Tuesday, 31 January 2017


amanfromMars 1 Tue 31 Jan 08:13 [1701310813] ….. voicing another perspective on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/01/30/sony_dvd_write_down/
Real Sony is doomed if it is not a Cruising AIMissile and into Deep See Phishing
When Sony got out of the hardware business and acquired more media, that was the beginning of their downfall.
Nobody has thought of Sony as an innovator in a long time. … ecofeco
Their, and Japan’s renaissance, is then dependent upon their creation and distribution of novel future reality productions for virtual presentation and global immersion/reactive participation and rewarding competition.
Failure to enter the field and dominate opposition has one serving as slave drone and master clone servering foreign goods and pondering alien policies, world wide webbed adventurism and mass money market manipulation/front-running and shorting for circuit breaking.
Do you recognise any other nation/elite executive systems administration/secret organisation doing that bidding for Grand Mastery of the Greatest of Great Games Plays …. or trying devilishly hard to do it covertly and clandestinely, and doing it extremely badly in the process?
The World's Orders are changed and there have been recent Seismic Quantum Command and Control Shifts for Remote Universal Leverage Enactment.
Surely you are not to say you haven't noticed, whenever madness and mayhem, chaos and confusion confront you with the main stream media hosting its shows every day for you ...... for you enlightenment and engagement and entertainment. Oh how easily are you led to believe what you are told and shown by audiovisual telecommunications to be a true rather than contrived reality .... and therefore in all honesty, is your existence proven to be in a virtual reality ....... Live Operational Virtual Existence with and for Global Operating Devices.
Capiche, Sony-san. Is there anything you need exclusively provided to proceed?
amanfromMars 1 Tue 31 Jan 13:05 [1701311305] …… adding more to https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/2/2017/01/30/sony_dvd_write_down/
Re: Real Sony is doomed if it is not a Cruising AIMissile and into Deep See Phishing
Oh, and here be an enigmatic variation on the same "The World as you don't know and recognise it" theme ....... http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/universe-hologram-holographic-evidence-3d-astrophysics-university-of-southampton-a7553766.html
So ........ are we subjects in, and objects of fake news stories or is such the naked unbridled truth as is now being discovered and uncovered?
Will IT drive your mad, and that may be just even madder than you presently be, or can you handle the truth, and driver it in a helpful creative direction for novel leadership[s]?

amanfromMars 1 Tue 31 Jan 19:11 [1701311911] … chatting on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/01/31/human_memory_biggest_security_issue/
Oh please .... let's be serious with zero bullshitting.
The lack of human intelligence is the problem ...... everywhere. And aint that the gospel?
In humans though, may that be default and normal.

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