Saturday, 21 January 2017


Graham C [1701210708] …..sharing a development on
Words create, command and control and collapse worlds. Welcome to the Great Game ..... now opening and playing a whole new iteration with novel intelligent editions which suffer not the folly of fools.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 21 Jan 09:11 [1701210911] ….. playing IT for Real on
The Top Secret Top Secret Ingredient ...... for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Bombes
Collecting national intelligence and foreign metadata from/on citizens is for busy fools on a crazy mission. Placing it freely and widely into the public domain is creatively subversive and disruptively revolutionary and leads with media reacting with stories you can believe to be real.
Words create, command and control and collapse worlds. Welcome to the Great Game ..... now opening and playing a whole new iteration with novel intelligent editions which suffer not the folly of fools?
And shared here in question form lest a statement be considered an arrogance drivering an ignorant following ........ although is that not how everything past fools you into accepting a news item and media production as a current unfolding reality to marvel at?
Change the script, realise whole new brave worlds ...... with words. It aint difficult if you know what you are doing and what to do differently.
I Kid U Not.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 21 Jan 12:53 [1701211253] ….. providing some requested info on
Re: Huh! @Mystic Megabyte
Maybe the following from this page will help you understand the sleight of hand, weak of mind policy, Mystic Megabyte.
I’ve read a number of articles this week which glowingly praise President Obama’s accomplishments. Others offer scathing critiques.
Most tend to focus on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), i.e. Obamacare, suggesting that reforming healthcare is one of his most important legacies.
Maybe so.
There are undoubtedly millions of people who now have medical insurance that never had insurance before.
And that is certainly a noble accomplishment.
The problem is that focusing on this single metric is a terrible premise.
Millions of people are no longer uninsured. Check. But that’s where their thinking stops.
What’s the overall quality in the system? What’s the cost?
Those metrics are conveniently overlooked.
Not even two months ago, the Obama administration was forced to publicly acknowledge that healthcare premiums will rise by an average of 25% in just a single year under Obamacare.
Plus, many consumers will only have a single option to choose from as a number of major insurance companies scale back insurance policies they offer.
The administration also admitted last year that overall healthcare spending continues to rise, surpassing $10,000 per person for the first time ever.
Then there’s a question of quality and efficiency.
In 2016, a Johns Hopkins study concluded that the number of preventable medical errors has soared in recent years and is now the third leading cause of death in the United States.
Obviously no one can blame Barack Obama for this trend.
But that’s precisely the point: it’s impossible for any program to be successful when the way you define success is so fundamentally flawed.
Obamacare focuses on one thing: coverage. Are more people insured? Yes. And in their mind, that makes it successful.
But anyone who looks at the big picture will reach an entirely different conclusion.
Premiums rose. Overall spending increased. Quality didn’t improve. Americans aren’t getting healthier.
(Not to mention the matter of that $2 billion website…)
However noble the intentions, it’s hard to consider these results a major success worthy of an enduring legacy.
Nothing is ever as it seems whenever only half truths are aired and lauded.
amanfromMars said... stealthy silent weapons testing in Virtual Areas 51 and 42 with a reply on
Most certainly, more interesting and entangling novel times ahead, Anonymous ..... with a whole fleet of new leading players, state and non-state actors.
21 January 2017 at 09:22

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