amanfromMars 1 Sun 6 Dec 19:58 [1512061958] …. saying more on
Re: ****
Have the fat cats got everyone's tongues? The silence is deafening here and now.
Do you choose to deny and/or ignore the above**** and its supporting report from a Fatherland figure here ......
And ..... How spooky is this Registered version of J'accuse, which spins a not at all dissimilar tale and facts which create growing pain problems for fictions. Oh dear, what a shame .... not. ........
amanfromMars [1512062052] ….. having a say on
The internet is the medium for that which and the few who choose to enable and are able to make a difference, DB. And as a relative few become more than just a many, is the future guaranteed to be nothing at all like the present and its pasts. And man, is it and IT going to be something altogether different …..
And hold on, what’s “ Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Daily Bell.” Daily Bell? Is that not a slippery slope which has done for many an enterprise? That was never ever here before, was it? Are there posters causing problems?
amanfromMars 1 Mon 7 Dec 04:13 [1512070413] ….. ploughing a straight furrow on
Re: Platform @Stoneshop .... and Novel Platforms with Greater Light Speeding AIRCraft*
Howdy, Stoneshop,
There are those under no delusions working systems administrations in virtual platforms of operation realising Windows is muchmore olde business planphorm than leading edge executive base vessel and useful enough for conditions in those sorts of fields in virtual team terrains.
* Advanced IntelAIgent Research Craft
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