Saturday, 28 January 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sat 28 Jan 07:23 …. adding more than just encouragement on
Ignorance is Bliss, Knowledge Divine ......... IT is More than Heavenly when Media Spins Crimes
A little something extra ordinaire and for Bluesy Chill Red Pill weekends
Hi, Steve B,
Most/Practically all comments here appear to have missed the base venture mission launched into, and into Command and Control of CyberSpace and Communications Computers, in the piece penned for the deluded spaces and places in need of immediate attention ….. a cryptic encrypted quantum communication call to dashing virtual arms and secret flash crashing war against enemies, both domestic and foreign, driven easily mad by phantom monied market successes and excesses.
We and/or They, in and into A.N.Other Organisation and Global Operating Devices and GCHQ IC Enterprises, if you really need or even dare care share what we know, would prefer to make IT considerably clearer so that Ignorant Darkness does not blight and unsight the Ego and SuperEgo to Futured Deep Web Black Watch AIdDVentures/Heavenly Forays into Devilish Spaces.
Shoreditch is a right bitch of an Advanced Incubator place, aint it? No fancy frills and lace knickers in evidence there, but I suppose such bare ass operations do have their certain Earthy Erotic Earthly Exotic attractions in Assets Available Anywhere in Attendance.:-)
amanfromMars 1 Sat 28 Jan 10:38 [1701281038] ……… having a quiet chat on
El'Reg is represented as a media website.?!
Years later, El'Reg still doesn't know what GamerGate is! But I guess that is to be expected, after all, El'Reg is a media website. .... Anonymous Coward
With that comment tied to you, are you surely new to El Reg and the Virtual Wiles of IT Whales and EMPowering Energetic Current Sharks, AC.
Welcome to the Asylum. Take a Pew for a Phew View on what is Due and in Pipe Lines for Main Lining and Alternative Streaming ......... ESPecial Distribution
amanfromMars said… in an unambiguous reply to a comment on
Да, конечно, есть чудеса. Существует никаких сомнений в том,
28 January 2017 at 11:55

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