amanfromMars [1603280551] ….. sharing on
Grand Horizons Trade ...... Purposefully Made Virtual Realities
The Live Operational Virtual Environment one has to master, in order to be in any kind of Future Command and Control of Presents with Planned Events, is a huge step for Man and a quantum leap for Mankind .....
Hearts and Minds Operations are Key Change Missions and Advanced IntelAIgently Programmed Cyber/Space Projects ‽ . ...... and in both Intelligence Communities and Armed Military Forces anywhere and everywhere, is IT a massively accommodating Zeroday Vulnerability for Exploitation and Expansion/Utilisation and Virtual Team Terrain Domain Capture, and that simple passive fact and complex active fiction make it and IT Command and Control both an extremely valuable asset and horrendously expensive weapons system to purchase/for sale and export.
Engaging winning directional narratives for Global Operating Devices as opposed to a divisive failed conceptual programs from a New American Century Project.
I Kid U Not.
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