Friday, 25 March 2016


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Mar 17:12 [1603241712] ….. adding more still to the mix and fix on
AIReal Fab Fabless Game Changer in Deed, indeed
Second or third wave of attack in a hot WWCW* will be wiping out the attacker's debts on the opposition's financial systems. .... allthecoolshortnamesweretaken
That would be real smart, and have lots of enthusiastic support, allthecoolshortnamesweretaken. And IT would create a wholly New Orderly World Order with CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] unencumbered by Holy Orders too. New Virtualised Drivers for Ancient and Modern SCADA SysAdmins.
And 'tis most probably a current APT ACT and AI Work in Progress which cannot be stopped, only driven, and that makes it and IT a terrifying subject and object of both desire and dread to more than just a few in the know, with a need to know.
And Man, are they an Almighty Weapon of Phenomenal Resort ‽ .
amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Mar 17:50 [1603241750] ….. getting a tad spooky on
Re: AIReal Fab Fabless Game Changer in Deed, indeed
And 'tis most probably a current APT ACT and AI Work in Progress which cannot be stopped, only driven, and that makes it and IT a terrifying subject and object of both desire and dread to more than just a few in the know, with a need to know.
Hmmm? No sooner said than already apparently done and betatested …….

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