sovereignty. Just as no rational person would want to remain in a relationship with someone who repeatedly lies and cheats, neither would they be expected to offer allegiance to a State that would do worse. …. The problem when conspire usurps aspire
Whenever a presumed dumb people, and easily enough led by media people, become significantly more intelligent than was ever previously thought able, do the heads of failing controlling organisations heed and rightly need to fear for their very own personal and institutional existence and the lives of all around and dear to them? Does the system turn grindingly slowly but ever more surely against them, and deliver them as valid targets, in order that command and control systems survive differently in the future in a brand new phorm phished from the ether?
Or is that put in place by other men and/or smarter beings, with systems just doing their bidding in revised programs?
Re: Why would you expect anything else
Well, be thankful that at least some people in Government are not swayed by the mob ..... Jove
By Jove, methinks that can easily mark them as being legitimate targets for the mob and mobsters alike, Jove.
'Tis a strange new mad mad world in deed, indeed, is IT not?

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